Welcome HER NOPREN Weekly Digest Readers to the NOPREN News!
Over the last 2+ years, Healthy Eating Research and NOPREN, in collaboration with the COVID-19 work group founder and former co-chair Sheila Fleischhacker and current co-chair Margaret Reed, have developed a weekly digest. To meet the ever-growing demand for these resources, we are excited to share that the HER NOPREN Weekly Digest will now be part of NOPREN News and delivered to your inbox every other Friday.
From the Coordinating Center
NOPREN State-of-the-Science:
September 12 @ 12pm ET
Exploring the Impacts of Federal Food Service Guidelines Panel Session
- Amy Warnock, DNPAO CDC: Federal perspective on food service guidelines
- Dr. Shafika Abrahams-Gaziano, Tufts University: Implementing federal food service guidelines in worksite cafeterias leads to improved outcomes and cost savings
- Case study of local food service guidelines implementation
Passcode: 610909
Meeting ID: 910 5393 6229
Work Group Meetings & Updates
To learn more about or join any of the NOPREN Work Groups, click here.
Information about upcoming Work Group meetings can be found here.
Student Summer Series: Virtual Poster Session Now Live!
As part of the HER NOPREN Summer Series, seven students were selected to develop a poster highlighting their summer research or public health nutrition practicum experience. Topics include federal nutrition assistance programs, food service guidelines, healthy food access in the charitable food system, school wellness and more. Click here to see all the work featured in our virtual poster session.
Click here to read the abstracts from all of the students featured in our virtual presentation and poster session.
Missed the HER NOPREN Summer Speaker Series for Students? You can find the full recordings and slides here.
NOPREN HER Resource Digest
The weekly digest is a joint product of NOPREN and HER.
Please send any relevant resources to NOPREN@ucsf.edu or click the following link for possible inclusion in a future digest.
The content in this digest are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official position of CDC, DHHS, or HER.
Budd Nugent, N., Ridberg, R., Fricke, H., Byker Shanks, C., Stotz, S., Jones Chung, A., Shin, S., Yaroch, A., Akers, M., Lowe, R., George, C., Thomas, K., & Seligman, H. (2022). Food sovereignty, health, and produce prescription programs: A case study in two rural tribal communities. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 11(3), 177–196. https://doi.org/10.5304/jafscd.2022.113.014.
Obbagy, J., Raghavan, R., English, L., Spill, M., Bahnfleth, C., Bates, M., Callahan, E., Chong Cole, N., Güngör, D., Kim, J., Kingshipp, B., Nevins, J., Scinto-Madonich, S., Spahn, J., Venkatramanan, S., & Stoody, E. (2002). Strengthening Research that Answers Nutrition Questions of Public Health Importance: Leveraging the Experience of the USDA Nutrition Evidence Systematic Review Team. The Journal of Nutrition, 152(8), 1823–1830. https://doi.org/10.1093/jn/nxac140.
Healthy Eating Research and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation: Health Drinks, Health Kids Webinars
Digital Physical Activity & Diet (dPAD) Collaborative - Fall Symposium, 9/8/22-9/9/22
USDA Feedback Requested - the USDA is requesting feedback from stakeholders on Kosher and Halal foods for the Emergency Assistance Food Program (TEFAP). Feedback can be shared with your State Agency or sent to USDAFoods@usda.gov.
Please send any relevant resources or information that you would like included in future NOPREN News announcements to NOPREN@ucsf.edu
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https://nopren.ucsf.edu | @NOPRENnetwork
This digest is jointly supported by Healthy Eating Research (HER) and the Nutrition and Obesity Policy Research and Evaluation Network (NOPREN). HER is a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; NOPREN is supported by Cooperative Agreement Number 5U48DP00498-05 funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity and Prevention Research Centers Program. The findings and conclusions in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official position of HER, CDC, or DHHS