Messages from Bishop San
Historic Ordinations Begin in the Diocese of Easton
On October 10th & 11th respectively, the first of our Deacon Postulants were ordained:
Lisa Webb (Emmanuel Chestertown) and Alisha King and Chris Sabas (St. Alban's)
On October 17th , Deacon Postulant Barbara Coleman was ordained (Christ Church, Easton)
The Diocese of Easton will be ordaining eight new Deacons this Fall - the culmination of three years or coursework and dedication. Four of those ordinations happened over the last two weekends, the remaining four are coming up soon. We are truly excited and honored to welcome this diverse class of individuals who represent several firsts for the Diocese, including the first two African Americans and the first Iranian American to be ordained in the Diocese.
Upcoming Ordinations

Laura Jean McCarthy
October 24, 2020 @ 11:00 a.m. – St. Peter’s Parish, Salisbury
Watch this Ordination: via St. Peter’s Facebook Page OR St. Peter’s Website

Marguerite A. Samuels
October 31, 2020 @ 11:00 a.m. – Shrewsbury Parish, Kennedyville
Watch this Ordination: via Shrewsbury Parish Church’s Facebook Page

Andrew C. Cropper
November 1, 2020 @ 3:00 p.m. – St. Paul’s Parish, Berlin
Watch this Ordination: via St. Paul’s Facebook Page

Stephanie B. Clayville
November 22, 2020 @ 3:00 p.m. – All Hallows, Snow Hill
Watch this Ordination: via All Hallows YouTube Page

Congratulations to our new Deacons.
Please keep their ministry in your prayers.

Stephanie B. Clayville
Barbara A. Coleman
Andrew C. Cropper
Alisha M. King
Laura Jean McCarthy
Christine J. Sabas
Marguerite A. Samuels
Dr. Katherine E. Webb
Bishop's Spotlight
The Bishop has been busy officiating at the Ordinations of our new Deacons and is looking
forward to doing the same for the remaining Deacon ordinands. He also began the Difference Course this week - as Easton is one of the pilot Diocese helping to bring the
program to the United States. On this past Tuesday, during the monthly meeting of Diocesan Clergy (Clericus), Bishop Sutton from the Diocese of Maryland presented on the reparation initiative voted on at their recent Convention.
Thank you for your continued support of the mission and ministries of our Diocese.
More from the Office of the Bishop
Board of Managers Shareholder Update

To our Shareholders,

This year has been a very worrisome one for all of us. Covid -19 has taken center stage followed closely by the economy and politics. The stock market has reflected those uncertainties. The Board of Managers has closely monitored markets, sentiment and the economy, and as a result, Easton Episcopal Funds has weathered the storm nicely. Like most investment funds, we declined in February-March, but not as much as the broad stock market. Additionally, we rebounded quicker and the entire portfolio is still ahead of the S&P 500 since the January highs.

Performance year-to-date was pretty good. We were up 8.32% through October 12, which was better than 73% of mutual funds with comparable investment objectives. Our 1, 3, and 5-year returns were all above 8.6%, placing us in the top 25% of the competitive universe.

In July 2020, Al Smith passed his leadership role as Vice Chair of the Board of Managers to me, but he continues as Vice Chair Emeritus. The whole team is intact with no change in participants.

As we look ahead, we see the typical election year jitters, but with a generally improving economy. Reports acknowledge that we are closing in on therapeutic remedies to Covid -19. While the full impact of these positive moves may not be felt for some time, we continue to believe that U.S. stocks will provide meaningful rewards over the long term. As always we continue to monitor markets closely and to make adjustments as necessary.


Chris Maxwell
Vice Chair, Board of Managers
2021 Apportionment to the Diocese of Easton

Preliminary Financial Commitments were due to the Diocesan Finance office by October 16, 2020. If you were unable to meet that date, please advise Art Kendall via email at with your best estimate. Please remember that all Vestry approvals and submission of your acceptance must be completed by December 31, 2019 so schedule your meetings accordingly. If you would like to receive an electronic copy of your Apportionment Commitment letter, please email the office.
Diocese of Easton Welcomes New Church Attorney
Bishop San & Canon Collins (behind the lens) enjoyed shared time and
fellowship over a meal, following a meeting with our newly appointed Chancellor,
Mr. Regan Smith, Esq. & newly appointed Church Attorney, Mr. Stewart Barroll, Esq..
The Diocesan Council voted unanimously on September 28, 2020 to approve the Bishop's nominee, Mr. R. Stewart Barroll, Esq., as Church Attorney to the Diocese of Easton. We are grateful to Mr. Barroll for his willingness to serve in this ministry, sharing his gifts, expertise, knowledge and time. Mr. Barroll's predecessor, Mr. Regan Smith, was recently appointed to Diocesan Chancellor after the retirement of Mr. Ernie Cornbrooks our long-serving Chancellor.
Letter & FAQ on the Protocols and Guidelines for
Resumption of In-Person Gatherings

As the world slowly reopens around us and regulations from the Governor change, there have been some frequently asked questions regarding the Diocese of Easton’s protocols and guidelines for regathering. Those questions are answered in this letter and FAQ page. We have also added a section of “addendums” at the bottom of the protocols (page 21) to house any significant changes that arise. 

