Classicism at Home
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No matter where you are, the Institute of Classical Architecture & Art (ICAA) offers courses, lectures, articles, and more, available at any time at
Classicism at Home
offers a weekly opportunity to turn your thoughts to things both historic and contemporary, academic and entertaining, and aesthetic and rigorous through the ICAA's ongoing online content.
Everyone has the ability to draw. As children, we all drew pictures to communicate how we perceived the world around us. As adults, many of us struggle with the fact that our drawing skills may not be at a level that are worth using. Drawing, however, is much like playing a musical instrument, so with practice, good tutelage, and a positive attitude, we can all develop our skills.
David R. Csont is the Chief Illustrator and a principal at
Urban Design Associates
, an architectural design firm based in Pittsburgh. David developed his mastery of the form during 30 years of practical experience as an architectural illustrator. In this first video in a 10-episode series, David lays out practical, actionable methods for effective architectural drawing.
This week's installment in the ICAA's "What We're Watching" series of film recommendations, from
Gary L. Brewer, Partner at Robert A.M. Stern Architects and ICAA Board Member, offers an exploration of the ways in which architecture informs films in two settings: town and country. Journey through tenement neighborhoods, penthouse apartments, vast fields of gold and green, and dusty Texas towns in this list of viewing suggestions.
This lecture was originally live streamed by the ICAA's Southern California Chapter.
Join realtor and author Bret Parsons for a dynamic multimedia cruise through some of Los Angeles’s most esteemed mansions and noteworthy enclaves. Punctuated by fascinating bits of history and humor, Bret’s talk is guaranteed to spark your curiosity and improve your cocktail conversation about one of the most high-profile home-building regions on the planet.
The ICAA is saddened to learn of the passing of Jaquelin T. Robertson, the talented architect, pioneering urbanist, and widely-admired former Dean of the University of Virginia School of Architecture. He was twice the recipient of the Arthur Ross Award, once in 1995 in the category of Architecture, and again in 2019, receiving the Board of Directors Honor.
Robert A.M. Stern presented the 2019 award to Jaque's wife Anya, and provided a stirring overview of his remarkable career along with fond personal reminiscences. He has now written a tribute to Jaque that originally appeared in
Architectural Record
and is reproduced on
with permission.
Tuesday, May 19
6:00 PM EDT / 3:00 PM PDT
Leon Krier
María Sánchez
, and
Pedro Godoy
have been teaming up for over 17 years to design new traditional cities, among them Ciudad Cayalá in Guatemala, and Herencia de Allende in Mexico.
In this live conversation moderated by architect and ICAA Fellow
Rodrigo Bollat Montenegro
, the team will discuss the tools required for the art of making places, share their experiences in working together, and provide insight into the role of the architect in the foundation of a new traditional city.
A live Q&A will follow the discussion.
NOTE: This event is open to ICAA Members exclusively.
Advance registration is required to receive the link to the webinar platform.
Due to Renew Your Membership?
If your membership is due for renewal, or if you would like to join and support the ICAA, you can do so on
our website
By renewing today, you will remain connected to the ICAA’s diverse programming, publications, and community, while also ensuring our continued growth and success through 2020 and into the future.
ICAA Online Courses & Lectures
From the Philadelphia Chapter:
- Tuesday, May 12, 6:30 PM EDT / 3:30 PM PDT
Join Lloyd DeWitt, the Chief Curator and Irene Leache Curator of European Art at the Chrysler Museum, for a compelling reassessment of Thomas Jefferson’s architecture that scrutinizes the complex—and sometimes contradictory—meanings of his iconic work.
Featuring a wealth of archival images, including models, paintings, drawings, and prints, this program presents absorbing themes of history, ethics, philosophy, classicism, neoclassicism, and social sciences while investigating various aspects of Jefferson’s works, design principles, and complex character.
