Growing in faith, serving with love
Congregational Update
Dear Family,
Yesterday, we sent out our plan detailing our phased reopening plan for the summer. My hope is that this plan gives us a way for us to continue to live out our mission while we learn to live in a new word full of new normals. If you have any questions about our plan, please reach out to me personally.
As we take steps forward, one step of faith at a time, I continue to ask for you patience as well as your prayers. Our leadership is doing an amazing job guiding our church into a new season. Please know that, as circumstances and information has changed at a rapid rate, so too could our plans. We will continue to watch what is happening around us while prayerfully discerning where God is leading us. for that reason, we are in need of your prayer and support! Thank you to all who have ached out with feedback and encouragement. They serve as fuel for our fire in these times.
In Christ,
Pastor Dan
Thank you and God Bless, Marlyce!
After 18 years of serving as our Music Director and Organist, Marlyce is retiring, and May 31 will be her last day with us. When she announced her retirement to the Session last fall, we set this date thinking we would be able to celebrate her service to our congregation. Unfortunately, this terrible pandemic has postponed that celebration. When we can gather again, we will set a date in the fall to properly celebrate and recognize Marlyce. In the meantime, be sure to reach out to her to convey your gratitude for all she has done for us! Cards and well wishes can be sent to the church office.

 This Sunday's Virtual Worship
You will receive an email on Sunday morning
with this week's worship packet.

Psalm 23
Acts 2:1-4
I Will Guide You

If you have any prayer requests, please email Pastor Dan at

Are you in need of a pastoral visit? Pastor Dan would love to connect with you virtually. To schedule a visit, please email Pastor Dan at

For all the links to our ZOOM gatherings, click  here.
Thank you to everyone who has given online or by mail! Our combined generosity will enable us to be the church Christ calls us to be. You can give by clicking the “give online” button or by mailing a check to our church office at:
FPC Tequesta
482 Tequesta Drive
Tequesta, FL 33469
Coming Up Next Week
Drive-in Prayer Service: Join us next Sunday, June 7 at 11am in the church parking lot for a brief service of music, scripture reading, and prayer. The live audio will be broadcast onto the radio, so all you have to do is park your car and tune in! An order for worship with instructions will be posted on our website and will be available in the next Thursday update.
ZOOM Communion service: Bring your bread & juice to celebrate the Lord's Supper at home with your church family! Join us on June 7th at 7pm for a brief service that will include at-home communion. All are welcome.
Meeting ID: 876 9746 5568
Family Highlight
The Sundrud Family

While undoubtedly challenging, we have found this time of quarantine to be filled with opportunities to grow as family members and closer to God. Laila and Gabriel have navigated their way through the end of their distance learning curriculum, with perhaps ‘a bit’ of help from mom and dad. Laila has used some of her extra time at home to develop into quite the artist, culminated by an amazing animè drawing of a girl wearing a facemask (appropriate for these times). With his less-rigid school and sports schedule, Gabriel has found a new love of bicycle play, particularly ‘bike tag’ and jumping (he tells us he’s only fallen a few times). Gabe also celebrated his 12th birthday on May 7!

Erika continues to engage with the Church through her service as a Deacon. She has also enjoyed a bit of COVID-induced time away from business travel. Mark has been juggling work with the trials and tribulations of home-schooling. He has enjoyed using his education and training as a scientist (Immunologist) to contribute to the Church’s coronavirus taskforce. All of us send warm wishes to our church family!
Ministry Highlight

Last week, our preschool celebrated our graduating 4 year-olds by hosting a drive-through graduation ceremony. It was a special way to recognize our youngest disciples who will move on to kindergarten next year.

First Presbyterian Church | 561-746-5161 | |