October 2022| Center for Human Health and the Environment

Upcoming Events

Oct. 4: Toxicology Seminar Series: Dr. Vijay Sivaraman 4:00pm Tox 2104/Zoom

Oct. 7: Behavior & Neuroscience RIG Meeting: Dr. Alexander Gomez-A 12:00pm Tox 2104/Zoom

Oct. 18: Toxicology Seminar Series: Dr. Brian Chorley 4:00pm Tox 2104/Zoom

Oct. 21: Susan Ivey, “An Introduction to NC State’s new Research Facilitation Service" 12:00pm/Zoom

Oct. 25: Toxicology Seminar Series: Morgan Ritter & Hannah Starnes Tox 2104/Zoom

Add the CHHE Google Calendar to your calendar to never miss an event or opportunity!





2022 State of the Center & Mini-retreat

The annual State of the Center and Mini-retreat took place on Friday, September 16th. at the JC Raulston Arboretum. Jane Hoppin, Interim Director, reviewed all the 2022 CHHE accomplishments and the upcoming 2023 Center changes. Katlyn May and Andrew Binder gave a presentation on the wider reaching resources offered by the Community Engagement Core. There were also poster talks.

2022 SOC Presentation


Kurt Marsden lab

Two students, Jake Deslauriers and Rachel Bieler, in Dr. Marsden's lab won awards. 

Jake Deslauriers (Genetics PhD student) was 1 of 2 winners in the graduate student category for best poster presentation at the Triangle Society for Neuroscience meeting on September 9th. His poster was titled "Cyfip2 controls the acoustic startle threshold through Rac1 and FMRP."

Rachael Bieler (3rd-year undergraduate in Biological Sciences) was 1 of 2 winners in the undergraduate student category for best poster presentation at the Triangle Society for Neuroscience meeting on September 9th. Her poster was titled "Effects of cyanotoxin exposure on neurological and motor function of zebrafish."

New Members

Ryan Weeks

Associate Member, Behavior and Neuroscience RIG

Ryan Weeks, a postdoc in Antonio Planchart's lab, was recently

selected to give a 10-minute Data Blitz Presentation at the 2022

Triangle Society for Neuroscience annual meeting, which came with a

$500 travel award. Ryan’s presentation was entitled “Modeling

Neurodegenerative Disease in Zebrafish Using a CRISPR-generated TDP-43

Acetylation Mimic”.

Find out Friday

Oct 21: Susan Ivey, "An Introduction to NC State’s new Research Facilitation Service" 12:00pm  Zoom

NC State’s Research Facilitation Service (RFS), a joint endeavor on the part of University Libraries, OIT and ORI, is available to help researchers navigate a broad range of possible research solutions to conduct efficient and secure research. The RFS partners with existing research computing and data providers on campus to meet NC State’s research needs, maintains knowledge about available community resources, and monitors emerging technologies and unmet needs to advocate for areas of potential growth at the university. The RFS is currently in a pilot phase with the College of Sciences (COS) to build its internal workflows, refine processes with OIT and COS IT members, learn more about campus needs, and understand how to scale and scope the RFS. During this short presentation, we’ll provide background and context for the creation of the service, as well as details about our pilot process with COS and how researchers outside of the college can reach us to request more information. We will address requests from outside of COS as our capacity allows.

CHHE Seed and Voucher Funds Available - Use it or Lose it

CHHE provides Full Members up to $5,000/year for projects that are related to the mission of the Center. CHHE will provide these funds to defray costs associated with using the Systems Technology Core (STC) (metabolomics, metallomics, proteomics and genomics) and the Comparative Pathology Core (tissue embedding, sectioning, and staining). Seed Funds can also be used at other NC State core facilities including Analytical Instrumentation Facility, Cellular and Molecular Imaging Facility, and the Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting Lab.

To request Seed Funds or STC Voucher Funds click here

The budget year is April 01 - March 31. The deadline to use these supplemental funds is March 31, 2023, work in core facilities must be completed by mid-March 2023.

Employment Opportunities

Are you interested in bridging the gap between university research and the public's understanding of it? Do you have a passion for working collaboratively to address environmental and human health in our communities? NC State is looking for you! 

Two NIEHS-funded research centers at NC State are looking for a Community Engagement Specialist to support their research translation and public engagement efforts. Scope of work will include: 

  • Developing educational materials;
  • Translating and disseminating center research;
  • Evaluating center programming;
  • Planning community-based events;
  • Conducting social science research;
  • Supporting larger communication efforts for the centers;
  • Working closely with faculty from participating programs and institutions, graduate students, community-based organizations, and other external stakeholders. 

For more information or to apply, click here. 

Learn more about the Center for Human Health and the Environment here.

Learn more about the Center for Environmental and Health Effects of PFAS here.

Please share with any colleagues who may be interested.

The CHHE Website posts job openings in the environmental health sciences field. Send us your postings for new jobs, email Michico (MJ) James. It's a great place for students and post-docs to see new available positions.

Cleaning out your lab? Updating your equipment?

Local schools can use your old lab supplies!

The CEC is looking to give lab supplies and equipment a new home with local science teachers to help them implement hands-on EHS activities in their classrooms. If you're ever looking to get rid of items email Katy May! There's a good chance that the teachers we work with in Wake and Durham counties will be able to use them in their classrooms, summer camps, and after school programs. 

Career Development: Want some help with your grant?

All investigators, especially Early Stage Investigators, are encouraged to work with the Career Development Core to develop and refine their grants. Email to set up a chalk talk to help organize ideas for your next proposal.


Please remember to cite and acknowledge NIH award support and the CHHE’s P30 grant in future publications and presentations by including this –

“Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number P30ES025128. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.”

Publications citing the Center grant in the acknowledgements of a manuscript and in the deposit of the manuscript in NIHMS are the currency for the P30 renewal!

CHHE Resources and Facilities Page for NIH Grants is available on the CHHE website.

PINS: Remember when submitting your grants, be sure to select "Center for Human Health and the Environment" as a center in PINS. Additional Resources

CHHE Cited Publications

Click here to check them out!

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