May 27, 2020
Devotional Podcasts

Interview Podcast
Mark Richardson

Mark Richardson

Daily Update

I had a chance to talk to Charlotte Upton yesterday.  She is at home and cautiously getting better and stronger. It was good to hear her positive attitude.

The trustees have found a used riding lawn mower and are having it refurbished.  If anyone would like to help pay for it (for the parsonage) it will be about $500, but we will not know the exact price yet for a couple days.

Pastor Todd was in town today, moving some of his books into the pastor's study at the church.  Both the Krost family and the Smith family are deep in the midst of boxes and transition the next three weeks...(and probably more).

The Pastor Parish Relations Committee (Shelly Ashby, chair) will be meeting by Zoom tomorrow night (Thursday) to talk about goodbyes to the outgoing pastors and hello to the incoming Krost family.  They will also be reviewing arrangements for interim replacements for Jordan (for after August 1) for youth ministry and contemporary worship leadership.  I have been in close contact with Pastor Todd through all of these changes and he and I are working smoothly to make this transition as easy as possible on the whole church.