Dear Maine Boys to Men Community, 

Effective today, Maine Boys to Men has suspended all in-person programming to prioritize the health and safety of our staff, volunteers, and the broader community. This decision was  made in coordination with our community partners and informed by the recommendations of local and national health officials.

Our employees and volunteers are encouraged to work from home, postpone in-person meetings, and practice self-care. Our staff members can most easily be reached through their email found  here

We will continue to monitor this situation and will resume normal operation when it’s safe to do so. In the interim, we will use this time to further strengthen our programs and explore ways of making them accessible remotely. Updates will be available at our   website  and communicated as appropriate. If you have any questions, you can always reach us at

To all who have been impacted by COVID-19, our thoughts are with you. Thank you for your patience as we take these steps to do our part in slowing the spread of this virus.  

Take care, 

Matt Theodores
Executive Director 
T  o learn more, please visit our website or contact us:
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