CHHE Seed and Voucher Funds Available - Use it or Lose it
CHHE provides Full Members up to $5,000/year for projects that are related to the mission of the Center. CHHE will provide these funds to defray costs associated with using the Systems Technology Core (STC) (metabolomics, metallomics, proteomics and genomics) and the Comparative Pathology Core (tissue embedding, sectioning, and staining). Seed Funds can also be used at other NC State core facilities including Analytical Instrumentation Facility, Cellular and Molecular Imaging Facility, and the Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting Lab.
To request Seed Funds or STC Voucher Funds click here.
The budget year is April 01 - March 31. The deadline to use these supplemental funds is March 31, 2023, work in core facilities must be completed by mid-March 2023.