February 2021 --- Volume 59, Issue 2
Into The Sunset ---- Photo Porsche
From The Editor
Mike Willis
Would like to thank our advertisers for their continued support of SVR.
In this issue is an article on a different kind of "parts" cleaning submitted by Jurgen Rott of 2 Shores Classic Cars.
In addition The Drifter is available to our advertisers to also submit articles to our members. Please contact me about timing for any of these articles.
We continue to look for help on the SVR board of directors to continue to offer our membership the support necessary to continue to make SVR the place for our Porsche fun.
We continue to look for a Webmaster. In addition as will be covered below we are now looking for 2021 Board Members to fill the vacant positions. Please send an email to President@svr-pca.org
When sending me a video it needs to be on a webpage and not as a stand alone as there is a size limit for this of 5MB.
This issue contains the following as you scroll through.
Also remember that all advertisers are linked to their web page.
Editor Comments
President's Column
Vice President Calendar Information
SVR Membership
SVR AutoX Schedule
M_AX Fun
Dry ICE Cleaning
SVR Logo Contest
PCA "Retired" Zone Reps
GGR Track Dates
In The Zone
SVR October Fest
SVR Board Minutes
SVR Classifieds
SVR Store
Vacant, Flyers
Rik Larson, Proof Reader/Tickler
Vacant, Advertising
Ed Parra, Reporter
Skip Quain, Contributor
Congratulations on your 50th
Rik Larson, SVR President
PDK (Pretty Darn Kwik)
February 2021
Just Trying to Keep Up
· I decided to keep the PDK byline because I like the bullet format.
· Stepping into this job certainly has caused me to 'reallocate' my discretionary time (just like trying to figure out what to do with discretionary monies). And I was only able to take my pen to just one Sudoku puzzle last week (when I normally do 5 of them).
· We (the SVR Board) have filled the Vice President position with Sally Boeck, New Member Group Chair position with Alma Thompson, and the Social Media Chair with Al Price III. I thank them for volunteering. We continue to welcome members to volunteer to serve on the board and volunteer for various chairs.
· Thanks to Bill Fargo for coordinating the ZOOM call for the February board meeting. Bill is our temporary webmaster and he has already posted a "Webmaster Wanted" sign on the SVR website. Bill can be reached at webmaster@svr-pca.org
· I served as cook, server, and bottle washer for the February board meeting. So I prepared the agenda, conducted the meeting, and took the minutes. So we are looking for someone to serve as Secretary and also someone to be our Social Director. The job descriptions are on the SVR webpage (svr-pca.org) and you can contact me at president@svr-pca.org
· And on top of all of this I am drafting a set of route instructions for the TSD Rally for the Porsche Parade in French Lick, Indiana in July.
SVR Events
· John Leet has finalized his AX events for 2021. The SVR season will start on April 17th at Thunderhill Raceway. And John has also scheduled an AX School for late May. Check out the calendar elsewhere in the DRIFTER.
· Concours Chair Al Price III has setup our concours for September 12th.
· And our First Saturday Breakfast Chair, Jerry Alter, is considering having a "Coffee and Cars" event (i.e. in a parking lot) on a Saturday in April. Stay tuned to see how this develops.
Registration Opening for PCA events
· The 65th annual Porsche Parade registration (Phase I) opens on Wednesday, February 10th at 9 am Pacific Time. Info available at www.porscheparade.org
· The next PCA Treffen event is being held in Scottsdale, Arizona. Registration opens on Wednesday, February 24th at noon, Pacific Time. This event usually sells out in one hour. The event is being held May 5-8. Details are at the website treffen.pca.org
Formula E Starts Up
· Things keep changing but it looks like the first 2 races will be held on February 26th and 27th using a street circuit in Diriyah, Saudi Arabia. TV coverage is being handled in the United States by CBS Sports (usually live --- 90 minutes worth). Tag Heuer Porsche has 2 cars entered.
Sally Boeck
Vice President
We are working on the SVR calendar for the next year and hopefully will be able to schedule more events as Covid winds down.
Ken Shahoian, Membership Director
When the call went out for 2021 SVR Board Members, I thought it appropriate to pick up where I last served on a PCA region board—in 1999. Membership Director back then was all about upgrading the database for the pending Y2K. And it’s funny to think back then we weren’t fully onboard with email, even in Golden Gate Region.
