Week of March 1, 2021
Upcoming Important Dates
March 1-12: All students ALL IN! 

March 9: ACT Day for all Juniors. Grades 6-8 will report to school as scheduled. Grades 9, 10, 12: Teachers will assign asynchronous work for all classes that day. We will need all available teachers to assist with protocoling the ACT and will need utilize more rooms to provide appropriate spacing. Juniors will be dismissed after they are finished with the ACT. Self-contained special education units will report as usual.

March 15: Second staff vaccination day; All Students remote with asynchronous work

March 16: Staff vaccination recovery day; All students remote with asynchronous work

March 17 and on: All students all in!

April 2-9: Spring Break 

April 12: 4th Quarter Begins
Watch this informational video from Mr. Vicha with important reminders as we prepare for "All In" on March 1.
Please note that we are returning to our original bell schedule. Click here to view a PDF of the MS/HS Bell Schedule.
Remote Learning Option
As we continue to welcome students back into Fairview High School/Mayer Middle School for in-person learning, parents/guardians have the option to either keep or enroll their child into the Remote Learning Option. Those students who are currently enrolled in the RLO WILL REMAIN unless a change is desired. If you wish to add your child to RLO or remove, please email Mrs. Tieri at atieri@fairview.k12.oh.us

If you wish to pick up school meals while your student is staying remote, please sign up here.

All- In Students:  If you have chosen to attend school all-in and are not feeling well or need to miss school for any reason, you must call/email the attendance office as you normally would to report the absence. If your child chooses to login remotely, they may do so, however the absence will still be counted.

Remote Learning Students: If you will not be able to login to your class because you are not feeling well or need to miss school for any reason, you must also call/email the attendance office to report the absence.

Ms. Lockwood can be reached at 440-356-3500 ext 4104 or jlockwood@fairview.k12.oh.us

Picture day is scheduled as follows:

HS Students:Tuesday, March 23rd in HS Gym.
MS Students: Wednesday, March 24th in the MS Gym.
Students who are in the building will be directed to the Gym by their English Teacher.

Students who are enrolled in our Remote Learning Option (RLO) will have the opportunity to come in and have their picture taken as well! Please come anytime between 8:25 - 1:00pm. If you are a HS student, please enter from the HS Main Entrance and head to the HS Gym. If you are a MS student, please enter from the MS Main Entrance and head to the MS Gym. Please follow the dates listed above. If you have any questions, please call your school's main office.
Warriors of the Month
Kaila O. - 7th Grade
The 7th grade team is proud to announce Kaila O. as Warrior of the Month. Kaila has attributes that set her aside from her peers and she is wise beyond her years. Aside from being a hardworking, conscientious student, Kaila brings cheerful conversation and an optimistic attitude to class, which is exactly what we need during these tough winter months. In Math & Science, she is a critical thinker who approaches problems from multiple angles. She is engaged and enthusiastic, which is contagious among her peers. Mr. C says, “Kaila is an outstanding musician. She goes above and beyond as a leader in the trombone section and is always prepared for class.” In Language Arts class, Kaila is always participating both online and in person. She goes above and beyond with a true desire for further understanding of topics and concepts. Kaila is a creative writer who has great insight and discussions in Adv.English. Great work, Kaila!

Also nominated:
Nate S. - 6th Grade
Nicole G. - 8th Grade
Lily H. - 8th Grade
Stella C. - 11th Grade
Stella C. has been selected as Fairview High Schools Warrior of the Month! Stella is an exceptional young lady. She is always willing to go the extra mile and take the time to help others. Her passion for her work is obvious in how she perseveres through challenges and excels in her endeavors. Keep up the great work, Stella!

Also nominated:
Jessenia C. - 12th grade
The AIAA NOS is excited to announce the first ever Young Aerospace Visionaries Contest for K-12 students. Students are asked to share their futuristic vision of aerospace technology by creating an original picture depicting their vision and submitting it with an accompanying essay. Prizes will be awarded to the best submissions. The deadline is April 30th, 2021.

If this is something your child would be interested in, please follow the link listed below.

More information may be found here.
Fill the Truck Fundraiser
For those students who are interested in the U.S. Air Force:

The U.S. Air Force will be having a zoom presentation on 
March 9th at 6:00pm

If you are interested in learning more about the U.S. Air Force please follow the direction below.

Join Zoom Meeting: click this link
Meeting ID: 651 152 5860
Meeting Passcode: otYgSY
Summit Learning
Habits of Success are the social and emotional skills that enable students to be successful at both academic and non-academic pursuits. These include the skills to become a self-directed learner.
  • Making my own decisions and acting on them.
  • Take action to meet my goals without needing prompting from anyone else.
  • Recognize when I need help, know how to get it, and proactively go get it.
  • Advocate for a learning experience and environment that connects to my strengths, interests, and needs.
  • Notice the choices I make throughout the day and the effects that they have.
  • Seek out feedback from others to continue learning about my strengths, growth areas, and impact on others.
ATTENTION 7th and 8th Grade Girls!
Spring is right around the corner and SOFTBALL SEASON IS HERE!
Come and join our Warrior Middle School team!
Mandatory practices officially start March 15th. All are Welcome to come to optional practices starting Monday, March 1st. 

