Physician groups did not reduce their share of vulnerable patients after joining an accountable care organization despite claims of the opposite, a new
study from the Perelman School of Medicine revealed.
Accountable care organizations (ACOs) are the largest payment reform experimentation, with over 1,000 of the organizations covering more than 32 million patients in 2018, researchers reported...READ MORE
Hospitals and providers face unprecedented financial pressure amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Providers are losing $1.4 billion daily as they experience significant declines in patient volume, according to consulting firm Crowe. Healthcare executives are responding to the financial declines with workforce reductions, pay cuts and other cost-cutting measures.
For two decades, consolidation in health care has been a strong industry trend. Championed by hospitals and hospital-organized systems, care is now less independent and more centralized, especially in urban settings. Widespread acquisitions of physician practices and towers of specialty services, diagnostics, and treatment seem to have forever changed the health care landscape. But in the era of COVID-19, that configuration of big health care is proving to be a problem...READ MORE
With the growing recognition of the importance of Social Determinants of Health, many ACOs are wondering how to realistically impact important factors such as safe and affordable housing in the communities they serve. A few large health systems have invested tens of millions of dollars into affordable housing projects...READ MORE
Exhibitor Spotlight
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InfoMC's care coordination and care management platform helps Care Coordinators and Care Managers engage patients in their care plans and easily connect them to community-based and other resources to address SDoH needs. Our solution uses a person-centered, integrated approach that promotes quality, efficient and effective care and enables patients and Care Teams to work together to communicate and coordinate care.
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