February 26, 2021
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March 9 — Kings Board of Education Work Session, 5:30 p.m., Kings Education Center, Conference Room 2. (Live on Kings Youtube channel)
March 16 — Kings Board of Education Work Session, 5:30 p.m., Kings Education Center, Conference Room 2. (Live on Kings Youtube channel)
March 29 - April 5 SPRING BREAK, NO SCHOOL.

More event information can be found at:
Kings Staff Covid-19 Vaccinations
DON'T FORGET! Kings staff will receive their second dose of the COVID-19 vaccination on Friday, March 12, 2021.

There will be a remote learning day scheduled for Friday, March 12, 2021.

Teachers will be communicating with parents and students about what their remote learning days will look like that day.

This vaccination is one important tool in our fight against the pandemic and to help our schools remain open. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

Pictured is KHS Intervention Specialist, Lisa DeBord proudly displaying her vaccination card after her first dose last week.
Black History Month with Kings Board President
As we end Black History Month, we want to take a special moment to celebrate Kings School Board President, Stacie Belfrom.

When Mr. Belfrom was elected to the Kings School Board, he became the first African American to serve on the team of five in Kings history.

We asked Stacie a few questions...

KNN: What does Black History Month Mean to you?

SB: That's an interesting question because its meaning has changed for me over the years. When I was a young student it meant that February was the only time in the year that I would see any emphasis on contributions that African-Americans have made to society apart from what I learned at home. The experience was usually pretty tepid and once the month was over largely forgotten about by my friends and teachers. 

Now, it should be much more than that. It means that we have an opportunity to not only focus on contributions made by African-Americans but to also widen the lens and give attention to how African-Americans are woven into the fabric of American history from its outset. That should not just be limited to the "feel good" stories that we traditionally entertain in school but it should include those things that aren't usually emphasized but are equally important. History can become clearer when we attempt to put everything in its proper context.

KNN: How can we make sure that all families feel welcome in our classrooms and buildings?

SB: I think we first need to come to a consensus on what that comfort looks like. To me, it means that we have a standard that each student, parent, and staff member are all treated with more than a modicum of respect and decency that shouldn't hinge on any social dynamic. Not race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or the like. Unfortunately, that hasn't always been the case for our African-American students and others here and elsewhere. But going forward, we need them to know explicitly that when they walk into these classrooms and buildings here in Kings that they should expect to receive that respect and that they will. 

How do we do that? By implementing policies from the top as a Board of Education that address diversity and equitable practices in the district. But it's also the steps that we take to implement those expectations each day and the rigor that we apply to maintain them by driving cultural competency through the diversification of staff, widening the lens of source material for curriculum, and teaching strategies, and building relationships with our students and families that build on a respect for our differences as a start. These things should be ongoing for all of our students eventually and not just focused on in February for African-Americans, or in March for Women or the fall for Hispanic Heritage and LGBT history as examples.

The key is to respond to the needs of everyone in an equitable and sustainable way. In order to do that we have to bring more awareness to those groups that have historically been diminished while raising the standard for all of us. It takes me back to your first question: "What does BHM mean to me?" In 2021 it means making a more concerted effort towards equity and inclusion in this regard because we as a society know that it can and should be better. As James Baldwin once said: "Not everything that is faced can be changed. But nothing can be changed until it is faced." BHM is an opportunity to face those things that need to be changed.

"Stacie is an excellent leader and a great role model for our students and community," Kings Superintendent, Tim Ackermann said.

This month, we are grateful to celebrate Stacie for being a special part of Kings history!
Homemade Games in the Makerspace at SLE
Fourth-grade students at South Lebanon Elementary have been getting very creative in the Makerspace. SLE Media Specialist, Jen Burkholder traveled to each fourth-grade classroom with materials and tasked the students with making a game. Prior to the activity, the students watched a documentary about a boy who created an arcade from cardboard. That boy is now in college on scholarship creating "real" games!

