It is essential to our identity as Christians that we exercise love and care for one another, especially those most vulnerable among us. During this period of increasing focus on preventative practices and containment measures for coronavirus/COVID-19, we write to share our current thoughts and to assure the people of our church that we are taking this situation very seriously while also remaining calm and flexible. (Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape!).
As Episcopalians, we believe that in Holy Communion we receive the fullness of God’s grace. This holy gift is most fully felt in our reception of the Bread and Wine. However, receiving only Bread or Wine does not lessen the fullness of our communion with Christ. For any person who can receive neither Bread or Wine but desires to receive communion, Jesus gives himself fully. Knowing this and in assurance of Jesus’ presence with us, here are our suggestions and changes in practice at worship:
- We urge all parishioners who have underlying health concerns and those currently experiencing any flu or cold symptoms to not attend parish worship and gatherings. If you cannot join the congregation on Sunday, participate from home either by listening to the 11:00 service on WGAC (580 AM and 95.1 FM) or viewing the live service here on the Saint Paul’s Church - Augusta Facebook page.
- Hand washing significantly reduces transmission of corona and seasonal viruses, so all of us should increase this practice.
- We are taking extra measures to keep clean and disinfect door handles/railings and areas of especially high hand contact.
- Clergy, Eucharistic Ministers and Acolytes will properly wash and sanitize hands prior to services. Hand sanitizer is available in the Narthex and in Tyler Hall.
- The Peace: you are encouraged to exchange the peace not with a hand shake or embrace but instead verbally and with a smile, nod, or wave.
- Offering Plates/Alms Basins: the plates will be placed near the baptismal font. Please make your offering before the service begins. The plates will be processed with the Bread and Wine to the altar as usual during the offertory music.
- Holy Communion: The Celebrant will pray “ad orientum”, facing the same direction as the congregation. This highly visible change strongly signifies that we have entered a period of temporary change.
- Administering the Eucharistic sacraments:
- WINE: For the time being, we will eliminate sharing the common cup. A small amount of wine still will be consecrated during the Eucharistic prayer that the Celebrant will receive on behalf of the community following administration of the bread.
- BREAD: consecrated bread will continue to be administered at the communion rail and at the floor station.
- Visits by Lay Eucharistic Visitors will be suspended to protect those who are in nursing homes and who are homebound, and we will take steps to keep them connected with the life of the church via phone and note writing.
In closing, we will continue to assess the situation and appropriately respond. We will keep the parish well informed and invite you to communicate your thoughts or concerns with us. Though some of our routines and customs for a time will be changed, what continues unchanged is the true life of “Christ’s one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church”. The bonds of love that hold us in Christ endure. We will continue to worship, to pray, to support and care for one another and for the wider community, for it is in this that we know and embody the true presence of the risen Christ.