Opening and more ...
Green is Go
The shop is now open Wednesday through Saturday from 1:00 until 4:00 p.m.  You can still make a 30-minute appointment for yourself during these hours.

  • We will allow 4 healthy shoppers in the store at one time. 
  • We will indicate the number of customers in the shop with red and green cards at the front and back door – two at each one. 
  • A red card indicates that a customer is in the shop. 
  • A green card indicates there is an opening for someone to come in to shop. 
  • To enter, you will need to ring the doorbell we’ve installed. When we let you in, we will turn the card.

Please remember, you must wear a mask.

You can read the Nitty Gritty details here: Knotted Needle Covid 19 Operations
The Knotted Needle now has text messaging!  
Because we can't always see you in person, and need to send pictures and have quick info sharing, we now have a Mini iPad to help us help you more.
For Texting:  313-970-0309
Yoshi & Lucky Isabel in
Dark Magic Colorway
Ellen and Susan are making movies!
Ellen and Susan have made two videos so far, introducing new yarns and new colors in the shop. They are posted on our Facebook page weekly. Check them out!

Don't miss the chance to get a free Pattern from Rowan Yarns from now until July 15. The Knotted Needle carries a variety of Rowan Yarns. Free Patterns at Rowan
The other stuff
Everyone must wear a mask. If you don’t have, one, we will provide one.

You may not wear your gloves in the shop because we don’t know where your gloves have been. 

When you enter we will be asked you to use the alcohol-based sanitizer we will provide. If you prefer, we will provide you with new gloves to wear while shopping. 

· When you arrive, we will ask you to sign in.

Physical distancing of 6 feet needs be maintained.

Credit cards and checks only please.