The game could be anything except for a video game. Students then had to write directions for the game and the object of the game. Some of the games created included paddle soccer, Plinko, Yeti Spaghetti, Go To School, Skee Ball, and more.

The students had a fun morning this week as SLE Principal, Mrs. Atkins stopped by to play a few of the games. Mrs.Burkholder said, "Mrs. Atkins showed the kids who rules at air hockey!" 
Skee Ball
Paddle Soccer
Save a Life Tour at KHS
On Monday, February 22, Kings High School Parent Teacher Organization sponsored The Save A Life Distracted and Impaired Driving Program Tour. It is a comprehensive high-impact safe driving awareness program that informs, educates, and demonstrates the potentially deadly consequences resulting from poor choices while operating a motor vehicle. 

All sophomores and seniors saw a virtual presentation and all juniors had the opportunity to experience a texting & driving simulator and an impaired driving simulator.

Save a Life has traveled to over 1500 colleges, 600 different high schools, and even 200 military bases in the U.S. They come ready to engage participants and encourage safe driving choices. 
Warren County Career Center News
Two Kings High School students who attend the Warren County Career Center have found success! Senior, Raphael Zotter who is in the Advanced Manufacturing & Robotics program was hired by local manufacturing company, Invotec.

KHS Junior and Pre-Nursing student, Isabella Chattopadhya, has advanced to the Health Occupations Students of America state competition and will be competing for Pharmacology.

Congratulations to Raphael and Isabella!

Black History Month and Art at JFB
First graders at J.F. Burns Elementary have been very busy in Art class! As a part of Black History Month, they learned about African American Artist, Faith Ringgold, who is best known for her narrative quilts.

JFB Art teacher, Laura Acierno had the students create their own narrative "quilt" out of paper using crayons and markers.
Great Backyard Bird Count
During the weekend of February 12-15, thirty-five Kings High School students volunteered their time working with Warren County Park District Naturalist, Shannon Pennington to participate in the Great Backyard Bird Count.

Over the course of the four-day event, the students logged 235 hours of volunteer time and together identified and tallied 44 unique bird species using Cornell Lab of Orinthology's Merlin Bird ID app and Mrs. Pennington said, "In doing so, they contributed to important data to scientific research."

There are always opportunities to volunteer with the Warren County Park District and the Nature Nurses Wildlife Rescue. If you're interested, contact Shannon Pennington at

Pictured is Peyton Sucher.
Parent and Family Resources
Kings Resource Coordinator, Becky Lemon would like to share some resources for the community.

The Care Center is offering FREE vision screening and eyeglasses for those in need. The team will take reservations for appointments for the clinic on March 22 & 23 from 2:00-6:00 p.m. at the Northstar Church Building, 11020 S. Lebanon Road in Loveland. Click here for more information.

Kings Point Church of God, 5600 St. Rt. 48, Maineville, will distribute food boxes on Wednesdays beginning at 10:00 a.m. through the month of March. No reservations - first come, first served.

Please visit here for more community resources. As always, if you are in need, please don't hesitate to reach out to Mrs. Lemon at 513-398-8050, ext. 15011 or
Meal Pick-Up for Virtual/Online Knights
The Kings Food Service Department will continue to provide the drive-up meal pickup program through the end of May for students enrolled in our Online/Virtual Knight program. Meal packs are provided will include a week of breakfast meals and lunch meals, offering a variety of fresh and ready to prepare foods. Although pre-ordering is not required, we would like to ask that families pre-order meals if they are able to do so in order to plan accordingly.

Please fill out the Meal Order Form for MARCH. Meal pick-up will take place from 1:45-2:45 p.m. every Monday at Columbia Intermediate School. 

Our District is thankful for the continued support of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and to the Ohio Department of Education for providing this opportunity for the students. If you have questions please contact Jennifer S. Arlinghaus, R.D., L.D., Food Service Director, Kings Local School District at 1-398-8050, extension 10027.
Kings Kids Summer Camp Registration
Kings Kids Summer Camp registration will begin on March 1, 2021, for children who attended Kings Kids Summer Camp in 2020. This fun-filled Summer Camp Program is for children ages Preschool through 6th grade. We believe children should have fun in the summer in a safe and enriching environment. Summer Camp begins in late May and runs into August, ending just before Kings Local Schools begin their school year. This is an all-day program offered 5 days a week at the Kings Education Center.

