Monthly Newsletter
March 2020
Dear Friends of the BABC,

Firstly, let me say, we hope you and yours are all keeping well and safe during these unprecedented times in which we find ourselves. Here at the BABC we remain confident in our ability to continue to provide you with the same level of exceptional service and remain committed to support our members at all times.

As an event-heavy organization, we are monitoring the COVID-19 situation very closely and are heeding the advice from several health sources to find a thoughtful balance between trying to carry on as normal, being a responsible organization, and making our members and partners feel comfortable. Unfortunately we have had to cancel or postpone numerous upcoming events and will make informed decisions on our future events in due course when restrictions are lifted and when we are all able to move about freely and without concern.
If you are a British Citizen in need of assistance due to COVID19, please refer to the Special Announcement below which offers you some resources in conjunction with the British Benevolent Society.

Moving on to brighter news, we had a hugely successful 30th Annual Forecast Luncheon on February 5th and another highly successful and informative gathering on February 25th at the 9th Annual Funding, Exits and IPO's event. Thanks to all who attended and of course our panelists and sponsors as well. 
You may have noticed that with the new decade came a new look for the BABC Northern California. There has been a lot of behind the scenes work going on for the last few months and we are delighted to welcome you all to our refreshed branding. Our most exciting announcement is the launch of our new mobile responsive website and we also hope you appreciate our newly formatted newsletter and outbound communications.
Please stay safe and healthy and we look forward to bringing you more positive news about our events and other programs in the next newsletter.

Steven Wares,
BABC President &
VP Business Development
Coronavirus COVID-19 Update
As you know, the Coronavirus COVID-19 situation is rapidly evolving. We are all in uncharted territory and without a doubt we are challenged by things like travel restrictions, event cancellations, and disruptions to our daily lives and planned activities.

In conjunction with the British Benevolent Society, our hearts go out to those families, friends, and communities that have been directly impacted by the virus. We are reaching out to members in case you haven’t seen this general guidance:

  • It is highly recommended that your primary source of up to date guidance is the Center for Disease Control’s COVID-19 prevention

  • If you know of a British national who has been impacted by the COVID19, please be sure to make the British Benevolent Society aware as they may be able to offer some type of compassionate assistance:
  • or (415) 421-7195

  • Sign up to receive alert text messages from the SF Department of Public Health: text COVID19SF to 888-777

  • Our partners at the British Consulate General work to support all British nationals and they can be contacted 24/7. Please note that the Consulate in San Francisco will provide assistance to British nationals in Washington State. Useful telephone numbers: 

  • British Consulate General San Francisco : +1.415.617.1300

  • British Consulate General Los Angeles: +1.310.789.0031

Follow HM Consul General Andrew Whittaker ( @UKAWhittaker ), the British Consulate General San Francisco ( @UKin_SF ) or the Foreign Office ( @foreignoffice ) for real time updates.
More information also at the following website pages:

All BABC planned events through the end of April have been cancelled or postponed. 

Please check back with our Events Calendar often as likely we and our members will be posting some virtual events for the time being.
Andrew Whittaker reflects on the month
Dear friends and members of the BABC, 
We are less than 4 months in to 2020 and already so much has happened. Nothing is more pressing, however, than the actions we take to contain and prevent the spread of coronavirus. I suspect you are all as glued to the news as I am and the ever-changing restrictions and requirements to get this disease under control and protect our most vulnerable populations.

To that end, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office has restricted all non-essential travel overseas. Similarly, the US has banned travel from areas including the UK and the rest of Europe. More locally, in San Francisco and the greater Bay Area has asked residents to shelter in place. The Consulate is abiding by these orders and I urge you all to do the same. However, if you are in need of assistance with urgent matters, we are still here to help – please do not hesitate to reach out (+1 415 617 1300)

Finally, I cannot stress enough the toll this will take on all of us. If I may advise to keep an eye on yourself and others. Check in on one another, do video conferencing, and go for a walk (albeit socially distanced), and I hope to see you all sooner than later. At times like these a little kindness can go a long way.
Kind regards,

Andrew Whittaker,
HM Consul General  
Relive our most recent previous events
Wednesday, March 4th, 2020

Winter Commonwealth Networking Series

On March 4 th , 2020, the BABC Northern California, in conjunction with the Australian American Chamber of Commerce , SF Kiwis and British Columbia Canada hosted the 1 st  Commonwealth Networking Evening of the year at the PGA Experience .
Tuesday, F ebruary 25th, 2020

BABC Funding, Exits and IPO's

On February 25 th , 2020, the BABC Northern California hosted its 9  th  Annual “Funding, Exits and IPOs” event at the Quadrus Conference Center in Menlo Park. Thanks to Presenting sponsor HSBC, Platinum sponsors, CCW Business Solutions and Invest Northern Ireland , Gold sponsor Carr McClellan and Wine sponsor Penfolds , we welcomed over 75 guests to this ever popular event where our venture capital panelists review their predictions from last year and provide their insights in to what is in store for 2020 in terms of anticipated funding, exits and IPOs. 

