Dear Bet Torah Family:

We have been in this wilderness hoping to head towards a promised land for a while now and yet holy things continue to happen in our community. I wrote about this and the Forward published the article which you can read here

I also want you to know that I heard from the Mt Kisco Food Pantry and Neighbors Link that so many of you have answered our recent calls to support their work at addressing our neighbors' basic needs. Thank you for meeting this moment with such generosity. 

This weekend is Shavuot and tomorrow night we invite you to learn with me, Rabbi Sacks and members of our Paired Learning Program

Friday morning we we will be celebrating our Adult B'nei Mitzvah: Lisa Green, Cara Hiller, Bebe Isaacs, Jennifer Saine-Griff and Alice Perlman!

You can find links for the above and more coming later today in the Into Shabbat email. 

Also, join us for our Annual Membership Meeting at 10am this Sunday morning. Help us celebrate our community. Zoom link:  and password 202060.

Finally, we thought it would be important to record people's stories and experiences during this time in the spirit of us being the "people of the book." If you like to write consider sending in a submission:

Journaling@Bet Torah

Bet Torah is introducing a new initiative to provide everyone -  adults, college students, teens and kids  - with a fresh creative outlet, as well as to develop a kind of record of our community's experience during this challenging moment in time. Every week or two, a prompt will be offered for your reflection and written response. Your work can be of any length and style...prose, song lyrics, maybe a haiku? There are no rules here! You can choose to journal only for yourself or share it with the larger community. If the latter, we would just like your permission to edit and post to our social media/web site for the community to enjoy.
Please email your entries to Amy Oringel at [email protected] . Also, feel free to contact her if you have any questions or are interested in submitting your story/oral history through a recorded conversation.
Ok, to kick things off, here's the first prompt:
May 18, 2020: Write a letter to your younger self. What do you know now that you wish you had known at an earlier point in your life, with 'earlier' being thirty years ago or last month. Do you have advice, wisdom, knowledge for younger you at a specific moment in your life or just in general? If you choose, think about how this experience of the pandemic has changed or influenced your perspective on the past.

Chag Sameach and Shabbat Shalom,


Rabbi Aaron Brusso
Bet Torah
60 Smith Avenue
Mount Kisco, NY 10549