Registration forms will be available on our website beginning February 28.

Registration opens to the community on March 15, 2021.

Please turn all forms into the Kings Kids office located on the lower level of the Kings Education Center. 
Mental Health Resources
Mental Health is a growing concern in our community and nation; that includes our recent graduates. If you know of a young adult who may be suffering from depression, please reach out to them. 

You may also pass along the websites for MindPeace and Warren County Mental Health Recovery Services, community partners whose mission is to connect people with the resources needed.  
Kings Board of Education Meetings
The Kings Board of Education will meet on Tuesday, March 9, 2021, at 5:30 p.m. to hold their Monthly Work Session. Community members can watch the meeting live here.

The Board will also meet on Tuesday, March 16 at 6:00 p.m. for their Regular Monthly Meeting. You can watch the meeting LIVE here.

All Kings Board of Education meetings can be watched live on the Kings YouTube Channel

All agendas and past meetings can be found on the Kings Website
Nominate a Deserving Kings Teacher
The deadline to nominate your favorite Kings Teacher for the Project Excellence Award sponsored by the Warren County Area Progress Council is Sunday, February 28, 2021.

The APC seeks to recognize and honor excellent teachers within the public schools in Warren County.

Read more to find out how to nominate your favorite Kings teacher!
Kindergarten Registration Begins Soon
Kindergarten Registration for the 2021-2022 School Year will begin in on March 8. All registrations will be completed online. Watch for more information in February. Remember, your child must turn 5 years old on or before September 30, 2021.

Online registration for grades 1-12 for the 2021-2022 school year will begin June 1.
Kings Preschool Registration
If you would like to register for Kings Preschool for the 2020-2021 school year click here.
Kings COVID-19 Dashboard
We appreciate all of the patience and care shown by our Knight Nation while we navigate the COVID-19 pandemic.

We are continuing to monitor positive cases and quarantines. If you or your children exhibit symptoms or are waiting for a test result, please contact Kings Contact Tracer, Christy Salek at

For more information, you can refer to our daily health assessment and Decision Tree to help decide if you should send your child to school. Additionally, each week the COVID-19 Dashboard is updated with the number of positive cases and quarantines.

KJH Mattress Sale
On Saturday, March 6, 2021, Kings Junior High will host their 8th Annual Mattress Sale! It is a one-of-a-kind fundraising event that features brand new mattresses in all sizes and are available at up to 50% below retail!

There will be a showroom set up with over 25 displays. Delivery is available. Check out the sale in the KJH Gymnasium from 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

The Kings Junior High Knight News Crew created and produced a video about the sale. Watch below!
KME Spring Flower Sale
Monday, March 1st starts Kings Mills Elementary fundraising campaign with a Spring Flower Sale! Their goal is to raise $7,000 to purchase furniture and classroom materials to benefit KME.

Foertmeyer & Sons Greenhouse have an online store that you can purchase plants through! 

Foertmeyer & Sons Online Store:
       To visit their online store, go to, click the green “Online Shopping” button
       Share this generated link with your friends and family so that they can purchase their flowers online!
       Credit and Debit card payments are accepted!

Order until March 15. Flowers will arrive at KME on April 25 and pick-up time is 1:00-3:00 p.m.

You can check out a brief description of each plant, as well as how to care for them! Visit

If you have questions, please call 513-398-8050 ext. 14000.
BANDcakes is BACK in 2021!

The Kings Music Program is hosting their 11th annual Pat Cope Memorial BANDcakes Pancake Breakfast with Musical Entertainment, but with a Covid-friendly twist.

This year's breakfast is Saturday, March 20, featuring CURBSIDE PICKUP with STREAMING PERFORMANCES, so you can enjoy your pancake breakfast & our talented musicians from the comfort of your own home!

