Thriving Together: Investment
"Our current form of capitalism is designed to benefit a few at the top who control the means of capital and political power. The disparities in wealth and the economic fragility of 2/3 of Americans make it painfully obvious that the system is not working for the majority of Americans."
Thriving Together: Investment
In addition to the seven vital conditions, Thriving Together: A Springboard for Equitable Recovery & Resilience in Communities Across America explores four selected topics that also shape our community well-being: place; faith; investment; and measurement, learning, and evaluation. This issue of the WIN Digest highlights the third selected topic: investment.
Investment is the allocation of resources to generate value. The ways government agencies, businesses, and philanthropy invest reflect our national values, priorities, and mindsets. How we invest—and who has the resources to invest—is inextricably linked to our prevailing metasystems: capitalism, democracy, and racism.
WE HAVE FAILED TO CREATE AN ECONOMY THAT WORKS FOR EVERYONE. The notion that the marketplace will create an equitable society, if left to its own devices, has been proven wrong repeatedly. The stock market and lending markets, backstopped by the Federal Reserve, disproportionately benefit the top 10%; the rich self-finance robust health care and high-quality education. Wealthy and powerful interests benefit from our economic system, while the vast majority of the population remains vulnerable to economic shock.
Efforts initiated by government and philanthropy to address the gap between capitalism’s winners and losers have been implemented in silos and have rarely gone to scale. Initiatives lack the systemic approaches needed to shift core societal structures and behaviors, often trying to mitigate symptoms or, worse, to fix communities. These efforts badly miss the primary cause of inequities: systems that persistently impede communities’ success.
"Prosperity for Everyone"
Prosperity for everyone
For every race and creed
This earth with its abundance
Has everything we need
So let us treat earth lovingly
And every person too
Let’s think about the ripples
That flow from what we do
Our views - they may be different
But still we share this place
On the surface of our planet
Amidst light-years of space
Prosperity for everyone
Please heed this clarion call
With work and love
We can create
Prosperity for All
Changing Course summaries feature working definitions, recent facts, key issues, and a short list of pivotal moves that stand out as high priorities for quick action.
Deep Dives are the full source documents contributed by colleagues on the various topics selected in the Changing Course summaries.
Opportunity Knocking: Impact capital as the transformative agent to take employee ownership to scale
by Jessica Rose, Marjorie Kelly, Sarah Stranahan
The Democracy Collaborative describes how impact capital could become the lever used to redirect wealth into the hands of working Americans, creating a more just and equitable economy that is more resilient against future shocks.
Double Exposure: Retail workers nationwide hammered by the combo crisis of pandemic and private equity
The Center for Popular Democracy's new report describes how private equity has had a disastrous impact on the retail industry, driving dozens of firms into bankruptcy, shutting down tens of thousands of stores, and costing hundreds of thousands of jobs nationwide.
Thriving Together: Pathways to Renewal
This special issue of the National Civic Review is devoted to exploring emerging pathways for American renewal. Access all articles using code: TT21.
Decolonization and Radical Indigenous Futures
Presented by NDN Collective and Stanford Social Innovation Review, this series of articles will share Indigenous leaders’ perspectives, solutions, and priorities.
Culture Shift: How 2 Nonprofits Use Art to Inspire Visionary Economic Justice
The Opportunity Agenda and Amplifier launched the We Can Thrive Together: Visioning Economic Justice for All initiative, a set of materials and guided questions that focus on the intersection between economic justice, systemic racism, and inequity, acknowledging that talking about pervasive poverty can be quite difficult.
"Communities Rise Up" by Rommy Torrico
Photo by Doug Mills/Pool/Getty Images
Presidents Have Always Talked About ‘Equity.’ But What Kind?
by Laura Bliss
“We need to open the promise of America to every American,” Biden said at the Jan 26 executive order signings.
“And that means we need to make the issue of racial equity not just an issue for any one department of government; it has to be the business of the whole of government.” Never has a modern U.S. president emphasized the concept quite as much as Biden has, nor used it to signal such a clear focus on achieving racial justice.
New Blog Series: Regional Leaders Learn How to Invest Resources to Ensure Health and Well-Being
How can stewards shift from making siloed investments on their own to coordinating their investments as part of a regional portfolio that advances health, well-being, and equity? We set out to answer this question through our Portfolio Design for Healthier Regions project.
The project encouraged participants to embrace stewardship and an intentional commitment to one another that only grew stronger during COVID-19. Read this overview of the project and learn how we set the table for the discoveries we will share in our next three blogs, which are focused on interdependence, belonging and civic muscle, and stewardship.
