2020 was a year of tremendous loss and suffering for many in our community. The COVID pandemic
disproportionately impacted the communities we serve and further resulted in job loss and economic hardship for vulnerable families.
While the promise of a vaccine brings a sense of hope, WCAC remains committed to helping all those in need throughout our community for as long as it takes to collectively recover from this devastating pandemic. Amidst the challenges of 2020, we made progress and renewed our commitment to our core values of partnering with dignity, encouraging and elevating all voices and perspectives in our work, and advancing equitable access to our services and programs for everyone we reach. We embrace our shared responsibility to work toward a better society as we fulfill our mission to help people move to economic self-sufficiency through programs, partnerships, and advocacy. We invite our peers and partners to work with us in the coming year to break the cycle of poverty and work toward resilient families and a
thriving community with opportunities for all.

2020 also gave us great reason to celebrate and recognize our work. It was year that unveiled our everyday community action heroes and heroines at WCAC; our incredible staff. Staff from every corner of our agency demonstrated great care and compassion for one another and for our community.

Please click the image above to view WCAC's 2020 Annual Report. Special thanks to the team at PENTA Communications for creating such a stunning and dynamic piece to capture the important accomplishments made and major strides taken to help our communities reach self sufficiency.