Friday, February 19 at 11am
Living the Jesus Way
Part of Lent is watching and listening to Jesus in order to become more like him. We will ponder Jesus’ hands this hour – how he used them in his mission/ministry and how you might use your hands.
Join with video:
Join on your phone: (312) 626-6799
Meeting ID: 818 7817 4594; Passcode: 338083
Saturday, February 20 - anytime that works for you
A Dozen Poems
February is Black History Month, and to celebrate the contributions Black poets have made, and continue to make, to the richness of American poetry, twelve contemporary Black poets from across the country were asked to choose one poem that should be read this month and to reflect very briefly about their choice.
Worship with us this Sunday!
Worship with us on Facebook Live at 10am this Sunday – or anytime after that or our FB page or YouTube Channel.

It’s the First Sunday of Lent. Our scriptures are Genesis 9:8-17; Psalm 25:1-10; and Mark 1:9-15… God displays the rainbow after the 40 days and nights of the flood, “This is the sign of the covenant that I have established between me and all flesh that is on the earth.” In our Gospel Lesson, Jesus is baptized and the heavens are torn apart – God breaks in – then we see Jesus go into the wilderness for 40 days…

We will extinguish our first Lenten Candle too.

[If you want to experience our Ash Wednesday service…]

Livestream worship on designated Sundays. Look under videos for previous livestreamed services.
All our worship service videos in one place!
All Mid~Week Meditations that have been recorded on YouTube.
Order of worship, announcements, prayer list, birthdays and anniversaries.
Sunday School
Sunday School for children through 5th grade:

Meeting ID: 383 733 977
Password: 81968
Sunday School for Youth/Teens each week:

Meeting ID: 815 6130 3581
Password: 702228
Forgiveness—Simple and Yet Complex
by Dr. Jan Worley
Sunday, February 21
11:15am-1:15pm | via Zoom

Visit our website via the "Read More" link for study materials to review in advance of this session.
Tuesday Evening Dialogue New Book 2/23
The Sword and the Shield by Peniel Joseph
2nd & 4th Tuesdays | 7:00pm
Wednesday, February 24
7:00-8:00pm | via Zoom

Do you want to know more about PUCC? Do you want to be known?
Prayer List Updates
All the acts of kindness, justice and equity near and far!
Black History Month
The Journey of Lent
Brian Sableman & Daphane Tan married here at PUCC last wkend.
Healthcare workers, homeless and many others at risk right now.
Physical Distancing… if anyone needs groceries, medicine and/or other support, please reach out to [email protected]; 314-330-0629
Jim & Polly Winkelmann - he is home healing after a stroke…
1504 Wolf Trail Rd; Wildwood, MO 63021; 314-610-3348 (Jim’s cell).
People and places – including Texas – impacted by these winter storms.

St Louis Assn UCC Covenant Partner
Week ending February 21 - Eden Theological Seminary,
Webster Groves;
Week ending February 28 - Eden UCC, Affton; 

