"Downtown by history and by choice"

Weekend Reminders

September 30, 2022


Contact Valerie in the church office if you encounter missing or non-working links in this email.

MnMs Fellowship Event ****TOMORROW*****

We are still planning to meet at Hi-wire/Two Roosters (downtown Durham) at 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, October 1. . There is covered outdoor space, so that should work unless it is super windy.  (Supposedly, the wind should have died down by tomorrow, so fingers crossed.)

If anything changes, we will reach out via email by 2:00 PM to the listserv.


Sunday, October 2, 2022

 9:45 a.m.  

Faith Formation Classes for all ages

11:00 a.m. Worship and Communion

Mindy Douglas, preaching

(Those of you who will watch the live stream of worship, remember to prepare your bread and cup before worship begins so we can all partake together later in the service.)

Link to online worship

Link to worship bulletin

 Sunday, October 2 is the annual Peace and Global Witness Offering that supports initiatives in the US and around the world. This year our local 25% portion goes to Religious Coalition for a Nonviolent Durham: which builds intentional relationships among people of faith and newly released prisoners, supports Restorative Justice Durham, and initiates prayer vigils after homicides. A specially-marked envelope will be enclosed in the worship bulletin this Sunday for this offering. You can also make this donation on-line at


Signup to receive Children's Weekly news

Faith Formation classes for children are held on the second floor of the education building from 9:45-10:25 a.m.  All children are welcome.



We hope that you can join us for Faith & Community Class sessions this fall. If you missed the September 11 class, we have added here a link that includes (in a Google Drive folder) some notes from that class as well as a link to the PCUSA Report and the Study Guide that they prepared for the report. 

·      Oct 2: Repair & Restore

·      Oct 9: Reconciliation

·      Oct 16: Redress

·      Oct 23: Confessions of Behar


PCUSA Report on Reparations

FPC_Reparations - Google Drive 


 Sundays, 9:45-10:45 a.m. (year-round):

Join us each Sunday for discussion, as we meet both online and in person in the Robert Daye Parlor. The class will begin at 9:45, preceded at 9:35 by sharing of news and concerns, and will end at 10:45.

October 2: How do we respond when times are bad? With lamentation, or complaint, or thoughts of revenge? Or with perseverance and steadfast faith?

 To join remotely via Zoom:

For phone access (audio only), call 253-215-8782.

If you need a copy of the handout of scripture readings, contact David Smith.


No class on Oct 2 (too many people out of town)

On Oct 9th, we will dig in deeper into Mary Magdalene. Everyone is invited to bring a passage or interpretation about some aspect of Mary Magdalene, including from alternative sources such as the Gnostic Gospels, to class to discuss. 

Meaning in the Middle (MnM)


Along with their famous Sunday might Zoom, MnMers will be gathering in Room 205 (near children's classrooms) during the faith formation hour, 9:45-10:45 a.m. Join us for conversation, discussion, sharing of lives and laughter. For those meeting in person, Amy Wilson will be leading us. 


For those meeting on Zoom, we will meet at 8 PM (click here), and Michael Schultz will be leading us. If you have any issues accessing the meeting on Sunday evening, please feel free to email or text Mary Berry (703.851.8625).

As always, you are welcome whether you've had time to read or not. Our leaders will give a brief summary of the readings before we dive into conversation, so this is a low-pressure thing!

Contacts for this class are: Mary Berry and Emily Diy.


Tuesdays, at 6:15 p.m.

Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m.

Our first book, Revolution of Values, was chosen to help us think about the upcoming election and how we "reclaim public faith for the common good." This book is written by our local friend Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove.


October 4/5                            chapters 7-8

October 11/12                        chapters 9


Zoom Link:




On Wednesday, October 5, FPC will host Mr. Maina Talia, Climate Action Network Secretary in Tuvalu, an island country in the Pacific Ocean. From 6:00 – 7 :00 p.m.  he will talk with us about climate change, theology, and indigenous issues. Snacks will be served at 5:30 and we will be taking reservations for a 7:00 p.m. box supper. 


In 2011 Mr. Talia began as the climate change officer for the Ekalesia Kelisiano Tuvalu (Congregational Christian Church of Tuvalu) and coordinated the EKT theological statement called “Dancing with God in the rainbow.” He will be a delegate (for the 7th time!) to the United Nations Climate Change Conference, this November in Egypt. His talk is sponsored by FPC’s Creation Care Committee and Service and Mission Committee, the Peacemaking Network of New Hope Presbytery, and the PCUSA International Peacemakers Program.  Please join us in learning about climate change and its effects in the world!


Mr. Maina Talia is from Tuvalu, an island country in the Polynesian subregion of Oceania in the Pacific Ocean. Talia started working for the Ekalesia Kelisiano Tuvalu (EKT) as their climate change officer in 2011 under the department of Peace and Justice. In his tenure of work, he coordinated the construction of the EKT theological statement called “Dancing with God in the rainbow.”


Talia currently holds the position of Tuvalu Climate Action Network (TuCAN) Secretary and the National Focal point of Pacific Network (PIN) in Tuvalu. In his capacity as the climate change officer for the church and for TuCAN, his work specifically focuses on climate change and theology merged with indigenous issues in Tuvalu. Talia has attended several United Nations conferences on indigenous issues in New York and Geneva. He has served on the Tuvalu government delegation to the Conference of the Parties (COP) 18 in Doha, COP21 in Paris, COP23 in Bonn, COP24 in Katowice, COP25 in Madrid, COP26 Glasgow and will be attending COP27 in Egypt this year.


Talia is married to Laingane Italeli Talia with four children. He holds a Master of Theology degree, with an emphasis on Climate Change and Theology. Talia is currently a doctoral student at the Charles Sturt University in Australia.


The FPC Session has called a Congregational Meeting for Sunday, October 9 following worship for the purpose of dissolving the relationship with associate pastor Mitzi Lesher-Thomas. This is being done in accordance with Presbytery of New Hope requirements.

Medical debt is the source of incredible inequities, keeping families mired in debt and impeding their ability to build assets. Plus, it adds enormously to emotional stress. That’s why First Presbyterian Church is leading this campaign as one reparations strategy. The potential to WIPE OUT DEBT for pennies on the dollar is amazing! When you make a pledge to our capital campaign, you are already supporting this project. If you have not already made a pledge, we hope you will join us in giving to our Building Beloved Community campaign! To learn more about how this debt is eliminated, click here .

To pledge to reduce medical debt without giving to the capital campaign, click here. Please invite your family and friends to add to the amount we give to relieve medical debt. Give in the name of FPC’s Building Beloved Community campaign.


Tutoring at Iglesia Emanuel

Our Tutoring Program is underway, and the enthusiasm is high! Every Tuesday and Thursday evening, from 6 - 7, over 20 Hispanic students from kindergarten through high school come to Iglesia Emanuel for one-on-one tutoring. Tutors not only help reinforce reading, writing and math skills, they also become mentors and friends. Dedicated tutors commit to a minimum of one hour a week, and help shape the future for a child. If interested in learning more and applying, contact our Learning Center Director, Erin Nguyen. For more information, reach out to Margaret Rubiera.

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