Your TTN friends are here for you…

How can this be? Just when many of us are feeling vulnerable and want most to be with friends, we are told to stay home, stay apart. While we can’t be physically together as we fight this pandemic, our TTN-NYC Chapter has ways to keep us connected during this difficult time... MORE

 Mary McCaffrey, 3 Year Member
Newsletter Editor

TTN Member Ellen Hart is proprietor and namesake of the world-famous Ellen’s Stardust Diner, but Ellen was first renowned in New York City as a Miss Subways in 1959, one of 200 women that held the title from 1941 to 1976. Over the past few decades, Ellen has been hosting reunions for former Miss Subways at her Diner where the largest collection of Miss Subways posters hangs. ...  MORE

Nancy Gold, 5 Year Member

When someone forgets to respond to your lunch invitation? When a friend arrives late to a meeting? When your spouse/significant other corrects you in public? When your friend betrays a secret and embarrasses you?
When you are interrupted at a meeting ... MORE

What's really at the root of our need for friendship? Did you know that friendship is as important as diet and exercise to our overall well-being?

At this TTN National event we're excited to have Lydia Denworth, science journalist and author of Friendship: The Evolution, Biology, and Extraordinary Power of Life's Fundamental Bond as our guest presenter.

Want to learn more about the science of friendship and some truths that will help you better understand why we need these important interpersonal relationships.... MORE

 Harriet Shenkman
3 Year Member

What Ever Happened to Nancy?

In the comic book, she sported an Afro, her bow resting like a bird in a nest. She never...  MORE

Sally Dougan, 17 Year Member

As we know, many events scheduled for March were cancelled due to the self-isolation rules, but intrepid TTNers managed to attend three great ones in person before the shelter-in-place orders -- and thereafter in various forms, keeping us connected in these difficult times via Zoom and Skype calls, webinars... MORE 
Nancy Gold, 5 Year Member

Kicking the can down the road is just another way of describing procrastination. We all do it in one form or another and some of us more often than not. Three of our readers gave feedback on how they kicked
the can and how they felt about it. I will let these eloquent stories speak for themselves....  MORE 

Caring Collaborative orientation will be available online starting April 23.  In the orientation session, you will learn how the CC works: how privacy is protected; what can and cannot be provided; and guides for helping each other in respectful, supportive ways... MORE 
A Warm Welcome to Our New Members
Susanne Beck, Melissa Bone,
Judith Garcia, Smadar Giladi,
Ina Goldberg, Bette Kestenbaum,
Faye Kilstein, Pamela Koller,
Phyllis Melhado, Marion Palen,
Patricia Sarnataro
Got an idea for an article or a regular column?

Contact - Shawndra Card-Grant - Production Editor