Let's Catch-up: February 2021
Our mission is to empower families to foster resilience and prioritize mental health and emotional wellness in their children through educational programming, access to resources, and peer support.
Stay Connected: Mental Health Matters
CATCH is thrilled to launch a public art display in partnership with the Village of Northbrook to remind everyone about the important link between caring connections and mental health.
Banners going up around town feature the message, Northbrook Cares, Community Together, complemented by colorful imagery showing people interacting outside the beloved gazebo at the Village Green Park. Did you know connection is one of the key factors in psychological well-being and is even shown to fend off depression and anxiety? In addition to highlighting the power of connection, the words and pictures on the banners also represent the mental health benefits of getting outside and remaining active.
The Village of Northbrook supported this project with funds designated for response to the pandemic which has taken a significant toll on mental health worldwide.
About the Artists
The artistry is the work of Heather Havlicek and Kevin Fogelson, a husband and wife creative team who embraced the opportunity to create a public art display that brings joy to Northbrook.
Heather, an art teacher at Northbrook’s Westmoor Elementary School, captures experiences and memories through narrative illustrations. Kevin, a digital artist who combines art with technology, teaches Graphic Arts at Antioch Upper Grade School in Antioch.
Posters Around Town
You will also see the artwork on posters displayed at businesses, schools, offices, and places of worship around Northbrook. Thank you to everyone who is helping spread this important message.
Posters & Magnets for Sale to benefit Northfield Food Pantry
The posters, as well as magnets, featuring the artwork, are available for purchase at The Book Bin, 1151 Church Street, and Payton Rose, 2760 Dundee Road, with the proceeds benefiting the Northfield Food Pantry and those area families hardest hit by the pandemic.
Posters: $5, Magnets: $10.
Teenage years are always tough. Pile on a pandemic and the recent death by suicide of GBN Senior Dylan Buckner, and the importance of teenage mental health is front and center throughout the community.
During a recent CATCH presentation, Real Talk for Teens: Mental Health: Anxiety, Depression and Suicide, Erica Leibrandt, LCPC, RYT, Sound Mind Counseling, spoke directly to teens about how to manage their own mental health, identify warning signs, talk to adults and support their friends.
Teenagers battling mental illness may find support in this set of 34 cards each with a therapist-approved, unique and independent coping mechanism geared towards teenagers battling depression or anxiety.
A group of Highland Park High School students created the Dealing Deck which also includes a resource card containing various hotline numbers in the case of a severe episode.
Deerfield High School Graduate Haley Epstein is working to encourage conversations around mental health and to create a safe space for people to share their stories about the good and bad in their lives through her movement, It's Okay to Not be Okay.
She just launched a new video series, “Hayletschat.” You can find it on her Facebook page along with a link to her online store.
An Anxious Parent, An Anxious Child, and the Value of Validation
What’s a mother to do when her own anxiety gets in the way of parenting her child with anxiety? In this post, one mom shares what she learned from her therapist and how it’s helping her manage the mix of emotions. It’s a lesson on the value of validation and a reminder about what to do when we just want to fix everything. Read more
In Real Life is an essay series from CATCH in which parents tell their stories with the hope others will find comfort in their experiences.
If you'd like to tell others what's going on In Real Life, we'd love to hear it and share it. Contact CATCH.
CATCH wants to connect with you. Let’s check in with each other.
Pour a cup and join us for a chat over Zoom to find support and resources, talk about things, just listen… whatever feels right.
Tuesday, March 9th
1pm-2:30 pm
National Eating Disorders Awareness Week
February 22-28
CATCH joins a collective effort to bring awareness of eating disorders during National Eating Disorders Awareness Week, so designated to educate the public, spread a message of hope, and put lifesaving resources into the hands of those in need.
Eating disorders are more than serious physical illnesses; they are also mental illnesses caused when someone is attempting to cope with overwhelming feelings and painful emotions by controlling food.
The National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) is the largest nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting individuals and families affected by eating disorders. In the United States, 20 million women and 10 million men will suffer from an eating disorder at some point in their lives.
NEDA Helpline: 800-931-2237
Trained volunteers are available to assist in locating resources for anyone who may be struggling with an eating disorder or supporting someone who is. All calls, chats, and texts are confidential.
Text NEDA to 741741 if you prefer to instant message the Helpline instead of speaking to a volunteer over the phone.
Family Service Center:
Resilience Builder Program
Family Service Center is offering a ten-week small group program for Northbrook students to help develop resilience, especially in response to the impacts of COVID-19. FSC’s mental health clinicians will lead the groups which will help youth identify what they do well and build on their strengths. Learn more.
This program is funded by the same Village of Northbrook grant that supported CATCH’s Northbrook Cares, Community Together public art display.
CATCH is dedicated to making a difference in our community.
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