AFS Cal-Neva Newsblast
25 February 2021

Final Program is posted!
We are almost ready for the first virtual and 55th annual meeting of the AFS Cal-Neva Chapter!

The Final Program is now posted on the Chapter website. It includes the schedule, presentation and poster abstracts, plenary speaker bios, descriptions of the continuing education courses, and information about the conference theme, student awards, and the Spawning Run.

Over 100 participants have registered so far! There is still time to register and join us for an excellent schedule of presentations plus the chance to interact with your colleagues at virtual networking events.

Casting a Wide Net:
Diverse Perspectives in Fisheries

Conferences such as this provide an important forum for scientists to share their research, educate one another, inspire one another, and discuss the past, present, and future of fisheries. Issues related to fisheries encompass many societal values, including subsistence, recreation, and conservation. It is important that we, as fisheries scientists, managers, and enthusiasts, focus on the wide-ranging relationships between fisheries and society, and how we can better meet the needs of society by maintaining and fostering a diversity of perspectives.

If we do not effectively incorporate diverse perspectives and reach out to diverse communities and stakeholders, then effective and inclusive science-based policy will likely remain an ideal, rather than reality.
Thank-you to Our Sponsors!
We are very grateful to the following organizations for their financial support of our annual meeting: BiomarkEBMUD (East Bay Municipal Utility District), Environmental Science Associates, and Regional San (Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District).