The protocols still stand as a model for regathering that we expect our churches to follow, keeping in mind that our document is fluid as regards to updates from the CDC and government bodies. Please pay particular attention to your community’s local rate of infection as colder weather approaches.
Regathering Youth Groups in the Diocese of Easton

Youth groups and Confirmation classes are wondering about finding ways to gather in person. This is a reasonable instinct; the importance of social interaction during the adolescent years can’t be overstated. If congregations decide to gather groups of middle and high school students together, it must be done in the safest possible way following the Protocols and Guidelines for Resumption of In-Person Gatherings. It is also important to do so only with parents’ and/or guardians’ explicit, written consent. A sample form is linked here: Regathering Covenants for Youth Participants and Parents/Guardians.

To read this full article click here.
Advent Formation Box Ideas for Families

Looking for some ideas to engage families this Advent? Here is a short selection of resources to help get you started:

153rd Diocesan Convention To Be Virtual
Saturday, March 6, 2021
Called to Ordained Ministry?
Collaboration with the Iona Collaborative

This program was designed to afford these gifted people the opportunity to fulfill their lifelong dream to serve Jesus as an ordained clergy person. It is designed for individuals who would serve the church on a part-time basis while holding their substantive secular work. Read more here.

Interested individuals are encouraged to contact your parish clergy or the bishop’s office to begin a conversation and to fill out the attached application form.
Greetings from Camp Wright!

After a long, quiet summer, we are adjusting to fall and starting to look ahead to Summer 2021. Our staff and the Camp Wright Committee are deep into the planning process and continue to work towards a healthy and fun summer of camping at Camp Wright next year. Look for announcements from us regarding our schedule and registration in the coming weeks.

Thank you to everyone who filled out a tuition survey. If you have not yet completed the survey, you can do so by clicking this link. The survey will be available through the end of next week. If you would like to check the status of your account, you can do so by clicking here.
Thank you for your support! We hope to see you soon!


Julia Connelly
Executive Director
Summer 2020 T-Shirts Available!

There is just over a week left to order our Summer 2020 Camp Wright shirts. These long sleeve tri-blend tees sport an important part of our camp health motto, "Wash your hands and say your prayers; Jesus and germs are everywhere!'

Shirts will be available for purchase through October 31, and will ship directly from the producer in early November. Proceeds from each shirt go to benefit Camp Wright.
Around the Diocese
St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Centreville All Hallows Eve service
Friday, October 30 at 7pm, There will be some "spooky" organ music and you will hear about Ezekiel and the Dry Bones, the Witch of Endor and the War in Heaven.
All Saints’ Day, Sunday, November 1they will have a glorious celebration of All Saint's Day with trumpet fanfare and remembrances of those who have gone before us in the faith. Parishioners are encouraged to bring photographs of beloved family and friends who have died and to place them on the windowsills of the church. 
St. Peter's Salisbury 2020 Fall and Christmas Bazaar will be on-line and live-streamed! They will be broadcasting live from the Parish Hall and the Church through their website, Facebook Live and You Tube the weekend before Thanksgiving, on Friday, November 20 from 5pm to 8pm and Saturday, November 21 from 9am to 12noon. Stay tuned for more info!
Christ Church, Cambridge Will be filling 100 boxes for children around the world thru Operation Christmas Child. If you can help out, start shopping now for items to fill their boxes. Bring filled boxes now to the church office. * Remember do not include: candy, toothpaste, gum, war related items, seeds, food, liquids or lotions, glass or aerosol cans.
Send an email with a short description plus links or attachments to Joanne. Churches are also encouraged to add to their local enews.

All Souls' & Saints' Day

Saturday, October 31, 6:00 pm

Come by the Retreat House to walk through St. Paul's Cemetery to say a prayer, pay respects, and see the beautiful candles on each grave. All are welcome as we share in a time of quiet reflection and remembrance.

Here's what's coming up at the Retreat House. Click the button's below for dates and times.