Each breakfast platter is $8 (+processing fee). Get your tickets today or contact your favorite Kings Band member to buy your tickets.
TRAFFIC UPDATE for Kings Mills
Expect traffic delays for lane closures on King Avenue between the Little Miami River bridge and Kings Mills (Miami Street) beginning Tuesday, March 2, 2021, for four (4) days between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., weather permitting.

The lane closures are necessary to complete soil boring and sampling work ahead of the planned King Avenue Bridge Replacement Over Little Miami River Improvements Project in 2022 and 2023. One lane of traffic will be maintained at all times with flaggers.

For more information, visit or contact WCEO at (513) 695-3301.
Mobile Mammography Van at Kings
The Mercy Health/Jewish Hospital mobile mammography van will be in the Kings Local School District on March 22 and 23 to offer screening mammograms for our female community members.

Deerfield Township Seeking Camp Counselors
Deerfield Township Summer Camp is hiring camp counselors! If you know someone who is dependable, has strong leadership skills, and enjoys working with children, please visit, for a job description and application. Counselors must be at least 18 years of age by June 1, 2021.
If you aren't following us on our social media channels, you are missing out! Don't miss one bit of news! Make sure to follow us on social media!
Our social media conversation is growing and we don't want you to miss out!

Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to keep in the loop!

Check out our VIRTUAL BACKPACK for more information on our newly added activities and fundraisers.
Kings Athletic News

Check out Kings Athletics website! You can find out schedule information, upcoming events, news about teams, and even get directions to away venues. 
Nine KHS Swimmers Qualify for State
This weekend the Aqua Knights will compete at the OHSAA State Championships. Following a successful weekend at the District Meet, nine swimmers will compete in Canton. State Qualifiers from the Women's team are Ashleigh Bender, Jackie Cunningham, Kate Luckett, Faith Rudowski, and Melanie Schweikert.

The ladies had a great showing at Districts qualifying both the 200 medley and 400 freestyle relays. Faith Rudowski qualified in both of her individual events in the 100 freestyle and 100 backstroke. The ladies will compete today at C.T. Branin Natatorium at 4:30 p.m. Stream live, HERE!.

Our men's team had a great showing at the district meet and is the TOP SEED going into the State Championships in the 200 medley and the third seed overall in the 200 freestyle relay. Our Men's State Qualifiers are Kevin Glennon, Aiden Leamer, Kavin Lynch, and Jake Young. Each of them also qualified for the state meet in their respective individual events. They will compete on Saturday, February 27th at 4:30 p.m. To watch the Swimming State Championships, click HERE!

GO Knights!
Indoor Track State Qualifiers
Congratulations to Alex Justus and Sara Doughman who had great individual finishes at the SPIRE Track and Field Showcase!

Alex finished 2nd out of 17 runners in the 800m with a time of 1:54. Alex currently holds the fastest 800m indoor time in the State of Ohio! Sara finished 17th in the 1600m with a time of 5:15.40. She is currently ranked 15th in the 1600m in the State of Ohio!
Youth Soccer Registration
Youth Spring soccer sign-ups are underway. Recreational soccer is open to boys and girls who live in the Kings School District between the ages of 5-18. Visit Kings Soccer Club to register today!
Kings Youth Baseball & Softball Registration
Kings Youth Baseball and Softball registration is closing soon! Boys and girls ages 5-18 are invited to sign up.

They are also seeking businesses or individuals to advertise on the windscreens at Landen Park.

For more information click here.
Kings Boys Lacrosse 2021 Registration

If you have a son in K-6th grade interested in playing Lacrosse this spring, visit You can also find them on Facebook at Kyolax and Twitter @kingsyouthlax.
Send Us the News You Want to See!

Contact Dawn Gould - Community Relations Coordinator at or phone: 513-459-2925.

Knight Nation News is a publication of the Kings Local School District Communications Department.
Kings Local School District
1797 King Ave
Kings Mills, Ohio 45034
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