School Is Starting Soon- Important Terms To Know!

By now you should have received communication from your school regarding different options available to your student for the upcoming school year. Each school district is using specific terms for specific types of teaching styles available. Terms such as “online instruction” or “virtual academy” if distance learning is an option for your school district. These terms are not to be confused with the term and definition of homeschooling. When the homeschool option is chosen, the parent is responsible for the education of the child; and waives all special education services if the child is eligible. When choosing the option you feel is appropriate for your child, be sure to clarify what the terms means. You may have already decided; it’s okay to double check with your school district.


The SD Department of Education has created a web page to post a complete Starting Well 2020 Toolkit, including A Guide for Special Education designed to inform school leaders as they make decisions about opening schools for the 2020-21 school year. Parents may find this information useful as they consider and make decisions for their own families.
SD Parent Connection and the Department of Education, Special Education Programs are hosting a Parent Education Series to help you get ready for re-entry into school.

Back To School Or Not? Understanding Your Options (National Down Syndrome Congress)
Resources available to help parents understand the legal implications of different options, including in-person learning, digital learning, homeschooling, and homebound/home instruction providing ideas on how to maintain certain IDEA rights while maximizing flexibility.
Dunham Park West Shelter House , 10 AM - 1 PM
(1301 S. Marion Rd, Sioux Falls)

Sibshops are a FREE program designed for brothers and sisters (ages 6 to 12) of children with special needs or disabilities. Sibshops are a time to meet other brothers and sisters of children with special needs, build friendships, have fun, do recreational activities, enjoy lunch together, and share feelings with others who really know what it is like to have a sibling with a disability. 
** Please note: We will be doing our very best to make this a fun and safe event for all sibs and volunteers. There will be facilities for hand washing, sanitizer will be available, materials will be individually packaged, etc. If you have any concerns, please let us know at time of registration. 

Registration Required: Online, call us at 1.800.640.4553 or email
Students Write Book About the Pandemic
After their school closed this spring, students in an 8th grade class at Eastside Middle School in Mount Washington, Kentucky wrote books about surviving the pandemic. Read the article to learn more about the books and how writing the book helped the students cope with the pandemic.

The Transition To College Is Coming- Is Your Child Ready?
The transition to college can be a confusing and stressful time for students and parents alike, even more so for young people with a disability. Plus, with this year's intake of students commencing their studies partially or completely online, the transition could be even harder to navigate. Give your child a head start with this Free Guide

College and Career Readiness Resource Guide:
Offer Your Feedback On This K-12 Transition Tool
What exactly is college and career "readiness?" The Statewide Family Engagement Center believes families, schools, and communities must rise to the challenge of ensuring that students graduate ready to succeed in college and careers.

We want to hear from you! When you or someone you know was preparing to transition out of high school into whatever was next (college, a job, the military, etc.), what would have helped make smart decisions? And who needs to know about this resource guide? Is there someone working with high school students or adult learners as they prepare to enter college or a career? Or someone who has a great resource we need to know about?


Respond Now! It's not too late, complete the census today!
This e-publication was developed under grants from the U.S. Department of Education Project Grant H328M140021 and Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Grant H84MC07994, Family to Family Health Information Center, $96,750; and approximately 5% financed with non-governmental resources. The contents should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by US Department of Education, HRSA, HHS or the Federal Government.