Introducing A New Weekly Feature: Pause
We are excited to have begun a new weekly feature that we are calling Pause. This Friday afternoon message is intended to give you a moment of reflection in the form of a poem, quote, and image. These messages will also be shared via email, in our social media and archived on the website. If you missed last week's edition, please click here to read it.

Day's End Evening Meditation Listen, breathe, be still. A peaceful way to move into your evening.

Advent Quiet Day - Wednesday, December 2nd 9:30 am - 2:00 pm. Join in an opportunity to slow down and listen for God's calling in, poetry, silence and conversation. More details and registration information will be coming soon.

Gathering of the Greens and Wreath Making, Sunday, December 13th, 1:00-3:00pm

Illumination - Saturday, December 19th 6:00 - 8:00 pm Hillsboro town luminaries, candlelight labyrinth walk and bonfire with hot chocolate.

In-person AA meetings have resumed and will be meeting in St. Paul's Church, next door to the Retreat House at 22005 Church Street, Hillsboro MD 21641. Masks and social distancing will be required. Feel free to bring your own book and beverage. All meetings continue to be offered on Zoom per the Midshore Intergroup meeting schedule.

Annual Appeal Letter
Dear Friends, This summer marked the 6-year anniversary of the Retreat House at Hillsboro and we are grateful for many extraordinary experiences as well as the strong foundation that has been created over time. As we carry out our mission to share God’s abundant Love in the world by holding a sacred, compassionate and inclusive space, the Holy Spirit is ever present. Read full letter here.

Come for a Quiet Walk - We welcome you to visit the Retreat House
With autumn's slow unfolding come shorter days and cooler temperatures. As we prepare for winter in this year of challenges, now is a wonderful time to relish the outdoors. You are invited to come by the Retreat House and enjoy the beauty of the leaves as they change. Please come (with your dog, if you'd like) and take a walk around the church, use the Labyrinth, or find a place to be silent or still.

We hold this space for you to come and rest; now is an excellent time to enjoy the changing of the seasons in a beautiful place. We hope to see you soon.

As always, please wear masks when you are near others, and help yourself to hand sanitizer, wipes and bug spray provided in the gazebo.

The Retreat House has several trained spiritual directors who are available to help. Learn more in our Spiritual Guidance brochure.

See our calendar for programs and special events. For more information, call (410) 364-7069, click the buttons below or contact Francie Thayer.
Pastoral Concerns

We pray for continued healing and comfort for the following people and their families:

Continued Prayers for Bishop San's sisters - Padmini (Paddy) Marray and Sandra Marray, both battling breast cancer. Lisa Webb. Bryan Glancey, Vicar, St. Andrew's, Hurlock. Rev. Kevin Cross, Rector, Church of the Holy Trinity, Oxford. The Rev. Pete Stanton. Larry Samuels, spouse of Deacon Candidate, Peggy Samuels. Art Leiby. Becky Richardson. Weasie Kamihachi.

We pray for the repose of the soul of the following people and for comfort, courage and strength to their families: Donald Vinson, former Rector of St. Mark's Parish.

Submit prayer requests to: Names are listed for four weeks unless otherwise specified. 
Diocesan Prayer Calendar

Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost (October 25th) We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at All Hallows, Snow Hill and their Rector, the Rev. Chuck Hatfield and his wife, Adele.

All Saint's Day (November 1st) We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at St. Paul's, Marion Station, and for their Rector, the Rev. Mike Lokey, and his wife, Bunny.

Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost (November 8th) We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at Christ Church, Denton.

For additional weeks, please visit our website.
Communication from the
Office of the Presiding Bishop
Presiding Bishop invites prayer on 75th anniversary of United Nations
October 24 is United Nations Day
On October 24th, 2020, the United Nations will commemorate the 75th anniversary of the entry into force of the United Nations Charter, signifying the official founding of the United Nations. The day is officially known as “United Nations Day”.
To mark the occasion, Presiding Bishop Curry invites Episcopalians to join him on Sunday, October 25th, in praying the “Prayer for Peace Among the Nations” as a prayer of solidarity while the world continues to work towards peace, justice, human rights and the full development and dignity of all peoples living in harmony with each other, the Earth and its creatures. Read more & watch short video here.
Holding on to Hope: A National Service for Healing and Wholeness
Presiding Bishop and National Cathedral Host Live-streamed Prayers on Nov. 1

