Winter is a time for reflection. This season, during the deep freeze, I was recalling the hot July days of last summer when I spent time in Central Europe, primarily in Vienna and Budapest. The land of my ancestors had long been on my bucket list, and it was a wonderful experience; walking the streets, seeing the sights, tasing the food, and breathing the air of that mysterious past.
Those familiar with my work know that, though much of my work focuses on the urban geometry of New York City, I am often inspired by city scenes wherever I travel. So here are some of the works that I have been creating based on images in and around Budapest and Vienna.
As in previous works, they consist of my digitally manipulated photographs, printed on silk, hand quilted and gallery-wrapped on stretched canvas.
Also in the works.. ..

New Orleans Revisited...a new series based on a 2017 visit

(different city...different color palette!)
More exciting news ahead....stay tuned for new developments to be announced shortly!

all images copyright 2017 marilyn henrion