Oldsmar City Manager's
Weekly Update
April 10, 2020
Official City Seal
Oldsmar City Manager
Al Braithwaite

Greetings from a mostly vacant City Hall, where we continue to try and provide necessary services, while dealing with the adjustments to life activities caused by COVID-19.  The Federal Government had predicted that the past two weeks would be the worst of it, and while we don’t know if that has proven to be true, we certainly hope so.  Your City employees continue to serve, and stand ready to do anything that public service requires, within the restrictions in place by the Governor’s, County and Mayor’s Executive Orders. The details of which can be found on our City website - CLICK HERE.
OLDSMAR EGG HUNT - Social Distancing Style
We're challenging Oldsmar neighborhoods to create a city-wide social distancing Egg Hunt! Get creative with your designs & display on Sunday, April 12, where they can be seen from a safe distance. Share your egg-cellent creations on social media with #OldsmarEggHunt

Oldsmar's Leisure Services Department has been working diligantly to provide additional resources for all of our residents - EXPLORE, WELLNESS, ACTIVITIES, and EDUCATION TABS.

The Tuesday, April 7, 2020, Oldsmar City Council meeting was hosted in a virtual setting as we practice social distancing. You can always view the meetings on the City's YouTube Channel.