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry will lead a live-streamed prayer service from Washington National Cathedral, Holding on to Hope: A National Service for Healing and Wholeness, on All Saints Sunday, November 1, at 4:00-5:30 p.m. EST. In the midst of pandemic, racial reckoning, and a historic election, the live-streamed service will gather Americans for prayer, song, lament, hope, and a call to love God and neighbor. 
The service will feature an ecumenical and multifaith array of voices, musical offerings, and prayers. Using a combination of live and visually stunning pre-recorded elements gathered from across the nation, the service will be live streamed in English and Spanish.
Bishop Michael Curry shares his mantra about love overcoming everything
The Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, Bishop Michael Curry, discusses his new book and his beliefs about the power of love with NBC’s Joshua Johnson.
The Way of Love, Practices for a Jesus-Centered Life
The Way of Love is a way of life. More than a program or curriculum, it is an intentional commitment to a set of practices. It's a commitment to follow Jesus: Turn, Learn, Pray, Worship, Bless, Go, Rest
Beyond the Diocese
The Episcopal Diocese of Maryland

Bishop Sutton and the Diocese of Maryland invite you to submit the names of loved ones who have died from the COVID-19 coronavirus for an All Souls' Service of Remembrance. The service will be livestreamed from the Cathedral of the Incarnation on our diocesan livestreamed worship page,, at 11:00 AM on All Souls' Day, Monday, November 2, 2020. Bishop Sutton will officiate and the Rev. J. Joseph Hart, director of Spiritual Support Services at the Greater Baltimore Medical Center (GBMC), will preach. The liturgy will be from the Book of Common Prayer for the Burial of the Dead and will include prayers for all who have been affected by this pandemic. 
Please submit names for the November 2 service of remembrance using the form here. You may submit more than one form.
Executive Council - GO 019 Guidelines for Policy on Amending Church records for Name and Gender Changes (re A088)

Resolution GO 019

Resolved, That the Executive Council, meeting virtually October 9-12, 2020, has received and reviewed the Proposed Guidelines for Policy on Amending Church Records for Name and Gender Changes in response to 2018 –A088; and be it further

Resolved, That the Executive Council commends to the Church said reports and directs the Archives of the Episcopal Church to promulgate said Guidelines to the whole of the Church; and be it further

Resolved, That the Executive Council offers its gratitude for the Archives of the Episcopal Church and our TransEpiscopal siblings in Christ, for their generous contributions and witness. Read more here.
Executive Council passes 2021 budget, including $1 million in relief for struggling dioceses - COVID-19 pandemic dominates governing body’s 4-day discussion
It was inevitable, heading into the October meeting of Executive Council, that the coronavirus pandemic would color much of the work of the church’s governing body. Cases of COVID-19 are still on the rise in the United States and worldwide, and some dioceses and their congregations are struggling with decreased revenue as the virus and precautions to slow it upend parish life.
Over Executive Council’s four days of online sessions, Oct. 9-12, the pandemic’s impact on church operations and finances was evident in ways big and small. In one of its most significant moves, Executive Council approved The Episcopal Church’s 2021 budget on the final day of the meeting, after a debate over staff cost-of-living adjustments and financial relief to dioceses.
The pandemic also has affected planning of the church’s triennial General Convention. The 80th General Convention, which had been scheduled for July 2021 in Baltimore, Maryland, could be moved online or postponed. It will be up to the church’s presiding officers, after consulting with Executive Council, to make that call.
“We can expect a decision in November, so stay tuned,” said the Rev. Michael Barlowe, secretary of General Convention. Read more here.

How to Be More Confident in Your Church Finances for 2021
Thursday, October 29th at 2pm, Ministry Architects is offering a free webinar to discuss how to be more confident in your finances for 2021. Jeff Dunn-Rankin (Ministry Architects Executive Vice President) and Allison Webb from AcctTwo will discuss ideas to boost your giving in 2021, tips to help trim your budget, and how to effectively communicate all of that with the right people.  Register here: How to Be More Confident in Your Church Finances for 2021

Data from 2019 parochial reports now available
The deadline for 2019 Parochial Report filing was extended due to the COVID-19 pandemic. “Our data is only as good as the information we receive,” explained Ms. Iris DiLeonardo, research and language specialist, “and so we have great appreciation for all the hard work of everyone who completed the reports during all the current challenges.”

“Our 2019 data tells an important part of the story of who we are as Episcopalians, and going forward Parochial Report data will also help us tell the story of the remarkable ways the Church has adapted to the difficult circumstances in which we find ourselves,” commented The Rev. Dr. Molly James, deputy executive officer, “At its October meeting, Executive Council will consider an amended form for 2020 based on recommendations from the House of Deputies State of the Church Committee.” Read more here.

Practical Inspiration in Trying Times
In these turbulent times, having a step-by-step guide to Christian practice can be a godsend.
Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry has contributed the Foreword to Walking the Way of Love, a collection of reflections and instructions for deepening one’s relationship to Christ. Knowing that the life of the Episcopal Church—and the individual lives of the faithful—are affected by world events, the Presiding Bishop and a group of leaders gathered to strategize ways to embody love rather than just talk about it. Read more here.

