Volume 9 | Issue 5
Green Schools Challenge
Schools enrolled in the Green Schools Challenge have completed their first semester! Already we've seen great projects and initiatives that the Green Teams have undertaken but there's more to come!
Live Arts Miami and Dream in Green are connecting K-12 students to change-making artists from around the world who are tackling the issue of climate change, engage them with their performances and the artists themselves in online and in class sessions.

Check out current opportunities and make sure to follow us to learn of new ones!
We are still providing small grants to support Green Team’s ‘green’ initiatives. kindergarten to 12th grade students learn to brainstorm ideas, manage budgets, work as a team, and execute projects that have a long-lasting impact on the environment.
We are continuing to partner with the Miami Heat! Students and teachers have the chance to get discounted tickets to an upcoming game! You'll find the link and code in the online guidebooks under 'Special Opportunity'. Let's go Heat!
GSC Mid-Year Meeting
Join us for a mid-year meeting to check in on the year so far! During this meeting we will be covering program updates, learning about successes and challenges of the GSC and hearing from partners about citizen science opportunities available to your students.

Have a Sustainable Holiday
The holidays are a great time to get together to celebrate but did you ever think about all the extra waste we create? Learn some great tips on how to cut back on waste, recycle used items and save energy.
DIG Team - Environmental Leaders
Saliyha Webb joins the DIG team as a Public Ally and works as the special programs coordinator assisting with the Green Schools Challenge curriculum and the expansion of the program to new schools; creating outreach and environmental literacy messages; and conducting presentations and participating in community events. 
Saliyha is a graduate of University of Notre Dame where she received a Bachelor’s in Anthropology with a particular focus on the subfield of Biological Anthropology. Her internship with Bowman Creek Educational Ecosystem allowed her to understand the positive impact of sustainable development, specifically for the underrepresented low-income areas. While Saliyha’s love for learning and enthusiasm for novel experiences has allowed her to wear many different hats, her passion for environmental issues, environmental equity, preservation and conservation has been her driving force. Through this experience, she hopes to learn more about the non-profit sector and environmental stewardship.
Shop With a Purpose
Still finishing up your holiday shopping? Consider shopping with Amazon Smile! When you do a portion of your purchase will go towards us. Shop through and select us as your charity. Happy shopping!
Thanking Our Sponsors
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