Saving Monkeys ~ Promoting Compassion!
May 28, 2020
Dear Friend of Jungle Friends,
First, I want to thank you for your support for the monkeys at Jungle Friends! Second, I want to ask you do do even more, I want you to become an Amazing Give "Champion".

This year The Amazing Give has been repurposed to The Amazing Give COVID-19 Emergency Relief.

We are asking for your help as a Peer-to-Peer "Champion" to help monkeys like Puchi.
Puchi is geriatric
It's easy to set up your own Peer-to-Peer Fundraiser for the monkeys. Here is a link to walk you through this process: How to become a Champion.
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been immediate and continues to grow. Your participation as a "Champion" in the Amazing Give will be greatly appreciated during this time of exceptional need.

Donations to the Amazing Give will go directly into our Medical Fund to help monkeys like Jak Jak who need on-going medication.
Jak Jak has seizures
Join me as a "Champion" for The Amazing Give! My husband Shannon and I started volunteering at Jungle Friends in 2001. We chose to volunteer because I love animals and Shannon loves to fix things. When something needed repair, he sprung into action! I fell in love with the squirrel monkeys and was offered a job taking care of them. We now live right next door to the sanctuary! Visit my fundraising page on The Amazing Give. ~ Sara Smith
Sara and Shannon Smith
AKA Mr. & Mrs. Fixit
And remember, we secured a $15,000 matching grant from A Kinder World Foundation for the Amazing Give, donations are doubled!
Will you be a "Champion" for the monkeys and join our Amazing Give Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Team?

If you have any questions or trouble setting up your "Champion" page, just reply to this email or email me directly and I will be happy to walk you through.
Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary, Social Media Coordinator
P.S. This just in...we received another matching grant! The Dharma Endowment Foundation offered a $5,000 matching grant, now we have $20,000 in matching funds! TRIPLING your donation!
Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary
13915 North State Road 121
Gainesville, FL 32653
(386) 462-7779