Sow Seeds of Resilience this Advent with Episcopal Relief & Development's Gifts for Life Catalog
This holiday season, Episcopal Relief & Development invites supporters and congregations to sow seeds of resilience in communities around the world by giving a gift from Gifts for Lifethe organization’s alternative gift catalog. 
Gifts for Life enables individuals and groups to transform lives in communities worldwide through the purchase of a wide range of gift offerings to support those communities. The 2020 catalog features new offerings such as the ONE THOUSAND DAYS OF LOVE package, which supports the organization’s campaign to expand its work with communities and families to help children up to age six so they can thrive and achieve their full potential. Read more here.

Episcopal Relief & Development Celebrates One Year of the ONE THOUSAND DAYS OF LOVE Campaign by Debuting New Digital Resources
Episcopal Relief & Development celebrates one year of ONE THOUSAND DAYS OF LOVE by debuting new digital Advent and worship resources, as well as other toolkits for churches and supporters to use together or individually. ONE THOUSAND DAYS OF LOVE is a three year, $3 million grassroots Church-wide fundraising campaign dedicated to expanding the organization’s global programs improving the lives of children up to age six. Read more here.
The Episcopal Church and the 2020 U.S. elections: An overview of resources
The Office of Government Relations has created a comprehensive suite of resources for advocacy, the U.S. Election, and 2020 Census engagement. Central to election engagement are the “Vote Faithfully” resources built up over the course of several election cycles and in coalition with ecumenical partners. These resources are designed for use year-round, emphasizing messaging that is non-partisan and informed

As the United States gets closer to Election Day, November 3rd, The Episcopal Church will continue to release new resources, including an ongoing educational series on the basics of the election process and transition of power, four bulletin inserts from Sermons That Work focused on voter engagement and written for the readings on the four Sundays leading up to Election Day, and A Season of Prayer: For an Election, a novena prayer series developed with Forward Movement.

The season of prayer begins Tuesday, October 27, and continues through November 4, the day after the elections in the United States.

In a short video message to encourage participation, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry called on Episcopalians to join the initiative to pray for our nation, its people and leaders, and all the nations and people of the earth. Available with Spanish subtitles here.
Please encourage your congregation and your friends to get involved. Read more here.

Other resources include a Plan Your Vote guide, toolkit for supporting others in your community to vote, a tool for recognizing and combatting disinformation and misinformation, and much more. Read more here.
United Thank Offering: $450,000 awarded for first cycle of Episcopal Church and Anglican Communion mission and ministry grants
Application deadline for second round of grants: February 26, 2021
At its October 2020 meeting, the Executive Council of The Episcopal Church approved United Thank Offering (UTO) grants to support 21 Episcopal Church and five Anglican Communion missions and ministries.
These grants are awarded for projects in The Episcopal Church and throughout the Anglican Communion, each year with a different focus. For 2021, the focus is Recovering with Love and Gratitude: An Episcopal Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Local Contexts. Read more here.

Becoming Beloved Community NOW webinars available on demand
Thousands of racial justice and healing leaders and practitioners across The Episcopal Church gathered to build community, craft strategy and equip each other for action during a series of “Becoming Beloved Community NOW” online gatherings at the end of July 2020. These webinars are now available for viewing here. Read more here.

General Convention Task Force invites Episcopalians to participate in survey ‘Social Justice and the Episcopal Church: A Call for Stories’
Responses requested by Nov. 5, 2020

The Task Force on Theology of Social Justice Advocacy invites Episcopalians to participate in a survey, “Social Justice and the Episcopal Church: A Call for Stories”.

Explore the Bible Lands in 2021 
Travel to Greece, Italy, Turkey, Egypt and other lands of the Bible with Education Opportunities. Read more here.

Episcopal Evangelism grants available for local and regional efforts
Application deadline is Nov. 15, 2020
Episcopal institutions can now apply for the next round of the Episcopal Evangelism Grants Program, designed to fund local and regional evangelism efforts in the Episcopal Church. The application deadline is November 15. The new grant cycle will focus on projects that explore new methods of evangelism during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Welcome to For People, a conversation with Bishop Rob Wright, spiritual leader to the more than 50,000 people in the 117 worshipping communities of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta. In this podcast, Bishop Wright meets listeners at the crossroads of faith and life to explore the challenges of an ever-changing world. Listen in to find out how he expands on his For Faith devotional, drawing inspiration from the life of Jesus to answer 21st-century questions. Listen Now