One facet of what I’d like to accomplish this year is use The Drifter to increase engagement with membership. Much like we did in Golden Gate, and even further back from my earliest years on PCA boards in Arizona in the ‘80s. To that, look for coming tips on how to fully use the PCA National site, and feature members in our region—new and old.
As always, I’m available anytime to take care of the administrative side of membership issues; whether handling them directly, or guiding you through the PCA website.
Looking forward to meeting everyone, when we get events back up and running!
Since we use e-mail for most of our communications, it is necessary to keep our e-mail address current with SVR and PCA. To update your information, go to www.pca.org and login. You can then make any updates (address, car, e-mail etc.). Also, even though we receive the information from PCA monthly, you can send the same updates to: membership@svr-pca.org. New Member badges will now come with a removable colored sticker to encourage introductions at club events. They can be removed at any time. Welcome to the Sacramento Valley Region of the Porsche Club of America.
SVR - PCA Member Services
Not a Porsche owner but interested in the PCA? Try the PCA Test Drive program. For information, go to: www.pca.org/pca-test-drive Need to update your PCA information? Update your PCA record at www.pca.org
Do you have 2 e-mail addresses? Want Club info sent to a second email, work, home, spouse, friend...? It’s as easy as e-mailing your second e-mail address to the Membership Director, Ken Shahoian at: membership@svr-pca.org
How can I contact the SVR-PCA by mail?
Sacramento Valley Region-PCA,
Post Office Box 254651,
Sacramento, CA 95865-4651
SVR Autocross Schedule
The full 2021 SVR autocross calendar is:
- 4/17 - AX1 (2-day Co-hosted with Redwood Region event on 4/18)
- 5/23 - AX school classroom session, location TBD
- 5/29 - school
- 5/30 - AX2
- 6/19 - AX3
- 7/17 - AX4
- 8/21 - AX5
- 9/18 - AX6
- 10/16 - AX7 (2-day Co-hosted with Redwood Region event on 10/17)
M_AX Fun
By John Leet, SVR Autocross Chair
One year ago, we were prepping for another autocross season, which was set to kick off with our annual autocross school. Then came the pandemic, which put a halt to everything. As the year evolved, we were able to implement covid procedures and resurrect the second half of the season.
Now, as we look to kick off the 2021 season, we will be following the same procedures, which provide drivers the level of competition and fun that they enjoy but unfortunately restrict us from offering many of the features that cater to new drivers, such as in-car instruction and providing loaner helmets. Even without that, our team is supportive of any new drivers and can talk you through the basics.
If you are new to autocross and would like to give it a try, we encourage you to sign up for the autocross school which consists of two days of instruction. The first day is a classroom setting that covers topics such as terminology, car control basics, hitting the apex, braking, how to determine the fastest line, safety rules, and what to expect in your first event.
Day two, the following week, will be held at Thunderhill Raceway Park in Willows, CA. This provides students the opportunity to put the information learned in the classroom into practice. Various in-car exercises such as braking, slalom and skid pad will be performed. Later in the day, participants will have the opportunity for full course runs that will be timed.
We have had a change in schedule from what was previously communicated. The autocross school will now be held in May, with the classroom session being conducted on May 23 at a location to be determined in the Sacramento area. The driving instruction will be the following Saturday May 29th. The next day, we will have our second autocross event of the season, so attendees can stay over and try their new skills in a competitive event.
The full 2021 SVR autocross calendar is:
- 4/17 - AX1 (2-day Co-hosted with Redwood Region event on 4/18)
- 5/23 - AX school classroom session, location TBD
- 5/29 - school
- 5/30 - AX2
- 6/19 - AX3
- 7/17 - AX4
- 8/21 - AX5
- 9/18 - AX6
- 10/16 - AX7 (2-day Co-hosted with Redwood Region event on 10/17)
All events will be held at Thunderhill. Registration typically opens one month in advance of the event and will be listed on motorsportreg.com HERE.
If you are interested, please visit the SVR website for more details on our autocross program. If you have any questions, you can email me at autocross@svr-pca.org.
Autocross is a great way to test the limits of performance of your Porsche in a safe environment, and you will become a much better driver, guaranteed! Not to mention the fun and camaraderie of friendly competition. I hope to see you out on the course!