Moderated by Richard Waters, West Coast Editor for the Financial Times, our panel, consisting of Mitchell Kertzman – Managing Director, Hummer Winblad Venture Partners, Steve Goldberg and Claudia Fan Munce, from NEA talked up the current landscape in the Valley and mused over the activities of 2019 for companies such as Facebook, Uber and WeWork as well as the emerging technologies that will win in 2020 and beyond. 
Wednesday, February 5th, 2020

BABC 30th Annual Forecast Luncheon: Visions for Technology

On February 5 th , 2020, the BABC Northern California hosted its 30  th  Annual Forecast Luncheon at the Julia Morgan Ballroom in San Francisco.

Presented by Patron Members, Squire Patton Boggs and ACCA Global , with Silicon Valley Bank as a Platinum sponsor, the event this year took on a new twist with a focus on Technology and how new innovations will impact the economy in the Bay Area and the world. 
Read about our members
Trade and the Coronavirus: How Global Supply Chains are set to change
While the long-term effects of the coronavirus on the global economy are still unclear, one highly likely impact will be a reconfiguring of global supply chains. The coronavirus will drive a shift in global manufacturing that could influence investment patterns for decades.
St Andrews Society Sponsorship
The Society welcomes sponsorship to support our charitable programs and provides organizations with many opportunities to give and receive in partnership with us
UK Free Trade Agreement and Tariff Policy
The UK government announces priorities for Free Trade Agreement (FTA) negotiations and opens consultation on UK tariff schedule for countries with which it does not have an FTA.
University of Bath internships
BABC Northern California member the University of Bath is one of the top ten universities in the UK and is highly ranked for student employability and graduate prospects. 
Plan ahead for trade negotiations
Trade deals are set to dominate the political and economic landscape in 2020 which could impact the pound in the months ahead
6 Financial Resolutions to Keep You on Track in 2020
When setting your New Year’s resolutions this year, besides a commitment to exercise more, will you include any resolutions to improve your financial health?
A Vintage Year for Libel and Slander
In January, former BABC Board member, Elizabeth Monnet and fellow voice actors read from her latest humorous cozy mystery A Vintage Year for Libel and Slander at Readers Books, Sonoma.
Soccer Camps International
Soccer Camps International offers Summer Soccer Camps sessions in Europe for boys and girls, 7 to 18 years old.
The latest news from the BAB Network
The UK Government’s policy paper on the UK’s approach to trade negotiations with the US
The UK Government just-published its policy paper on the UK’s approach to trade negotiations with the US. This summary includes the UK government’s...
Welcome our new & renewing members
Welcome to our newest BABC Members
Ace Relocation Systems is committed to providing world-class relocation services at competitive rates. We have moved over 350,000 happy individuals, families and businesses in the last 45 years.

As one of the largest agents for Atlas Van Lines, and with nine offices nationwide, Ace can handle all of your domestic and international relocation needs.

At Ace, we have always been proud to provide relocation estimates, moving quotes, relocation bids and move management consultations, all at no additional charge.

We look forward to working with you!
James Field
Ketan Jashapara
Ciara Anderson
Iain Anderson
Rita Mutyaba
Natasha Sokoloski
Thanks to our Renewing BABC Members

Brian Ward
Forest Booth
Chris Richardson
Christian Kimball
Wallace Poulter
Elena Smirnov-Ortiz
Russel Middleton
Mark Leonard
See the perks of being a member
One of the benefits of memberfship in the BABC Northern California is the opportunity to access Member to Member Only special offers and hot deals. To learn how to access codes and instructions, log in to your BABC Account and click on the Offers and Deals button.

Open an ATM Rebate Checking account and earn $750* with qualifying activities

Off Best Available rate on hotel reservations

Off food and beverage when event booking

SAVE $60 on Print/Digital 1 Year Subscription & $35 on Digital Only Subscription


Receive a 20% discount on all WowDolce Catering orders

Free transfers and a preferred rate of exchange!

Off hotel stays

Free trial offer to BABC Members

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