In this Issue:
From the Rector

THIS Saturday 10/24:
Calvary's Anti-Racism Journey: StorySharing via Zoom

We are the Church: Reflection by Janet Keller and Virtual Pledge Card

Clifton Crosswalk

Parish Outdoor Workdays: THIS WEEKEND October 24 & 25
El Hogar: Updates and Special Virtual Event this Saturday evening.

Gospel Meditations: An Invitation to Explore the Gospel with Others

Benevolence Fund

Current Worship Schedule: UPDATES

Virtual Coffee Hour Link

Prayer List

Virtual Sunday School for Children

From the Rector

Dear Parishioners,

This weekend, there are several ways for you to "be the church."

See below for ways to engage with the Saturday morning StorySharing Event, "Putting the Beds to Bed" on Calvary's Grounds, El Hogar Update on Saturday evening, and Sunday Morning Worship ONLINE.
Our worship attendance has been lower than it was at the beginning of the pandemic and last year. But we are picking up some traction.

See Below: Calvary Worship Attendance Chart 2019 v. 2020
Also, the Re-Open Team is looking for your feed back. Please take some time to fill out the five-question survey by clicking the button below.
Finally, thank you to Bishop Nedi Rivera and the Rev. Bob Moore for procuring these fabulous yard signs (see design below). Stop by the front of the church this weekend and pick one up for your yard or window while they last!

The Reverend Allison English
In-Person, On-Site Worship
Postponed until November 1
Due to COVID Number Increases and Diocesan Guidelines, indoor worship is prohibited.

Outdoor gatherings up to 50 people permitted.

Calvary's Anti-Racism Journey

Saturday, October 24
10:00 AM-Noon

The shortest distance between two people is a story. Storytelling has been passed down through the ages as a way to educate, empower, and edify listeners of every age, culture and educational level. Often something new is born in the sacred interaction between the listener and the teller. Indeed, as Jesus demonstrated in countless interactions, God is quite likely to show up in the space between us when we share our stories.

How to Prepare
Write 250-500 words (2-5 minutes of speaking) on this prompt:
We praise God with the “communion of Saints” and with “all the company of Heaven.” Share a story about someone who has died with whom you still feel connected through prayer or another act of faith.

Each person will be invited to share what they have prepared. We will prepare one other prompt on the theme of race and reconciliation during the time together. The above is our warmup for sharing stories with each other.

We are working to create a safe space for sharing and learning.
The StorySharing session will NOT be recorded or available at a later time.
Take Debby Irving's 21-Day Challenge

For 21 days, do one action to further your understanding of power, privilege, supremacy, oppression, and equity.
Janet Keller reflects on how
"We are the Church"

I received my We Are The Church stewardship mailing this week. You probably got yours too. I was reading the material when I came to this statement on the last page saying, “We are the strong and vital branches of Calvary Church thanks to our collective offerings of time, talent, and treasure.” This made me pause and think about my own offerings of time, talent and treasure.

I offer my time and talent here to the Altar Guild, to Godly Play, the 9:30 Family Service, as well as to the Vestry. I also like to help with the Church grounds - I have a little plot right outside the door - and with vacation bible school. These are things that I care about, that are fulfilling to me, and that I enjoy. 

I also care a lot about homelessness, but for various reasons, I’m not as involved with our homeless ministries - Tender Mercies, IHN, and Habitat. So while I’m spiritually called to these outreach ministries, I’m not able to offer my time and talent to them. You probably feel the same way about some of our ministries. For me, I able to offer my treasures to help support these ministries that I care about. 

I believe it’s important that Calvary continues to be a leader in outreach ministries. Calvary is so much more than just our Sunday service. I encourage all of you consider how you can offer you time, talent and treasures to Calvary in the coming year. We are the church. Please, be the Church!

We are the Church

Our pledge ingathering is on
Sunday, November 1.

We are the strong and vital branches of Calvary Church thanks to our offerings of Time, Talent, and Treasure.

Here is the good news to date:

12 households have already pledged.

Pledges to date total $38,280,
15% of our $254,400 goal.
Let's Get a Crosswalk across Clifton Ave.

Neighbors and friends of Calvary are hoping to urge the city to put a crosswalk in place from Warren Ave. to the church. Do your part to help make it safer for students, Apple Tree families, and Calvary parishioners to walk across Clifton Ave.

From the Facilities Manager & Junior Warden:
Please do not put any organic material in either the trash or recycling bins.

