2023 CTA Election
It's that time of year when CTA begins to make preparations for 2023 and therefore it is time to advise its membership about the process regarding the annual election of Unit and Conference Officers and Unit Directors and of Statewide Officers.
Each member who is interested in serving as a Unit or Conference Officer or Unit Director should contact their respective Unit or Conference chairperson and indicate their interest. This contact can be by phone or email and should be done as soon as possible.
Each Unit and Conference should confirm their ballot by September 30 to elect its 2023 Officers (Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary) and Unit Directors. CTA staff will send ballots via email with voting to commence on October 14.
Officers and Directors who have been elected will serve a one-year term of office, commencing at the beginning of the Board meeting held in conjunction with the AMC, and expiring at the beginning of the following year's Board meeting at the AMC.
In addition to serving as a Unit Officer and Unit representative on the CTA Board, each year there are opportunities for members to serve as statewide CTA Officers. CTA has several positions to which members are elected each year. 

These are: Chairperson of the Board, President, First Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and three Vice Presidents. Any member interested in running for one of these elected positions should send a resume and/or letter via email to Eric Sauer at esauer@caltrux.org no later than September 30It is not required that you be nominated by another member. If you are interested in serving in leadership, you are invited to express your interest during this time.
Please contact me at greg@libertylinehaulwest.com should you have any questions.
Thanks and good luck,
Greg Dubuque, Chairman of the Nominating Committee