Protecting and Celebrating
the Genesee River
Genesee RiverWatch and the
Genesee Finger Lakes Chapter of the AWMA
are proud to partner in the following presentation:

Status of the Lower Genesee River Corrective Action -
NYSDEC Environmental Response Trust
Speaker: Lisa Gorton, NYSDEC; Amy Ruta & William Long, Parsons Corp. 

Where:  Online Webinar - Zoom

When: Wednesday, December 15, 2021 - 12:00PM - 1:00PM

Cost: Free Event

Registration: Please register at Events on the AWMA website.
(Click on the link and scroll down to "Status of the Lower Genesee River Corrective Action")
Environmental Response Trust Manager, Lisa Gorton P.E., and Parsons Corporation will provide a status update on the project to dredge legacy accumulations of silver from the bed of the lower Genesee River.
If you have boated on the Genesee below the Memorial Bridge or walked/cycled alongside this stretch of the river, you may have seen these dredging operations underway during the summer and fall.
The project is the culmination of a long-term study of silver contaminants in riverbed sediment stemming from earlier Eastman Kodak operations. The study area covered the river from the Memorial Bridge (Route 104) to the mouth of Lake Ontario. It resulted in a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act "Corrective Action Statement of Basis", issued in January 2020, which defined the areas at risk of releasing hazardous materials and the plan for remediating these sites. The work is focused on two riverbed sections and a wetland area located along the eastern bank across from Turning Point Park.
The study and subsequent dredging and disposal work are being paid for by the Kodak-Environmental Response Trust, initially funded during the Kodak bankruptcy process in 2012-13.
We hope you will be able to join us to gain a better understanding of the work you may have seen on the river this year and its importance to the future health of our river.

Your friends at Genesee RiverWatch