Avondale E-Worship
"Palm Sunday"

John 12:12 - 16  
Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem

12   The next day the great crowd that had come to the festival heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem. 13   So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, shouting, “Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord - the King of Israel!”

14   Jesus found a young donkey and sat on it; as it is written: 15   “Do not be afraid, daughter of Zion. Look, your king is coming, sitting on a donkey’s colt!”
16   His disciples did not understand these things at first; but when Jesus was glorified, then they remembered that these things had been written of him and had been done to him.
Questions to stir thought and conversation...

How does the hope of the people at the parade connect to the original Passover?

What is the Palm Sunday lesson for you?

Which of the characters described in the sermon would you say that you relate to right now in your faith journey?
A Moment for Children

Today was scheduled to be our children's worship service with plans to highlight children's ministries during Avondale in Action and hear the Adventures Choir lead us in song. Please enjoy this video, hearing from the wonderful families, volunteers and children of these ministries!
Have you ever been to a parade?
Parades are so fun! You line the street and cheer as people and floats go by. Do you ever shout "hello!" to your favorite float or character?

Many years ago, people were headed to Jerusalem for the celebration of Passover as well as Jesus and his disciples. Jesus rode on a donkey and his disciples marched behind him. As he drew closer, people began to line the streets to welcome Him, waving Palm branches and shouting, "Hosanna"! I picture it kind of like a parade!

Why do you think they were waving palm branches and what does Hosanna mean?
Palms were a sign of victory and triumph. The people of Jerusalem had heard of Jesus and his many miracles. They knew He was special and so they celebrated His entrance. As Jesus approached they shouted "Hosanna", meaning Savior and threw down their jackets and palm branches as to not let Jesus or his donkey walk on the dirty ground. This was a symbol of great hospitality and love! 

Today, I challenge you to spread the great news of our Savior Jesus Christ and his love by creating your own parade! Cut branches of greenery and take a walk around your neighborhood, waving the branch and shouting Hosanna! Perhaps at the end of your walk you could leave your branch on a neighbors doorstep as a sign of our Savior and His love.

Dear Jesus, thank you for your many miracles. May we continue to celebrate your love and your work forever. Amen.
Member Care Corner

"Show You Care - Task of the week"

Place a branch of greenery on your front door in celebration of Palm Sunday. This will help, despite social distancing, to be connected as we enter into the holiest of weeks.
If you know of any member concerns or needs, please email Jim or call the church office and leave a message. We will do our best to ensure all needs are met!

Online Directory Password: 1944A
Mission Corner

How is Avondale responding during this time of need?

This week, we have a mission task for our members (and friends) with a talent for sewing. Atrium Health (whose main hospital is just a few blocks from Avondale) has asked the community to work on sewing fabric masks for health care professionals to use in the event supplies of manufactured masks run out. The instructions for making the masks are located here . Once made, the masks are strong enough to use indefinitely because they can be washed. A single mask could save someone's life, and help him or her save many more lives!

When you finish one or more masks, email Atrium to arrange for delivery at They will give you a facility parking lot and a pre-arranged time where you can safely and securely drop the masks off. Donations are being accepted right now!
Your Avondale Pledge

For those of you who contribute to your pledge through the offering plate on Sunday, there are many opportunities to fulfill your commitment including, mailing a check, PayPal or a one-time or reoccurring bank draft . Drafts can be setup or changed at anytime. Please contact Jacqueline for more information.
Easter Gifts
Given to the Glory of God

Honor or remember a loved one this Easter by supporting a particular mission or project of the church!

You may use the links below or print a form and mail it to the church with a check attached.
Self Care and Prayer
The Labyrinth is a sacred place set aside for you to reflect, pray, and worship God. The rhythm of walking empties the mind, relaxes the body and refreshes the spirit. 

The Labyrinth can be walked in four stages, allowing you to walk with your body and rest your mind.

Remember: Before walking the labyrinth take time in gratitude to be thankful for your life. Bless the people in your life. If there is a specific event or situation troubling you (like the coronavirus) bring it to mind and form a healing question if possible (such as why am I anxious about …).

Release: Walking into the labyrinth quiet the mind, let go of the chatter and release any tension. Open your heart to feel whatever it might feel. Become aware of your breathing making sure you are taking slow deep breaths. Relax and move at your own pace. 

Receive: While standing or sitting in the center, use this space as a place of reflection. Pause and stay as long as you like. Open yourself to God. Listen to God’s small inner voice. Use this time to pray and be honest with God about the things you need to say. 

Return: While walking out of the labyrinth, take the same path you followed to go in. Walking out experience the sense of well-being, healing, energy, and peace.

Prayers You Might Choose to Offer

"I place myself in your presence O God."

"Thank you God for ______. I praise your name because you _______."

"Lord search me and know me for you have created me. Give me the strength to serve you and to _____."

While exiting, offer words of praise and thanksgiving!