Prayer for Texas – Maren Tirabassi, UCC Pastor
God, they are boiling water
and it is simply to drink,
except in places
where they is no power for boiling.
They are lighting candles
when the lights have gone out,
and there are fires.
They face frozen pipelines
and frost-bitten fingers,
icy highways,
desperate nursing homes,
hospitals, and dialysis centers,
waiting lines for propane,
blankets, shelter and food,
new guidelines
for using melted snow.
Mostly, there is this new fear
among the hurricane-wise,
drought-savvy, tornado-ready,
even, thanks to Harvey,
who are so blizzard-innocent.
As winds, snow, deep cold
endanger lives
across all the country,
and we grieve losses,
encourage those who restore power,
enable vaccine lines,
support those who offer shelter
with as much
pandemic-protection as possible,
we pray especially for those
across southern states,
who learn quickly,
but find themselves saying,
like folks in an old church hall –
“we’ve never done it this way.”
Priest drags ashes across my upper lip and whispers "Stache Wednesday."
Germination of a Seed (Time Lapse) – 1.5 minutes
I was delighted to see the roots going down first!
Nothing to Declare
by Lauren K. Alleyne
in honor of Black History Month
There is no name for what rises in you
as you enter the dim world of the taxi
and wheel through the night, escorted
by smooth jazz and a battalion of street-
lights. At the airport, you heave the bags
you have stuffed to the limits of carriage
and check them in. You have no trouble
knowing what to do with your empty
hands. At security, the usual stripping.
You surrender your body to the scan,
the searching sweep, as if what is dangerous
is not what cannot be so easily detected.
You comply. At the gate, grateful to be
early, you sit with your books, plug in
devices that tether you to this place
you’re meant to be leaving, that crowd
out thoughts of arrival and its bittersweet
complications. Yuh going home or just visiting,
someone will ask, and you never know
how you will answer. You know the bones
of your mother’s brown arms will wind
around you, her breath against your neck
will baptize you again in names you have
no one to call you in the other place
you belong to. You know the waiting
untended in you will surge toward her,
and you know something else will sink,
sulk itself into a familiar, necessary sleep.
You know yourself now only as the ocean
knows this island—always pulling away,
always, always, returning.
Habitat News
35 years and 400 homes ago, a group of Parkway members, along with others from the St. Louis Association, brought Habitat for Humanity to St. Louis. In the last 25 years, this Saint Louis UCC/HFH partnership has generated $800,000 in donations towards building affordable housing in St. Louis. While at this time, due to Covid-19, volunteer opportunities are not available, this need for affordable housing continues. Please consider helping continue this worthy effort.  Please make checks payable to UCC Habitat Build and send them to Tim Weaver, Samuel UCC, 320 N. Forsyth Blvd., Clayton, Mo 63105 Please direct any questions to Tom McKenzie: 314-567-0429 | [email protected].
Missouri’s own WWII Fighter Pilot Ace – Raymond Littge (Great-uncle of Greg Schmelig)
A biography based on research materials, military records, interviews with family members, and the diaries of his sister, Altheda Littge Schmelig (Grandmother of Greg Schmelig). The 352nd Fighter Group, known as the Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney, was one of the most highly decorated fighter groups of the entire Second World War. It produced many aces, including Raymond H. Littge. This book tells the story of Ray’s short life, focusing on his years as a P-51 Mustang pilot in Europe during World War II. This book is dedicated to our family and to all those who served. Greg Schmelig
* All profits from the sale of this book will go to the Lutheran Heritage Center and Museum in Altenburg, Missouri.
Kirkwood/DesPeres Chamber of Commerce has named Barb Kuhlmann’s son the Businessperson of the Year 2020

Jon Kuhlmann, who was born and raised in this community and the owner of Kirkwood Florist, which has been an anchor business in Kirkwood for over 65 years, has been selected by the Kirkwood-Des Peres Area Chamber of Commerce to receive the Businessperson of the Year Award. Jon has shown grace while helping others and has demonstrated that he is a leader who can be trusted and looked up to. While navigating COVID 19, Jon’s heart has remained in his community, committed to supporting the local small businesses during this very unusual and difficult time.   
First, Jon has kept the Kirkwood Florist staff healthy, and employed, by working seven days a week himself so his dad, Eric Kuhlmann, does not have to come into the shop, and his staff gets a day off.  He also hosted the first in-person Chamber event last July on the parking lot of their business. 
Jon has helped other small businesses that have struggled this year, offering a $25 gift card to anyone who brought in a receipt showing $50 spent at a local restaurant. He showed his loyalty to small businesses by making a conscious effort to dine out and order lunches for his employees from local restaurants. Jon created a successful Facebook post describing his creative way to support Downtown Kirkwood restaurants, and Kirkwood restaurant owners benefited from his vision and actions.  He also kept his promise to do all his Christmas shopping at local small businesses.  
Over this past year, Kirkwood Florist has made several donations to the community, local businesses, as well as supporting the Kirkwood School District. Many businesses have not made it through the past year, and that has hit Jon hard. Jon's love for, and dedication to our community is evident. He has been passionate to help small businesses, shedding tears for those individuals we have lost this year and the businesses that did not survive. He has put forth a tremendous effort to help support his fellow small businesses.  
ONA Convocation

Saturday, March 6 | 9:00am-3:00pm | via Zoom
Month of Grace + Prayer
February 21 through March 21

Month of Grace + Prayer co-hosted by Dayspring Baptist Church and Parkway United Church of Christ. All meetings virtual (Zoom). Any adult is welcome to participate
Learn about the Grace + Prayer experience from PUCCers:
Dottie Dwyer
Sue Stolze

We appreciate your submissions of jokes, quotes, videos, weekly opportunities, Mid~Week Meditation ideas, scriptures that are important to you, hymn/song suggestions, poetry, etc We would love to hear from you [email protected]
Visit our social media for a mix of pix and to see what other PUCCers would like you to attend/experience/ponder/pray about with them.
Please post a picture of you/yours on our social media:
(314) 872 9330 [email protected]
2841 N Ballas Road,
St. Louis, MO 63131

PUCC eNews is published weekly in order to broadcast Parkway UCC events and happenings - and items of interest to the Parkway UCC community of faith - for the upcoming week. Please submit all communications requests, via the button below, by noon Monday.