Please see COACH VIOLA in the Cafeteria for more details!  
If you are involved in travel for other club sports and want to give softball season a try, our coaches will work with you and your schedule! Come out and play!  
Mindful Mondays

Life is hard. Mindfulness can help.
Mindfulness refers to a set of practices, certain habits of mind - as well as a general way of being in life.
Mindfulness is awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally. It’s about knowing what is on your mind.
Another way to say it - mindfulness is paying attention to your life here and now with kindness and curiosity.

When + How?
Mindfulness can be done during sitting meditation, movement activities such as running, walking or yoga and even while eating, doing school work or during other typical daily moments.
Beginning on December 7th, join Mrs. Cory each Monday morning at 8:15 am to learn how to use mindfulness as a way to help with the challenges present in your daily life. Meet details below!
Mindfulness practices in schools have been shown to improve students’ emotional well-being, academic performance and relationships.
Email Mrs. Cory with questions or for more information!
Class code: sn5rcqi

From Ohio Department of Health
Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. If you or a loved one are experiencing anxiety related to the coronavirus pandemic, help is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Call the COVID-19 CareLine at 1-800-720-9616.
School fees for the 2020-2021 School Year have been applied to your student(s) PowerSchool Account. If you have any questions regarding this or need to make payment arrangements please contact Mrs. Tieri at atieri@fairview.k12.oh.us or 440-356-3500 x3101.
Attention Seniors and Parents!
Graduation will be here before we know it! Please note that in order for your student to receive their Cap and Gown, Diploma, and participate in Graduation Ceremonies (however they may be) all school fees must be paid before Graduation. Please contact Mrs. Tieri with any questions or concerns!
atieri@fairview.k12.oh.us or 440-356-3500 x 3101

In Addition - if you have not received and completed your Diploma information sheet sent out via email from the Principal's Office, please do so ASAP. The email sent to Senior Families included a google form asking for the required information. If you need access to this google form please reach out to Mrs. Bennhoff at sbennhoff@fairview.k12.oh.us or 440-356-3500 x 4106.
Family and Community Engagement (FACE)
The last few weeks I have been writing articles related to students returning to school... organization, sleep habits, etc. Here is a great resource from the CDC. 

The important items I have taken from this article are:
1) Talk to your child about precautions to take at school. Advise to: 
  • Wash and sanitize their hands more often. 
  • Keep physical distance from other students. 
  • Wear a mask. 
  • Avoid sharing objects with other students, including water bottles, devices, writing instruments, and books. 
  • Use hand sanitizer (that contains at least 60% alcohol.) Make sure you’re using a safe product. FDA recalled products that contain toxic methanol. Monitor how they feel and tell an adult if they are not feeling well.
2) Make sure your information is current at school, including emergency contacts and individuals authorized to pick up your child(ren) from school. (Log into your parent portal of PowerSchool scroll down to the bottom of the left hand side, where it says "Returning Student Registration," click and complete).
3) Pack multiple masks, so you can wash them daily and have back-ups ready. (label them)
4) Talk with your child about how school is going and about interactions with classmates and teachers. Find out how your child is feeling and communicate that what they may be feeling is normal.
5) If you feel your child may need some mental health support, call your child's counselor or myself. We have many options available to provide for your child and family.
and most important...

6) You can be a role model for your child by practicing self-care: 
◦ Take breaks
◦ Get plenty of sleep 
◦ Exercise 
◦ Eat well 
◦ Stay socially connected

Please - take a deep breath and know that we are all in this together and are here for each other!

Ms. Carrie Sullivan
FACE Coordinator
Fairview Park City Schoolsp: (440) 356-3500 ext 4117
School Counseling
Ms. Jennifer Parente
High School Student Counselor (10-12th grade)
440-356-3500 ext. 4103

Digital Request Form for students wanting to see Ms. Parente
Mrs. Mary Cory
Middle School Student Counselor (6-9th grade)
440-356-3510 ext. 3135

Digital Request Form for students wanting to see Mrs. Cory

Follow the counseling office on Twitter: @FviewCounselors
Click HERE to sign up for our Counseling Newsletter!

Read the latest edition of the Counselor Advantage
Mr. Joe Dianetti
Athletic Director
440-356-3500 ext. 4157

For all updates in regards to athletics, please refer to the district athletic page here and follow us on social media @FPWarriorSports
Mr. Chris Vicha
Campus Principal
440-356-3500 ext. 4100
Mr. Chris Honeck
Associate Principal
440-356-3500 ext. 4101
Tech Support (support@fairview.k12.oh.us)

Athletic Calendar (subject to change - for the most up to date schedule follow our twitter handle @FPWarriorSports)