Faith in Action - Ways to Help  
In this Faith in Action update, the Missions team would like to celebrate some of the ways we have been Growing Love, sharing God’s love, in the community and beyond:
Indian Run UMC received a letter from UMCOR, thanking us for a recent donation of $1,500. It reads in part:
Dear Friends in Mission, Thank you! The dear people you just helped with your gift to UMCOR may never have the opportunity to meet you, but if they did, I am certain their response would be – Thank you!
Through your financial support, you are serving within a vital network of interactive relationships in the U.S. and in more than 60 countries in which UMCOR and partnering agencies engage in direct ministry to persons in need.
May we continue to reveal the love of God for men, women, and children of all ethnic, racial, cultural, and national backgrounds and to demonstrate the healing power of the gospel with those who suffer.
Grace and Peace,
Thomas G. Kemper, General Secretary, and Roland Fernandes, COO/General Treasurer

The Missions team donated designated funds through the Columbus Foundation’s Big Give on June 10 as follows:
These are in addition to other budgeted donations that will be made by the Missions team on behalf of Indian Run throughout the year. Donating through the Big Give allowed these donations to be augmented from a pool of funds through the Columbus Foundation. We don’t know the final amount that these missions/ministries received from the Columbus Foundation.

We received a thank you letter from OhioHealth for the cloth masks that members of the Prayer Quilt team made and donated:
Thank you for your support as we navigate the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic. We are incredibly thankful for your generous donations of products that will be helpful to our healthcare team in providing care to our patients in the communities we serve throughout Ohio. We are also humbled by the care and compassion that you have shown us, which exemplifies true community partnership. We are in this together. 
Steve Markovich, MD
President and Chief Executive Officer OhioHealth   
Karen J. Morrison, JD MS 
President, OhioHealth Foundation and Senior Vice President, OhioHealth

We received this request from Don Castle, the New Life Board Chair:
The NLCO brings volunteers and guests together, providing a caring space where Short North underserved neighbors can enjoy breakfast, meet with an attorney, and seek medical care…all without cost.  We are seeking a new Board Member with a passion for our mission, and non-profit or business experience to offer.  
Please contact Pastor Phyllis Fetze r with questions, or Don Castle , with the subject NLCO Board member.