The BUZZ...

News and Current Events for August 2, 2022

Thoughts from Scott

Dear Bethlehem Friends, 


These early weeks have been full of lots of conversations and interactions as I have the pleasure of getting to know you and the Bethlehem congregation. If we haven’t met yet, I look forward to seeing you at worship or at one of Bethlehem’s upcoming events. An important part of my first 100 days here is what we are calling a “Listening Tour”.


These one-hour gatherings are an opportunity for me to hear your responses to three questions:

    1. What is one thing that I, as your new Pastor, need to know about our congregation?

    2. What is one way that we can deepen our missional outreach to the Moneta / Smith Mountain Lake community?

    3. What is one dream that you have for our church?


We have already started Listening Tour gatherings with our newly reorganized Congregational Care Circles. Thanks goes to Randi Paul for coordinating these geographically based groups which are designed to enable you to connect with Bethlehem neighbors in your immediate community. I’m also grateful for those who have stepped up to be Circle Leaders. 


My goal is to meet with every single Bethlehem member or friend who wants to be a part of these one-hour conversations by October 8, 2022. If you have any questions about your Circle, or when your Circle is planning to meet for a Listening Tour session, contact the church office at 540.297.7957 or  I am also planning some Zoom sessions for those who feel more comfortable connecting online.


This is an exciting time to be a part of Christ’s church and to reach out to the community around us. I hope you are having a great summer and look forward to taking our next steps in faith together!


Grace and peace, Scott

Order of Worship for Sunday, August 7

Worship ONLINE!

Order of Worship for Sunday, July 31

All Worship Services

Congregational Care - Circles Update

regarding Pastor Scott's "Listening Tour"

Circles of Friends leaders are arranging dates to meet and share ideas with Pastor Davis. You will be notified by your Circle Leader with the date and time of your meeting. If you are unable to attend the meeting with your Circle but would like to participate, contact the church office for a list of dates when other Circles will be meeting. You can attend one of those meetings. Circles have recently been reorganized. If you are not sure which Circle you belong to, contact Randi Paul,

Volunteers Needed to Distribute School Supplies

We will be distributing school supplies school children in our area at Lake Christian Ministries, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays in the month of August. If you are able to help one day, please sign-up on the bulletin board outside the Women's restroom at Bethlehem UMC, or you may email Lynda Imirie if you are able to help. You may also "sponsor" a child by donating $20 to help fund the school supplies that have been purchased. Donations are being collected in the brown bag at the Walk To End Poverty table in the Welcome Center. Thank you!

Larry Broomall Memorial Scholarship Granted

It is with great pleasure that The Bethlehem United Methodist Church (BUMC) Endowment Fund Committee announces the awarding of the first Larry Broomall Memorial Scholarship for a BUMC high school student pursuing higher education. Larry Broomall, former Vice President for Finance and Treasurer at Washington and Lee University with a lifelong interest in education was an active member and integral part of the life of BUMC. He was instrumental in the growth of many of the missions, programs and activities of the church including as the chair of the Endowment Fund Committee. Under Larry’s guidance, the BUMC Endowment Committee became an established, active, growing part of BUMC and instituted a program of using those endowment funds to support the church and its missions.  In addition, Larry bequeathed a substantial gift to the BUMC Endowment Fund which will be used to provide scholarships to graduating BUMC students pursuing higher education. 

In memory of our friend and benefactor, the first Larry Broomall Memorial Scholarship goes to Channing Scott, the son of Amber and Marlon Scott. Channing will be pursing his education at Columbia College in Chicago. 

Congratulations, Channing, and best of luck. 

Support LCM Through the Walk to End Poverty

Mark your calendar for the Lake Christian Ministries’ annual SML Walk to End Poverty on Saturday, September 17. Pre-register online at (pick the Bethlehem Souls Team) or by filling out a paper registration form from the Welcome Table.  Donations may be made with a credit card online, or with a check. Registration is $10 (t-shirt included).  Please donate in addition to the $10 fee!  The Bethlehem Souls team is hoping to raise $10,000 to help our neighbors in need. Day of registration begins at 9AM; walkers depart at 10AM. Complimentary lunch provided following the walk. This event is needed now more than ever before as rising costs and the extended economic impact of COVID are taking a significant toll on families struggling with poverty in our community.


In honor of LCM’s 30th Anniversary, a 30 for 30 Challenge offers a $1 for $1 match from event sponsors. This is a great time to participate and donate. Come and enjoy a morning of fellowship and giving to your neighbors in need. If you are not able to walk in the event, you can still participate by making a donation at  

Help the Green Team Advocation for Clean Water

The Sunday small group study of A Hopeful Earth last month focused on caring for God’s earth and all its inhabitants. The study was a call to action, to DO SOMETHING about the environmental problems our world faces. To that end, the Green Team has voted to ask the congregation to donate $1 each time they use a plastic, single-use water bottle, or random donations in any amount, to help fund a share in a solar-powered well to bring clean, life-sustaining water to a community in need. Through Heifer International we can help support a well’s construction for $750. A jar has been set up on the Harvest Table to receive donations.  This is not just a green initiative; it is a social justice action. People need access to clean drinking water to prevent disease and economic hardship. WE CAN HELP!!

Dinners of 8 - Fun for Singles and Couples

Would you like to have some social time to fellowship with others in the church and get to know new people? Join the Dinners of 8 and be in a rotation where you take turns hosting a meal - but not cooking all the food! Each family (single or couple) that comes will bring part of the meal. Dinners are hosted quarterly with different groupings of people each time. Schedules are coordinated by the small group meeting for dinner.

Email Susan Hughes if you are interested or want more information.  Come and join the fun!

Happy Birthday to YOU!

August Birthday List

Prayer Requests / Prayer List

If you have a prayer request OR would like to be added to the prayer email distribution list, please email  Thank you! 

August 2 Prayer List

List of Military Persons and Law Enforcement July 2022

Thank you for your ministry of prayer!

EvANGELism Cards
Encouragement and other occasion cards available for your use!
Send an e-Card
Bethlehem UMC Calendar
  • Tuesday, August 2, 7:00, Trustees Zoom
  • Monday, August 8, 12:00 - 6:00 pm, Red Cross Blood Drive
Class Schedule
  • Sundays, 9:45 am, 1 Corinthians Study, Room 112
Recurring Events
  • Sundays 8:30 and 11:00 am In-Person Worship
  • Sundays after 1:00 pm or anytime Worship via YouTube
  • Tuesdays 10:30 am Prayer Time Zoom - Email for link
  • Thursdays 9:00 am Upper Room at My Way Bakery, Moneta
Thank you for your online giving!

Contact our Staff:

Church office 540-297-7957
Youtube  Facebook