Catholic Charities Prayer for Racial Healing

God of justice,
In your wisdom you create all people in your image, without exception.
Through your goodness, open our eyes to see the dignity,  beauty,
and worth of every human being.

Open our minds to understand that all your children
are brothers and sisters in the same human family.

Open our hearts to repent of racist attitudes, behaviors, and speech
which demean others. Open our ears to hear the cries of those wounded by
racial discrimination, and their passionate appeals for change.

Strengthen our resolve to make amends for past injustices and to right the wrongs
of history. And fill us with courage that we might seek to heal wounds, build bridges, forgive and be forgiven, and establish peace and equality for all in our communities.

In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
July is National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month

Despite advances in health equity, disparities in mental healthcare persist. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)  reports that racial and ethnic minority groups in the U.S. are less likely to have access to mental health services, less likely to use community mental health services, more likely to use emergency departments, and more likely to receive lower quality care. Poor mental health care access and quality contribute to poor mental health outcomes, including suicide, among racial and ethnic minority populations.
Catholic Charities Behavioral Health Services provides outpatient counseling services to individuals with emotional, behavioral and mental health concerns such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, substance abuse recovery and loss of a loved one. We also provide psychiatric services including assessments, evaluations, and medication management. Treatment is offered by our caring licensed professionals' in-person, and through easy access via video-link, to individuals, couples, families, and groups. The program accepts many third party insurance payments, including Medicare and Medicaid.  For those who are uninsured or underinsured, our sliding fee scale is available to make counseling affordable.

"The world has hundreds of languages...a smile speaks them all..."
- Anonymous
Call the Catholic Charities office nearest you to learn how our Behavioral Health Services can help you. In New Castle County, call 302-655-9624; in Kent County, call 302-674-1600; 
in Sussex County, call 302-856-9578; and on Maryland's Eastern Shore, call 410-651-9608. You can learn more about the program by clicking here.
To make a donation to our Behavioral Services Program, please click here. In the "Please designate my gift to the following Ministry" dropdown menu, please choose "Behavioral Health Services".
Support Catholic Charities with AmazonSmile

Support Catholic Charities while enjoying a little retail shopping therapy! 
Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases to
the charitable organization of your choice -
no fees, no extra cost.
Thank you to our 199 AmazonSmile shoppers that have
helped us raise $1,572 dollars to date!

AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service.

Support Catholic Charities by joining AmazonSmile and
shopping through our page, by clicking here.
Energy Assistance Applications Available July 1st

The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), administered in Delaware by Catholic Charities, will accept applications beginning Monday, July 1, 2020 for the upcoming heating season. This federally funded program assists low-income Delawareans with heating bills through direct payments to home energy suppliers. The LIHEAP benefit is based on a household's income, size, and type of fuel.
LIHEAP offers the following support with one annual application:
Fuel Assistance provides home heating assistance for eligible households who need help paying winter energy bills. LIHEAP does not pay for all heating costs. Eligible households receive one annual benefit.
Energy Crisis Intervention when activated, ECIP provides assistance for eligible households in an emergency situation. This supplemental benefit can be in addition to the regular fuel assistance benefit.
Summer Cooling / Electric Assistance  helps eligible households by paying a portion of summer electric bills. Eligible households receive one annual benefit, if funds are available. Electric vendors may apply this benefit to electric use from June 1 through August 31.  Households must be approved for other LIHEAP assistance in order to qualify for a Summer Cooling electric benefit.
LIHEAP Eligibility
You may be eligible for assistance if your total household income falls within income eligibility guidelines. For example, a household of 4 can have no more than $52,530 in annual household income (before taxes).  Click here to learn more about eligibility requirements. To see if you qualify, make an appointment with a Catholic Charities office for an interview. Catholic Charities will accept 2021 LIHEAP heating assistance applications beginning July 1, 2020.

To apply for 2021 LIHEAP heating assistance, please complete, sign, and submit an application, along with copies of the required documents listed below. 
Click here for an application.

New LIHEAP applicants must call their county office to schedule a "curbside" in-person   
appointment and bring required documents to their appointment.

Last year LIHEAP applicants may submit their 2021 LIHEAP application in one of the following ways: 

Mail, Fax or Drop Off (each location has a drop box) at one of these Catholic Charities offices:

Last year LIHEAP applicants may also call and schedule a "curbside" in-person appointment, and bring required documents to their appointment.

Required documents to bring to your scheduled appointment:
  • Social Security Cards for all members 6 months of age and older
  • Proof of U.S. Citizenship, (i.e. U.S. Birth Certificates/Naturalization papers) or qualified alien status
  • Proof of Delaware Residency
  • Photo ID with proof of current address
  • Copy of utility bill (electric, natural gas, propane etc.)
  • Lease, if renter, or proof of home ownership
  • 3 months of income documentation for all adults in the household
  • Proof of Fixed Income
  • Proof of Unemployment Compensation or Child Support
  • Proof of the amount of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
Click here for more information about LIHEAP.
Our Services Remain Open!
Please visit our  website for the latest  information on how to access services.

Catholic Charities serves the most vulnerable in Delaware and the 
Eastern Shore of Maryland, regardless of religion, race, or ability to pay.

For more information about Catholic Charities, click here.
To learn about becoming a Volunteer, click here.
To learn about employment opportunities, click here.
To follow us on Facebook, click here.

Catholic Charities Mission
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Wilmington exists to help fulfill the Christian duty to love and serve God's people. Our mission is rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The universal and local Church proclaims the Gospel and teaches the recognition of the dignity and sacredness of each human life and the belief that we are called to share our resources with the most vulnerable among us.

It is the mission of Catholic Charities to address human suffering and to promote and restore
the well-being of people and society by:
* Providing, as a primary focus, caring service to families and persons in need;
* Coming together with members of the community to become informed about and to take action on critical social issues; and,
* Advocating publicly for social policies which enhance human dignity and safeguard basic human rights.

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