From the Southern California Chapter:
Wednesday, May 13, 8:00 PM EDT / 5:00 PM PDT
Join author and architectural historian David Silverman on a photographic journey through the heyday of Hollywood. Peek behind the gates of Los Angeles' most legendary estates to see their architecture and interior design, and to learn secrets they hold and stories they tell.
In spring of 2019, The ICAA hosted Barry Bergdoll, to discuss the renowned work of "Napoleon's architects," Charles Percier (1764-1838) and Pierre Fontaine (1762-1853). Percier and Fontaine were not only the Emperor's official government architects, but two of the most celebrated teachers at the legendary
des Beaux-Arts, responsible for developing the highly influential neoclassical Empire, or Directoire, style of design. This
insightful lecture was filmed in its entirety and can now be viewed online.
New Social Sketching Activities
ICAA Chapters are bringing social sketching events online, opening them up to participation around the country, and even internationally. This weekend, join friends and colleagues in social sketching events hosted by the Chicago-Midwest, Rocky Mountain, Southeast, Southern California, and Texas Chapters:
This week, the
Chicago-Midwest Chapter's
sketching subject is the
Soldiers’ & Sailors’ Monument in Indianapolis, IN
View the images here
Post to your own Instagram account using #icaachicago #connectingthroughsketching #classicalarchitecture #classicismathome #virtualsketching
The Rocky Mountain Chapter's
remote sketching
activity, "
Sketching Benedict,"
focuses on the Colorado architect
Jacques Benedict, this week focusing on the now-demolished Central Savings Bank
Find images here
Post an image of your sketch to Instagram by Wednesday, May 13th. Include a little note about your sketch and the following tags: @icaarockymountain #sketchingbenedictrmc
This week
the Southeast Chapter
focuses on
the Windsor Ruins outside of Port Gibson, Mississippi (photo credit:
Kathy Weiser-Alexander)
View more images here
Forward a JPG file of your sketch to by Monday noon following the sketch date for it to be posted to the
ICAA Southeast Instagram
account on Monday afternoon. Please include your Instagram handle in order to tag your sketch.
Post to your own Instagram account using #icaasoutheast #graphiteandgrits #connectingthroughsketching #classicalarchitecture
Once the next location is announced, you can snap a photo of your illustration and post it to your Instagram page with your location, a little something about yourself by next Monday and tag
Post your illustrations to your own account, and be sure to send them in a direct message to @icaatexas for inclusion in the Chapter's roundup of submissions.
In a time of curtailed in-person events and classes, the ICAA is pleased to bring an abundance of remote learning opportunities to our members and enthusiasts, including from member firms. If your member firm is interested in sharing an upcoming course with us, please contact
Practical Decorative Plastering, with Hyde Park Mouldings
Wednesday, May 13th, Thursday, May 21st, and Thursday, May 28th
All classes are at 1:30 PM EDT / 10:30 AM PDT.
1.5 AIA CES Learning Unit|Elective
For much of mankind's history, plaster played an important role in interior construction. Prior to the introduction of gypsum wall board ("Drywall") at the end of the 19th century, interior walls, ceilings and decorative elements were commonly rendered in plasters made of gypsum, lime and mineral aggregates using the same age-old methods documented by Vitruvius in his
Ten Books on Architecture
. Although construction methods and materials have evolved, plaster remains a viable and useful material for interiors as both a finish and as a medium for cast or drawn ornament.
In a course offered by Hyde Park Mouldings, participants will a) review the benefits and limitations of plaster as a material for interior construction and decoration, b) demonstrate methods of casting and "Running" plaster mouldings, c) provide a brief overview of the uses of plaster in construction throughout history and d) examine the "Levels of Drywall Finish" and compare to traditional lime/gypsum plaster veneer.
You can add an ICAA donation sticker directly to your own Instagram stories.
After taking a photo or video with the Instagram Stories camera (located in the upper left hand corner of your home screen) tap the sticker button and search "Donation." Select the Donation sticker, and search for
There is so much more available online at
: filmed lectures and public programs, panel discussions, and
numerous online articles
provide an opportunity to stay connected with the ICAA.