Saturday, September 24, Waterville’s 49th Annual
Roche de Bouef Festival
WUMC Needs Volunteers for the Booth and Parade!
1) We’d like to invite the community to join us in the Samaritan Purse Operation Christmas Child Shoebox ministry by handing out OCC shoeboxes and flyers about the project with suggestions and instructions. There is a signup sheet on the bulletin board to assist with coverage in the booth for two hour shifts that day. Please consider helping us impact more children around the world and share God’s word with this unique ministry! National Collection Week is November 14-21 this year!
2) We will be participating in the Roche de Beouf parade on September 24 from 9-noon. We need YOU to walker or ride in our BIG truck and hand out handy along with church information. Sign-up sheets are on the table in the Gathering Space.