Middlebury Institute of International Studies
June 2020
New COVID-19 Resources: Lessons for Preparation
Roughly six months into the pandemic, we have learned so much—not just about this particular novel coronavirus, but what it can teach us about biosecurity and global security writ large.

New resources in our COVID-19 web portal focus on:

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US-Russia Arms Control
on the Horizon
This month, Russia released a new presidential directive on nuclear policy; the United States threatened to resume nuclear testing; and together they (belatedly) launched a process—with low expectations—to possibly renew the 2010 New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty. What does it all mean?

In Foreign Policy , Eurasia Nonproliferation Program Director Sarah Bidgood warns that a nuclear test would blow up in Trump's face .

VCDNP Senior Fellow Nikolai Sokov examines what is new—and what isn't— in Russia's new nuclear policy document .

Ms. Bidgood argues that the declared Russian policy could provide a window of opportunity to get bilateral arms control back on track, an argument she further elaborated in an appearance on the television program Government Matters .

Given all the deleterious developments, how can arms control move forward ? Former US official Thomas Countryman, VCDNP Senior Fellow Angela Kane , and Dr. Sokov addressed this question in a June 22 webinar hosted by VCDNP.

In a study published by the Stiftung Entwicklung und Frieden , Ms. Kane and VCDNP Research Associate Noah Mayhew argue that arms control must be overhauled to adapt to emerging technologies, an evolving geopolitical environment, and needed investments in economies, pandemic prevention, and international coordination.

And lastly, next-generation US-Russia arms-control experts offered their views and recommendations for reviving cooperation between Washington and Moscow on related issues, in a dialogue co-hosted by the PIR Center .
Arms Control Education Tools for a Socially Distanced Age
Beyond Zoom calls, conference calls, e-learning modules, and even virtual happy hours, the international security policy community should further explore even more tools for enhancing communications and increasing outreach and efficacy.

Writing in the National Interest , Research Associate Jamie Withorne looks at how the use of 3D models, augmented reality tools, and visualization platforms such as Cesium and Cerosetenta can help this community survive and thrive in the wake of the global pandemic.
Women in the Nuclear Field: Perspectives from Nigeria, Russia, Turkey, & Ukraine
More than 60 people attended the recent webinar featuring five of our current  CNS Visiting Fellows : Dr. Rabia Salihu Sa’id, Dr. Anastasia Barannikova, Ms. Fadime Ozge Ozkan, Ms. Hanna Martynenko, and Ms. Anastasiia Nechytailo.

These women—each at a different stage of her nuclear- or STEM-related career—presented their voices and stories in what CNS expert  Masako Toki deemed “one of the best, most inspiring, and heartwarming discussions.” Webinar panelists offered a powerful and compelling discussion of highly important issues women in the nuclear field face today. Through their personal narratives, the speakers addressed a wide range of important matters as they pertain to women in science and the nuclear field today.

Other speakers included Sarah Bidgood and Nomsa Ndongwe, who provided special guest commentary at the opening and closing of the event.  Margarita Kalinina-Pohl  moderated the discussion, with  Jean Du Preez  serving as the webinar host.

James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies

460 Pierce Street
Monterey, CA 93940 USA
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Phone: +1 (831) 647-4154
Fax: +1 (831) 647-3519

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