Dry Ice Cleaning
By Jurgen Rott
President 2shores Classic Cars
I love vintage air-cooled examples and I love originality. Finding an original paint example, or a car that has been cared for by enthusiastic owners like myself, is what drives me. But old and unrestored cars often come with a good challenge.
How can you preserve the car’s originality, patina and integrity – but still get it clean?
As all car enthusiasts know, getting rid of 50-year-old road and oil grime from your engine, suspension parts or wheel housing is next to impossible, the only way is to use harsh chemicals or abrasive blasting methods. Up until now that was!
After extensive research for well over a year, I found the right method to detail and clean hard and impossible to reach spaces on my Porsche, without the use of water, chemicals, sand or other abrasives: cleaning with dry ice! COOLMASTER® in Reutlingen, Germany, has built a dry ice blaster using the latest German technology in dry ice cleaning. ALL surfaces can be safely deep cleaned and show-prepped without hurting the original patina. This cleaning solution is simple, powerful, non-invasive and loved by Mother Earth! No water, no sand, no chemicals. Just the use of dry ice blasted onto the surface to be cleaned. No secondary waste to clean up after.
The Process explained:
Dry ice is pressed carbonic acid, a natural ingredient that cleans without toxic residue. Highly sophisticated air pressure is dissolving dirt, grime and decade-old built up into thin air.
1) Kinetic effect: Small, rice-shaped dry ice pellets are being accelerated to high speed.
2) Thermal effect: Dry ice particles hit the dirt layer at -109.2 °F, cool it down abruptly, causing the
contraction and formation of cracks. Due to the different coefficients of thermal expansion, the compound between the surface and the dirt is loosened.
3) Sublimation: On impact, the carbon dioxide directly transforms from a solid to a gaseous state and expands about 700 times the volume in a split second. This expansion literally ”blasts off” the dirt from the surface. It’s fascinating to watch!
It also works wonders on modern cars with sophisticated brake systems, touch screen interiors and fully covered engines in tight spaces.
I am so excited to have come across this technology and we are proud to be offering this service to our car enthusiast community and beyond. Take a look on our website www.2shoresDryIceWerks.com and get ready to be amazed!
For over 20 years, my passion has been vintage, air-cooled Porsches. Growing up in Germany, the Porsche brand was part of my upbringing and the fascination with the brand has never stopped. It even evolved into a vintage car marketing business and a lifetime of being involved with collectable Porsche vehicles. Enjoy your ride and I hope you’ll find your open road!
Be a part of SVR History
by Dick MacFarlane
After nearly 60 years of loyal service to our SVR members we are retiring our logo and grill badge.
The entire SVR membership has the opportunity to redesign our logo and grill badge for the next 60 years.
Watch the Drifter for details in the coming months
Start working on your creative ideas.
Thank you
Your Redesign logo/badge committee
Dick MacFarlane……………. Chair
Melinda Roles…………………Secretary
Rachel and Kim Nelson
Mary and David Borden
PCA "Retired" Zone Reps
By Hank Malter
Ed. note this all started from an email from RJ Wilmoth PCA
National Historian
So nice to hear from you, especially regarding a topic like PCA Zone Rep. Since you have all the information that happened in Zone 7 I'll leave those items in your good hands. The one thing I really need to mention regarding those early times was that those of us fortunate enough to be part of PCA, especially in Zone 7, had the support of so many wonderful individuals. It was the likes of Burt Propp (he really was the Zone Coordinator for a short time before Lou Marabel) Bob Garretson, Dwight Mitchell, Bruce Anderson, John Clever, Gene Babow, Rik Larsen, Walt Maas, Paul Bates and Terry Zaccone just to name a few, who helped Zone 7 develop.
When I became Zone Rep it was a wide open position that could be worked into an idea for the future. We had Regional Presidents Meetings 4 times a year and also got together by having Regional events that became Zone events in order to support one another's treasuries. And, of course, our whole families were involved in the social life of Zone 7, where friendships still exist today 60 years and counting.
To that extent we also were able to involve the Dealer/Distributor for our area which in turn enabled us to get all our local dealers into the PCA Fold. The interaction was fantastic and the friendly competition between individuals and Regions grew to what the Zone continues today. All of this was done on a voluntary basis where none of us had any monetary gains and although we had a Zone Treasury it all went back into Regional Events.
