A SWEET SURPRISE: Bell Intermediate student Julian Labunog and Enders Elementary student Elizah Labunog received a sweet surprise this week when their mother, U.S. Army Reservist Dely Labunog, came home 2-weeks early after serving in Kuwait and Iraq for more than a year. Her husband Fabian Labunog worked with the school principals to coordinate the surprise return.
At Bell Intermediate, Dely dressed up in the school’s Roadrunner mascot to surprise Julian during his math lesson. His classmates cheered as the Roadrunner revealed herself while Julian was unknowingly teaching the mascot about math. Julian was thrilled to see his mom who he believed wasn’t coming home until October at the earliest. At Enders Elementary School, first grader Elizah Labunog was told a special visitor was here from the military, but she did not know it was her mom until she walked through her classroom door.
Dely who graduated from Rancho Alamitos High School has been in the service for 12 years.