On Thursday June 4th, 328 N. Howard St. was covered in blessings, prayers and scriptures. We had a brief moment during the build to mark the beams, drywall and subfloor with God's holy word. In response to Gina's call, over 50 bible verses were submitted. Pictured above are only a few of those received.

Special thanks to Fr. James Boric and Deacon Bob Shephard from the Baltimore Basilica. They lead us in prayer and blessed each room. Dr. Cathy Gara, Secretary of CPC's Board, was one of the scribes. We were also happy that Carol Clews stepped out of retirement to join us for the event. She was impressed with all the work that has been done and is thrilled that Howard St. is close to opening!

Take notice of the progress in construction!! All the walls are up, lots of wiring and more work ahead. Dan Schwab, our project manager from Plano Coudon Construction , helped us mark the building in scriptures. He said we are on schedule!

The link below has pictures that highlight recent construction and many of the Bible verses that were submitted. Look for more pictures in our next update.

Please pray for a smooth, uneventful construction process and a GRAND OPENING in the Summer/Fall of 2020.

Put Howard St. on every possible prayer list!!