An area near the gravel pad at the base of the parking will be designated for compost, or you can take it home for your own composting if desired.
From the Junior Warden
"Put the Beds to Bed"
Parish Workdays
Save the date
Saturday & Sunday
October 24 and 25

Members who have adopted flower beds around the church are invited to “put them to bed” in preparation of the winter. Be safe and socially distanced during these workdays. Mulch is still available in the Boy Scout trailer for this purpose. Some tools are available as well. Thank you for your service, the church and grounds look very inviting; we are awaiting all of our return.   
El Hogar esperanza virtual fundraiser
Gospel Meditations:
An Invitation to Explore the Gospel with Others
from Bob Smith

Gospel meditation is a great blessing and pleasure.  

CW joined us just last week, “gospel meditation meeting was such a special time for me; I got to meet you all and feel the energy...all positive.”  

DG, a long time member, “various opinions give me a different perspective and a much deeper understanding of the importance of the Gospels.”  

Allow yourself to be taken by surprise.  For a moment, imagine yourself reading a brief Gospel lesson. How do you respond to the lesson?  

Next, relax. Offer a prayer.  Imagine being in the scene. Imagine God assisting you.  Let your mind quiet. Now, is there something else, some other idea that brings new life to the scripture?  Allow yourself to be taken by surprise.  

Now, join with others who have likewise spent the last thirty minutes.  Each speaks.  Another round of surprises.  

Sign off and enjoy your day contemplating the beauty of this interaction. Allow yourself to be taken by surprise. 

All this is done from the comfort of your home by using your computer or phone. We meet by ZOOM every Thursday (except Thanksgiving) from 9 to 10 AM.

Please call or email me (Bob Smith) for more information (information below).  I can discuss the process, “teach” ZOOM use, get your email to invite you to our meetings, answer any questions or just talk. 

Or, just send me your email address and I’ll send you an ZOOM invitation (link) and the Gospel lesson for the day.  

Bob Smith, 513-260-3646,
The Benevolence Fund
The Rector and Vestry of Calvary Parish have established The Benevolence Fund.

Please notify the rector of any need for housing, medications, or utilities expenses you will struggle to meet Rev. Allison. The Benevolence Team will blindly review requests and one-time payments will be made.

If you find yourself in a challenging position during this time, please reach out to Rev. Allison. Your conversation and concerns will be held in the strictest confidence.

Funds are available to cover mortgage payments, utility bills, and medical expenses for members of the church.

To donate, please send checks to:
Calvary Episcopal Church
3766 Clifton Ave
Cincinnati, OH 45220
(in memo: Benevolence Fund)

or CLICK HERE to donate.
Re-Open - Back to Phase 1
Per Bishop Breidenthal's instruction, we are in Phase 1 of the Re-Open Guide due to Hamilton County being in LEVEL RED.

We may not worship in the church.
We are permitted to worship outside: up to 50 people
in masks and distanced.

Current Weekly Worship Schedule:
10:30 AM

Worship is available and will continue live on Facebook and our website starting with announcements at 10:20 AM. Look for the Online Worship Guide in your inbox each week.
Sunday Virtual
Coffee Hour

Virtual Coffee Hour will take place via Zoom this Sunday, following the 10:30 service. To join the coffee hour follow this link. For instructions on how to access the meeting, click here ,

You can also access a Facebook group to talk with other Calvary members and get updates from the parish. To join that group, click here
This week we pray:

For those on our Parish Prayer List 
Phyllis Reid, Kelsey Logan, Christian Friedenberg, Larry Griggs, Bishop Tom Breidenthal, Mary Kate DeWees, Eddie and his family, Tom Gardner, Rachel, Autumn, Mary Ann McDonald, Todd Baumgartner

For Homebound Parishioners
Mary Ann Bragg, Richard Sininger, Joan Sievers, Paul McCauley, Hazel Ison, Hedda von Goeben

Send your prayer requests to Rev. Allison
Prayer requests are spoken aloud in worship for two weeks / kept on prayer list for two months. Keep us updated for long-term requests.

If you have a pastoral need, please contact the
Rector, The Rev. Allison English at 513-401-5781
or Rector Associate, The Rev. Olivia Hamilton at 513-236-0526.
Virtual Sunday School has begun!

Contact Sally Engelbert here to learn more about the classes and how you and your children can attend.
Calvary Episcopal Church | 513-861-4437 |