No one really ever knew what a member did for a living, but we all knew what Porsche he/she drove. The real culmination in our effort came by hosting the first Zone Parade in 1973 at Monterey. But finally at the Seattle 1975 Parade, at the Auto Cross Banquet, during the Salmon Feast out on the island when an award was presented to a member of Zone 7 someone in the audience spontaneously yelled "Yeah! Zone 7".
We did well that evening and that really became the start of the rivalry between Zones 7, 8 and 9. Great times with great friends.
The one humorous item that comes to mind is the day of the speed event at Laguna Seca, the event chairmen, Dwight Mitchell and Bob Garretson approached me and told me that we would have to delay the start of this premier event due to there not being the Doctor that was supposed to be available at the track wasn't there. I clearly recall mentioning to them that did they know the car driven by the President of Sierra Nevada Region with the license plate "SKYDOC"? Both said yeah, I said we are a go, Dave Eckert is an ER doctor.
Another part of being a Zone Rep was the ability to get to know others from different Zones and become friends with many but close to both Lenord Turner and the late Bob Gelles.
Being a Zone Rep is the best position in PCA and I cherish those memories and friendships made in the past and the things we accomplished furthering PCA those 60 years ago.
The following is a response by Dwight Mitchell, Zone 7 Representative and President of SVR.
Hello Hank and thanks for the overview so well and concisely written. To the others who may be reading this, Hank and I go back nearly to the start of time…well at least before there were PCA zones. So many great memories, but if you don’t mind I must share one more tale with you.
One thing that Hank didn’t mention was all the traveling done by the Zone Reps. Fortunately Zone 7 was not a geographically huge area, so the travel between regions wasn’t too bad. The very first region I traveled to was Sacramento Valley at one of their usually well attended dinner meetings. Since this was my first trip as the new Zone 7 Rep, Hank offered to join me to essentially introduce me to their folks.
As we were all nearing the end of the meal, l noticed that Hank had started table-hopping to briefly chat with those at each table. Looking at what Hank was doing I guessed I was expected to do the same thing, which I rather reluctantly proceeded to do. At about the third table I stopped at, a very attractive young lady looked at me and before I could utter a sound she hit me with the following words, “Who are you, another politician?”
I immediately turned around and slunk back to my seat, totally chagrined. I thought, “Man, that Sac Valley is a really tough crowd.”
The moral of this story is “never try to follow Hank Malter.” The epilogue to the story is when Linda and I moved to Sacramento four years later, the rude lady and her husband became one of our closest friends.
P.S. This email is being sent to two of our best and longtime friends from SVR, Mike Willis and Rik Larson. They were two of the behind the scenes leaders who helped the growth of the Zone concept immensely. I wonder if they remember the name of the “rude” lady I just mentioned. Hint…they knew her well and her then-husband’s first name was Ted.
Keep those memories and stories coming.
Our 2021 track season is shaping up along these lines:
• April 2-3-4: Thunderhill Raceway DE and Club Race (3 mile)
• May 22-23: Buttonwillow Raceway DE and Club Race
(CCCR will host its DE on Friday, May 21)
• July 3-4: Sonoma Raceway DE and Club Race (1ST GGR hosted weekend at Sonoma since 2008)
• August 28-29: Sonoma Raceway Club Race only (with NASA)
• September 25-26: Thunderhill DE and Club Race (3 mile)
(Diablo Region will host its DE on Friday, September 24)
• October 9-10: Sonoma Raceway Club Race only (with NASA)
Yes, there is no Laguna weekend for GGR as of this writing. However, to get your “PCA Laguna” fix, our friends at Diablo Region will be hosting a one-day DE at Laguna on Friday, March 19, and our friends at Central Coast Region will be at Laguna on Monday, October 18.
New helmet requirements, the Snell 2010 helmets will expire on December 31. (2015 helmets are good for another 5 years.) Snell 2020 helmets are now available at your favorite racer supply stores.
In The Zone
February 2021
By: Collin Fat, Zone 7 Representative
Sacramento Valley Region
Photo Collin Fat
Gung Hay Fat Choy:
February 12th is the start of the Chinese New Year which runs until February 26th and culminates with the Harvest Festival in Asian countries. 2021 will mark the Year of the Ox.
