Join us next Sunday
April 18, 2021
This "hero's journey" story shares lessons and truth that speak deeply to each of us. You don't have to have watched the movie to appreciate and receive its wisdom during this service. (But I recommend it!) If you do know it, please share with me what gems of wisdom you have taken away from it at, that we might share and learn together. Families, please contact me if your kiddos would like to participate.

Speakers: Rev. Michelle Yates

Due to COVID-19 we will be holding our worship services online
for the foreseeable future. We will hold on-line services
each Sunday at 10:30am (our regular worship time).
Upcoming Events &
Additional Announcements
Tuesdays | Drop-In Discussion: Boycott? Divest Sanctions?
Supporters of Palestinian Arabs have called for a boycott of Israel, similar to the boycott of South Africa in the apartheid era. Supporters of Israel say this is anti-Semitic and a threat to that nation's existence. Phil Ebersole will do his best to give an impartial account of the background of this issue, and lead a discussion. Drop-In Discussions are virtual! We meet on Tuesday nights from 6:30-7:30pm. Look on the First Universalist homepage for details and a link, or click the Zoom meeting link on the title of this description!

Wednesdays | Midweek Meditation
First Universalist Church will be hosting Midweek Meditation services with Rev. Lane and Rev. Michelle on Wednesdays from 11:30am-noon. A time to connect for deep breathing, meditation, singing, and silence. On second Wednesdays, an extra half hour of sharing will follow the traditional format. Look on the First Universalist homepage for details and a link, or click the Zoom meeting link on the title of this description!

From the Caring Committee
COVID-19 Vaccines are here. Many of us have already scheduled or received our COVID-19 vaccine; however, getting an appointment can be frustrating. If you are having trouble with the system, these numbers may be helpful: Lifespan: 585-232-3280; Office of the Aging: 585-325-2800—their offices can provide assistance. The good news is that more vaccines are becoming available and more vaccination venues are opening including Wegmans, CVS, Walgreens, and Rite Aid.

Apr. 18 at 2pm | The Jim and Eunice Eckberg Racial Justice Memorial Film Series| "What Happened, Miss Simone?"
Classically trained pianist, dive-bar chanteuse, black power icon and legendary artist Nina Simone lived a life of brutal honesty and musical genius. There are jarring insights into the mother, the activist and the tortured soul at the root of Simone's career, but it's the legendary songstress who ultimately shines through. Please preview the film: It can be found on Netflix and Amazon Prime, then join the virtual discussion! Look on the First Universalist homepage ( for more details and the Zoom link!

Grief Support Group - 8 Weeks Beginning May 5
A semi-structured support group for congregation members who are experiencing grief, following the loss of beloved family members. The group will be limited to 12 members who are asked to commit to attending all sessions. Facilitated by Theo Munson, Rev. Lane Campbell & Rev. Michelle Yates virtually via Zoom. The group will meet for 8 weeks on Wednesday evenings from 6-7:30pm beginning May 5, 2021. To sign up, please email Rev. Michelle at

Annual Leadership Retreat - Save the Date!
The annual Leadership Retreat will be held the morning of Saturday, April 24. More details to follow soon! The Leadership Retreat is open to anyone serving in a leadership role, interested in exploring a leadership role, is involved in the church or would like to learn more about ways to be involved.

Stewardship: Forward Through the Ages
Thanks to all who will keep us moving Forward Through the Ages by making a pledge to support the 2021-22 church budget! If we missed you, it’s not too late. Please return your pledge card as soon as possible, or, better yet, pledge online at, and click the Stewardship link. In our congregation, every person is important, and every pledge is important. Thank you!
Joys & Sorrows

  • A Joy from Kitty Forbush: My grandniece or grandnephew was born this past week. I am a great auntie!


  • A Sorrow for Our Country: The start of the George Floyd trial has been deeply troubling and difficult for many to watch. The very humanity of a Black man who was murdered by the state is on trial this week.
To submit an item for 'This Week' at First Universalist
please e-mail it to: 
(no later than noon on Wednesday of the week prior to publication)

Joys & Sorrows: Please send your Joys and Sorrows to be read at our Sunday Worship service to
Note: When you email a joy or sorrow to us, you give us permission to read it aloud at Sunday service and possibly publish it in this weekly email.
Thank you!

Rev. Lane Campbell,

Rev. Michelle Yates,
Minister of Life Span Faith Development
(585) 310-2484

Brock Tjosvold,
Director of Music

Emma Barry,
Office Manager
150 S. Clinton Avenue, Rochester, NY 14604
(585) 546-2826 |