HOVC Scouter Newsletter | August 19th, 2022

Cub Scouts with Pack 2806 compete in the Cub Scout 500, racing homemade

cardboard box cars on August 14th at their chartering organization,

Woodlake United Methodist Church.

Hi Heart of Virginia!

Buy a Pie to Keep Them Dry!

Your holiday heroes are back; pumpkin, pecan, Boston cream, apple, fruits of the forest, French silk, and cheesecake have returned for our most delicious annual fundraiser. Order your desserts now through November 1st and we'll have them ready for pick-up on November 18th and 19th at the Leadership Center. Don't forget to take our Pie Poll! Will Fruits of the Forest defend it's 2021 championship title, or will there be a new winner in 2022?

[Buy A Pie to Keep Them Dry]

Wood Badge, Fall of 2022

The formula to a successful Scouting program is TRAINED LEADERS! Wood Badge is the best adult leadership training you can get, in and outside of Scouting... relatively speaking, of course.

It's about time you registered because space is filling up at the speed of light! Make a genius move and register today.

[Register for Wood Badge]

National Jamboree, July 19th - 28th, 2023

Scouting’s flagship event is one-of-a-kind. It’s a gathering of approximately 30,000 Scouts, leaders, and staff that showcases everything that is great about the BSA and its members.  Our #NatJamboree23 page has been updated with pricing and a payment schedule, registration details, contact information, and awesome promotions about this special quadrennial event!  Register today for the National Jamboree!

[HOVC National Jamboree 23 Page]

In-Person Den Leader (and Assistant) Training

Two In-Person Den Leader Specific Training sessions are available for new leaders (including Assistant Den Leaders) in the coming months.  We want to support your new leaders and provide them with the best possible training.  

Register for one of our trainings on September 1st or October 6th from 6:00pm to 9:00pm for $5.00!

[HOVC Training Schedule]

Cub Scout Recruitment Posts

Throughout Cub Scout recruitment season, we're publishing special Facebook posts that are made to be shared! Each Monday at noon, we're featuring facets of Cub Scouting that showcase topics like family fun, leadership, STEM, the great outdoors, life skills, adventure, and character building. Please feel free to share directly or save the content and image and create your own post.

[HOVC Facebook Page]

“Look deep into nature, and then you will

understand everything better.

- Albert Einstein

Scout Shop Hours of Operation
Monday-Tuesday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Wednesday 12:00 noon - 6:00 pm
Thursday-Friday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Saturday 9:00 am - 12:00 noon

Heart of Virginia Council, BSA

8090 Villa Park Drive, Henrico, VA 23228


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Prepared.For Life.