The Ox is the second of all the 12 zodiac animals. According to one myth, the Jade Emperor said the order would be decided by the order in which they arrived to his party. The Ox was about to be the first to arrive, but Rat tricked Ox into giving him a ride. Then, just as they arrived, Rat jumped down and landed ahead of Ox. Thus, Ox became the second animal. In Chinese culture, the Ox is a valued animal. Because of its role in agriculture, positive characteristics, such as being hardworking and honest, are attributed to it.
According to the Chinese Zodiac calendar, people born in the years 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, and 2021 are born under the sign of the Ox. The cycle as you can see comes every 12 years.
Oxen are honest and earnest. They are low key and never look for praise or to be the center of attention. This often hides their talent, but they’ll gain recognition through their hard work.
They believe that everyone should do what’s asked for them and stay within their bounds. Though they are kind, it’s difficult for them to understand persuasion using pathos. Rarely losing your temper, they think logically and make great leaders.
While the world did go a difficult 2020 with political turmoil, economic decline, social unrest and a once in 100 year global pandemic, our lives were severely altered and to most seemed like a disaster of epic proportions. The Year of the Ox promises more stability and better times with a new opportunity to make the country and work for the better.
Event Planning Suggestions for 2021:
Most club activities in Zone 7 were cancelled in 2020 or at the very minimum severely curtailed. It seems that statewide restrictions enacted in February when the virus first appeared have been going on for nearly a year with no end in sight. However, with two vaccines in the pipeline, several more becoming available shortly and most seniors age 65 plus now being able to get their first vaccine, the light at the end of the tunnel is coming into focus. What does this mean for regional club activities? Well, although most events were cancelled in 2020, several event types continued despite the pandemic. These included a shortened club race season, Driver Education, Autocross, and of course lots of tours. Most regions adapted their procedures to require mandatory face masks at all events, social distancing, and encouraged members not feeling well to not attend. I think that those regions in Zone 7 that held these types of events last year did so quite successfully. Thank you for your efforts and due diligence.
As far as event planning for 2021. Loma Prieta Region is holding their first tour of 2021 and has already received their certificate of insurance. I assume more insurance requests will follow. Sacramento Valley Region as well as Golden Gate Region have drafted autocross schedules for 2021. If you club has hosted these types of events in 2020, check your region’s calendar for dates. Golden Gate Region has a full slate of driver education events as well as hosting PCA’s West Coast Club Racing series. With 8 races on the calendar, the club race season promises to be quite competitive.
Tours of all types were very popular in Zone 7 last year and so long as there are not local restrictions and mask wearing and social distancing are part of the requirements, go ahead and encourage your members to step up to chair a tour. The only issue I hear about is that regions can’t plan any social gatherings at local restaurants that are normally included in a tour schedule. This may change in the very near future, but a way around this is to have participants just bring a box lunch and gather outdoors, weather permitting. Another option is to keep the tour to just a couple of hours and let members grab a meal on their own.
Redwood Region did a very fun virtual rally and allowed participants to take up to a few days to complete the rally route with instructions sent to all participants. National, has an active Sim Racing program and is another type of activity that your region can plan or just let members know how they can participate.
Sequoia Region in the Fresno area held several cars and coffee events in 2020 and I believe if county restrictions are lifted will again plan on hosting these monthly events.
For events like club picnics, concours, dinner gatherings, tech sessions, and breakfast events, scheduling these events will really depend on local restrictions. With the Governor just recently lifting the stay at home order in much of Northern California, barber shops, outdoor dining at restaurants and other previously restricted activities are again being allowed. But just as the state has lifted restrictions, the state has also rescinded them. My suggestion is to schedule these types of events starting in June or July as more members get vaccinated and the surge levels off. I have always believed that getting an event on the schedule and starting the planning is the hard part while cancelling them is effortless. Many restaurants and hotels have now refund policies in place that if due to a COVID restriction, a full refund or at least full credit is possible.
