St. Martin of Tours San Jose
Palm Sunday 2020

Dear Friends,

Greetings and prayers as we enter into Holy Week!

Early Christians prayed and worshiped at home. This year, in these challenging situations, we have the opportunity be Church after the example of early Christians. Therefore, I request you to set up an altar in your home with a white cloth preferably with a crucifix and candle. Thus creating a sacred space for your family to pray. Even if you do not have a big room, at least make part of a room a prayer space. Please gather to pray around it as family during this Holy Week.

When you are watching and participating at Mass and other liturgical celebrations, turn off all other devices; do not watch anything else other than the online Mass or service.

Please do not do any household chores; focus only on the Mass. Kindly make the appropriate responses as individuals or as family. Please pray/make the Act of Spiritual Communion during Communion. Please remember, we are isolated, but never separated ... we are united as church and with Christ!
We are the Church!

We are facing great challenge during this time; however, the Diocese and our parish are doing the best adaptations as we can in order to be one in our celebration of the Holy Week. We are live-streaming Mass everyday both through Facebook and You Tube. You are also able to join the liturgical celebrations through Zoom. More updates will come next week with details for Holy Week.

Please continue to check our parish website and Facebook for latest updates and resources. We have Lenten resources, online Stations of the Cross, live-stream/Zoom Mass details and much more. You may also forward this email to your family and friends and encourage them to sign up to received the updates.

Praying for all of you and requesting your prayers,

Fr. Saju Joseph & Fr. Generoso

This year, you will be joining the Palm Sunday Mass and Celebration of the Lord's Passion from home. A suggestion ... what if everyone on Sunday, April 5 in the morning, put a branch on the front door of the house or the window to celebrate with fervor Palm Sunday. It could be any green branch you can find. This would serve, despite social isolation, to be connected in the celebration of Holy Week. Parents and children could do this together. You could also hold some fresh branches in your hands to be blessed by the priests as you participate in the Mass by Zoom or Live-stream.

we are isolated, but never separated ... we are united as church and with Christ!
We are the Church!

Hosanna is often translated as “Please Save Us.” It is a Greek word “ὡσαννά” that most scholars believe is the transliteration of two Hebrew words- יָשַׁע- “yasha” which means “to save or deliver” and אָנּאָ – “anna” which means “please, I beseech.”

MASS AT 10.00 AM

Mass will be live-streamed though You Tube, Facebook Live and Zoom

You tube Live-stream: CLICK HERE
Facebook Live: CLICK HERE

Zoom link and details:
Meeting ID: 450 372 375
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,450372375# US (San Jose)
+16692192599,,450372375# US (San Jose)

Palm Sunday: 10.00 AM Mass

Holy Thursday: 6.00 PM Mass of the Lord's Supper

Good Friday: 3.00 PM Celebration of the Lord's Passion.

Easter Vigil: 7.00 PM Easter Vigil Mass

Easter Sunday: 10.00 AM Easter Sunday Mass

All the liturgies will be live-streamed through St. Martin of Tours San Jose Facebook Page and through You Tube channel.
You will be also able to join the liturgies through Zoom.

Confessions by Appointment
Confessions are scheduled by appointment only.

Please call the parish office and leave a message for Fr. Saju or Fr. Gener. They will call you back promptly to schedule an appointment and will explain the protocol followed. Phone: 408-294-8953


St. Martin of Tours Stewardship
Please Support Our Parish

Many of you have reached out to me about financial support and how you can get your offertory envelopes to us. Although you could mail it to our office, we ask that you consider giving online. We need your financial support now more than ever. The online donation system that we use is safe, secure and convenient. You can use credit cards, debit cards or direct transfer from your bank account. In order to give online donations and offerings to the parish, please click HERE 

If you are unable to give online, please remember to mail in your weekly offertory gift to: 200 O'Connor Dr., San Jose, CA 95128. We thank you for your continued support of our parish community.

We have a long way to go in reaching our ANNUAL DIOCESAN APPEAL GOAL. We are currently at 64% of our goal. To support ADA, please click HERE.

Holy Week Prayer with Bishop Cantú

Holy Week Prayer during the Coronavirus  
Bishop Oscar Cantú 
Sunday, April 5 – 7:00 pm

Bishop Cantú invites all to unite in prayer virtually as he leads a special Holy Week Prayer on the evening of Palm Sunday. Together, we will pray for the healing of our community and world during the pandemic and for renewed strength as we prepare to encounter our Lord Jesus during this most sacred of weeks. The prayer will include Scripture and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. 

Second Harvest Food Distribution at St. Martin

In response to COVID-19, St. Martin of Tours Parish in collaboration with Catholic Charities and Second Harvest has set up some short term drive-thru locations to pick up prepared boxes of food. They will be at St. Martin of Tours, in the parking lot, every Wednesday from 1-4 pm.

Each family will receive a box of core staple items, box of produce, box of perishables (cold items), and a bag of frozen items. No income requirements needed. You can also send family or friends to pick up on your behalf. They will just need to provide your name and phone number.

Notes: Enter through O'Connor Drive. Distribution will be in church parking lot. Stay in your car. This is a weekly distribution through April/May and you are welcome to come every week. 

For more information, please call 1-800-984-3663, email  or visit online at: Second Harvest


Through these suggested prayers, we pray for all the sick, the caregivers, the dead, and for all those effected in so many different ways by this pandemic. This guide includes prayers that you can recite at any time, either alone or in a small group. Parents could use it to pray with children as well.

Village House Shelter Suspended

Urgent Announcement from the Shelter Network:
In light of the expanding pandemic and its impact on Santa Clara County, the Village House Steering Committee decided to suspend its shelter operations indefinitely effective Tuesday, March 17, 2020.  Although our hearts are truly saddened, the events of the past two weeks have left us all with few options.  

For more information, please visit: Village House
Please email the Parish Office .