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If you are the Primary Rep for your membership, you have access to update your listing in our Member Directory on our website.

Check your listing TODAY to ensure the correct information is posted.

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Upcoming Chamber events!
When:Tuesday, August 23
Time: 11:30am - 1:00pm
Location: Buffalo Wild Wings Medina
Cost: Free (Lunch included)

Topic: Inflation and the Impact it has on Small Business

Don Hicks, Regional Sales Manager – Ohio, with Vensure Employer Services, will discuss the impact inflation is having on the business community.

Today, inflation is a challenge for all business segments. Business executives, owners, and employees are all wondering how this may affect their organization. It is predicted that inflation is not going away soon. This business seminar is designed to discuss what exactly is inflation, what are the causes of inflation, and more importantly how you may be able to manage the negative impacts inflation may cause to your business.
When: Friday, August 26
Time: 9:00am - 10:00am
Location: Chick-fil-a Medina
Cost: Complimentary for members
(Food and beverage available to purchase on your own, if you choose.)

We're taking our popular monthly networking event back to
IN-PERSON for August!

Start your Friday with a cup of coffee and some casual networking. We offer participants the opportunity to introduce themselves, and engage in conversation with fellow members.

What's on your mind? What are you excited about? All things that we may discuss in this Friday morning motivating conversation!
When: Tuesday, September 13
Time: 11:30am - 1:00pm
Location: Williams on the Lake
Cost: $21 per person

Join us for one of the most anticipated monthly member meetings each year.

City of Medina Mayor Dennis Hanwell will present the State of the City.
Sponsored By:
When: Friday, September 16
Time: 8:30am - 10:00am
Location: Weymouth Country Club (Clubhouse building)
Cost: $25 members; $35 non-members

Topic: Building a Company Culture

A healthy culture can be an ambiguous and relative phrase that is hard to define or achieve for an organization. Yet, it is the foundation of what our organizations depend on to operate and thrive. Let's explore what components help establish a healthy culture together.

Presented by: Tony Morgano, Operator/Owner of Chick-fil-a Medina
When: Tuesday, September 20
Time: 11:30am - 1:00pm
Location: Williams on the Lake
Cost: $16 per person

Topic: Best Practices for Reducing Cuts and Punctures in the Workplace

Join us for our monthly Safety Council meeting. All are welcome to attend.

Presentation Objectives:
  • Frequency and Cost of cut and puncture accidents in the workplace.
  • OSHA PPE requirements for hand and arm protection.
  • Gloves 101, including ASTM Standards for protective gloves (cut, puncture, abrasion and thermal).
  • Best practices for avoidance of cut and puncture injuries
When: Wednesday, September 21
Time: 8:30am - 10:00am
Location: Buffalo Wild Wings Medina
Cost: $12 members; $15 non-members

Join us for a morning of networking and engaging discussion!

Networking - 8:30am - 9:00am
Participants can enjoy a morning beverage and breakfast treat while networking.

Program - 9:00am - 10:00am
We will start by learning who is in the room by sharing our 30-second commercials.

Following introductions, this month's Guest Contributor is Bryan Lefelhoc with Spire Marketing. Discussion topic TBD.
When: Thursday, September 22
Time: 4:00pm - 5:30pm
Location: Buffalo Wild Wings Medina
Cost: Free to attend (Cash bar available)

Topic: Multi-Generational Leadership - Leading Your Parents & Your Kids

Do you have leaders in your organization from various generations?

This workshop will educate you on how best to be a leader to these generations by learning about their values and LEAD language.

We'll have fun learning about the different generations so we can be more empathetic to their needs and become more effective leaders.

Presented by Terri Greene, M. Ed., Director of LEAD Institute & Community Impact for Leadership Medina County.
When: Thursday, September 29
Time: 4:00pm - 6:00pm
Location: Architectural Justice
(2462 Pearl Road, Medina)
Cost: Complimentary Member Benefit

Join fellow Chamber member, Architectural Justice, for a casual open-house style end of day social event.

Come tour their amazing design center and mingle with your fellow Chamber members. Food and beverage will be provided.

Don't miss this opportunity to tour this one-of-a-kind location and make a new connection!

Friday, October 21, 2022
Morning event
Blair Center at Westfield

Chamber Member Paid Announcement
Chamber Member Paid Announcement
Chamber Business Blog
The title of this article is supposed to be funny, but procrastination isn’t a laughing matter. In fact, procrastination can be severely impacting your business. It can affect sales, revenue, and employee happiness. But when work is tough and no news sounds good, it’s easy to tell yourself that you’ll handle the hard stuff on a better day. The problem is there will never be a perfect day to do the hard things. So, here’s how you can tackle today, what you could put off for tomorrow.

Click HERE to read the full article!
Chamber Business Blog
Board Of Directors

Teresa Rodgers, President ~ JACK Entertainment
Dan Calvin ~ Critchfield, Critchfield & Johnston, Immediate Past President
Ron Paydo ~ Huntington National Bank, President Elect
Michelle Masica ~ Sperry Commercial Global Affiliates - The Masica Company, VC Member Services
Ted Klimczak ~ Rea & Associates, Inc., Treasurer

Ryan Carlson ~ Carlson Financial Group
Rick Davidson ~ Community Energy Advisors
Nate Eppink ~ Medina County Park District
Jason Guyer ~ Schauer Group
Nick Howell ~ National Design Mart
Julie McNabb ~ JK Gift shop / Interior Design Studio
Dr. Richard Shewbridge~ Cleveland Clinic Medina Hospital
Jaclyn Taylor ~ Westfield Group
Kelli Wagner ~ Medina County Women's Journal
Chamber Staff 

Jaclyn Ringstmeier, Executive Director |
Stephanie Mueller, Membership and Events Coordinator |
Rebecca Parkhurst, Accounting Manager |

Greater Medina Chamber of Commerce | 330-723-8773 |