PCA National Events Upcoming:
Your leadership team at PCA national has been very busy. Last year, national has had to deal with the consequences of COVID 19 on our club’s national events such as club racing where at least 16 events had to be cancelled in addition to Spring Treffen and Parade in Palm Springs. National hopes that their planning for Treffens, Werks Reunion, Parade and a host of other events scheduled for this year can continue as planned. Your national leadership team has been diligent in being flexible and in developing policies and procedures to enable large national events such as Parade to continue, but with a twist. Phase 1 registration for Parade 2021 opens on February 10th and Treffen Scottsdale will open on February 24th. Treffens have in the past sold out in about an hour so if you have any interest in attending, mark the opening of registration on your calendar.
The winter national staff meeting originally scheduled for February 6th in Jacksonville Florida has been cancelled due to concerns with COVID and instead will be conducted virtually. This meeting gathers all the national committee chairs, Zone Reps, Executive Council members and national headquarter staff to share plans for the year as well as to provide updates on their committee. Updates are generally provided by the chairs of Parade, Treffen, Werks Reunion, Club Racing, Policy, Audit, insurance and social media to name just a few.
Events of Interest:
1) Zone 7 Presidents Meeting, March 13
2) PCA Spring Treffen at the Marriott Scottsdale, Arizona; May 5-9; treffen.pca.org; Registration opens February 24, at 12 noon Pacific Time and sells out very quickly (like in 50 minutes)
3) Loma Prieta Region 50th (plus 1) Anniversary Gala, June 19, lprpca.org, Registration is open now
4) Porsche Parade at French Lick, Indiana, July 11-17; porscheparade.org, Registration opens February 10th
6) Monterey Historics, Porsche Corral August 14-15th
7) PCA Fall Treffen at the American Club, Kohler, Wisconsin, October 13-17; treffen.pca.org
8) PCA Spring Treffen at the BROADMOOR, Colorado Springs, Colorado, April 27-May 1, 2022
9) Sacramento Valley Region 60th Anniversary Celebration, May 7, 2022
Note that past Treffens have sold out in as little as one hour due to their popularity. Registration for the Treffens typically opens 3-4 months prior to the event.
2021 PCA West Coast Race Series Schedule
With Federal and State directives pertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Club Racing schedule is very fluid and subject to change on a day-to-day basis. The racing schedule shown below will be frequently updated with the latest official status of each of our races.
Charity Auction 2021
Charity Auction Committee
Dick MacFarlane ...Chair
Lois Roberts
We are 12 months away for our Charity Auction, but if your have any cool auctions items you would like to donate, I can get them now and store them until the event.
You may be moving, organizing, downsizing or just have an auction items you want to find a new home for.
- Books
- Posters
- Models
- Time share
- Car parts
- Apparel
- Wine
- Memorabilia
- Artwork
- You get the idea
Also, if you would like to join Lois and me on this not many meetings fun committee let me know.
Thank you,
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TrackMasters Racing is a leader in the High-Performance Driver Education events in Northern California and invites SVR-PCA drivers to participate in these events. For the complete schedule click the link below.
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PCA Members may place non-commercial classified ads for no charge. Photos will be published on this web page at no charge. Non-PCA members may place ads on our webpage, on a space available basis, as follows: Ads without photos $20.00; Ads with photos $35.00. All ads run for two months unless canceled. There will be no refunds for paid ads.
Ads must be submitted electronically with attachment to classified@svr-pca.org. PCA members must include your PCA membership number on all submissions as proof of membership.
Paid ads will not be published until payment has been received. Checks must be made payable to PCA-SVR, and mailed to: Porsche Club of America; Sacramento Valley Region; PO Box 254651; Sacramento, CA 95865-4651
Sacramento Valley Region Web Store
Sacramento Valley - Red House® - Mini-Check Non-Iron Button-Down Shirt
Sacramento Valley - Eddie Bauer® Ladies Hooded Soft Shell Parka
Sacramento Valley - Element 095
Submitting Material to the Drifter
The Drifter is Produced online monthly for its members. Written contributions are welcome and should be e-mailed to the editor. The deadline for submissions is the 15th of the month prior to the month of publication. Submissions in WORD or TEXT are preferred.
Photos are always welcome. Photos should be sent separately from the text. (You may also use a downloadable link to the photos.)
To change your email address or street address, please email our membership director to insure uninterrupted delivery.
Ken Shahoian at
All material in this newsletter is protected by copyright.
However, newsletter editors of other Porsche Club of America regions may reprint any article provided that credit is given to the author and Sacramento Valley Region and that The Drifter is cited as the source.
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