Updates in Pediatrics
Editor: Jack Wolfsdorf, MD, FAAP
header with photos of various children
December 1, 2021 | Volume 12 | Issue 48
Surgical outcomes in obese patients with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS)
Increases in childhood obesity continue as a world-wide epidemic with substantial deleterious effects on children’s short- and long-term health. Complications include hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, glucose intolerance with Type 2 diabetes, breathing problems like asthma and sleep apnea, joint and muscle abnormalities, fatty liver, gallstones, gastrointestinal reflux, psychological problems, low self-esteem, bullying and stigma to name just a few.

A multicenter research consortium (11 Centers in the Southern US) reviewed perioperative complications in overweight/obese (85-<95th percentile) adolescents (751 patients) with AIS after treatment with posterior spinal fusion.

Obese/overweight adolescents with AIS undergoing posterior spinal fusion treatment are more frequently from lower socioeconomic groups, have increased superficial surgical site infections, wound dehiscence, readmission rates and estimated blood loses, increasing sequentially between children who are normal in weight, overweight or obese. 
"Vancomycin Dosing:
From Trough to AUC"

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