Advancing Workforce Equity: A Blueprint for Regional Action in Five U.S. Cities
The National Fund for Workforce Solutions’ virtual event marks the launch of five reports highlighting stark inequities in the workforce and catalyzing action in five U.S. communities: Boston, Chicago, Dallas, San Francisco, and Seattle.
Social Impact Exchange: Recovery, Resilience, and Transformation
How do we move ahead in ways that not only help us recover and heal, but also make us stronger and, most importantly, transform the flawed systems to ensure equity for all? Learn more from this Exchange Conference panel.
Advancing Health: A podcast from the American Hospital Association
Podcasts feature conversations with hospital and health system leaders on a variety of issues that impact patients and communities.
WIN With Business - Advancing Racial Justice
WIN with Business is a collaborative within the WIN Network designed to help extend the positive impact of business on the well-being of people and places and equity. This effort is achieved through cross-sector community impact and broader community system change.
The WE WIN Racial Justice Community provides space for individuals, communities, organizations, and coalitions to learn from one another as part of our racial justice journey.
Together, we reflect and gather insight for addressing racism in workplaces and throughout life.
We've extended registration for our Spring Semester (February - May) for you or your organization to join this community in transforming from within and together.
Can't make it to every meeting? Sign up for a special event!
In a Worldwide Health Crisis, Lessons From Resilient Communities
by Katie Wehr
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation highlights how five Culture of Health Prize winners are leading with health equity as they respond to COVID-19.
How Norway Built an Economy That Puts People First
by Isabella Breda
Norway’s ability to preserve the fiscal and physical well-being of its residents during the COVID-19 pandemic is just one small example of a decades-long effort to create an equitable economy. What began as a result of the labor and feminist movements in the 1970s now suffuses most parts of society, including how the country responded to the outbreak
Hundreds Are Volunteering to Escort Elderly Asian Americans in Oakland’s Chinatown
by Carl Samson
To help deter further attacks against the Asian community, hundreds of volunteers have signed up to accompany older Asian Americans walking around Oakland’s Chinatown.
Jacob Azevedo, 26, grew fed up with the violence. In a social media post, he offered to walk with anyone around Oakland’s Chinatown neighborhood to help them feel safer. His offer went viral, and soon enough, around 300 people volunteered to join him in an organization now known as Compassion in Oakland.
Three Cities Switching To Life-Affirming Economies
“Doughnut economics” invites nature and social well-being into urban planning.
by Chris Winters
Portland joined Philadelphia and Amsterdam as the first cities to pilot the Thriving Cities Initiative. The Initiative is a collaboration between C40, the Amsterdam-based Circle Economy, which seeks to create zero-waste urban economies that support their residents, and the Doughnut Economics Action Lab, an organization mostly comprising volunteers working to implement systemic, society-wide economic change.
New Deal for Housing Justice: A Housing Playbook for the New Administration
A set of policy recommendations to help solve the U.S. housing crisis made worse by the pandemic.
The Establishing and Maintaining Inclusive Emergency Management with Immigrant and Refugee Populations Checklist
This resource is designed to help strengthen existing emergency preparedness plans by ensuring immigrants and refugees are part of any emergency response.
Advancing CHW Engagement in COVID-19 Response Strategies
This playbook was developed by the Community-Based Workforce Alliance to facilitate both the conceptualization and operationalization of Community Health Worker engagement for pandemic response strategies.
The CLEEN Project’s co-operative database
This database includes actionable ideas to combat climate change, Build Back Better, and advance climate justice.
Unburdened: How Canceling Student Debt Can Boost Growth, Equity, and Innovation
This fact sheet summarizes steps policymakers can take to support students and boost the economy.
Understanding Suicide Risk And Prevention
This policy brief outlines practical steps policy makers can take to prevent suicide.
Urban Institute
2/21 at 4:00 PM ET
Understanding how labor markets function for different racial and ethnic groups during recessions can reveal structural inequities in our economy and inform efforts to rebuild after the COVID-19 pandemic.
Join WorkRise and The New School for an exclusive research briefing with Hamilton, a member of WorkRise’s Leadership Board.
Wellbeing Blueprint
2/24 at 3:00 PM – 4:15 PM ET
The Wellbeing Blueprint is specifically inclusive of the arts and understands the importance of artists and arts groups in moments of transition, uncertainty, pain and change. Join us to experience how justice pioneers are creating a new future through the arts.
Prosperity Now
2/23 at 3:00 PM ET Affordable Homeownership policy priorities
3/9 at 2 PM ET
Consumer Protections policy priorities
Prosperity Now policy experts will host a series of 1-hour calls to discuss our 2021 federal policy priorities, what these policies would mean for your community and hear your thoughts and questions.