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Emergency Rental Assistance Program Application is now open for Most of Long Island.

The federal government has allocated over $2 billion to help New Yorkers who are struggling with rental or utility arrears as a result of the pandemic. Residents of Hempstead should apply by 5 pm July 23! Tenants and landlords from across Long Island can learn more about the program and get help applying this evening at the Brentwood Public Library.

Read on for more information and to register.

Find Out Where to Apply

Waitlist for Nassau County's Housing Choice Voucher and Project-Based Voucher Program (Section 8) is now open!

Section 8 Vouchers provide a subsidy to help low-income renters afford safe, decent housing.

Waitlist application will close on July 2, 2021, at 4:45 pm.

Learn more about Nassau's Housing Choice Voucher Program

Programs for General Audience

Brentwood Library Housing Information Fair

In-Person Event

Many people are experiencing housing problems because of the pandemic. Come meet with an attorney, law student, or housing counselor to learn more about emergency relief programs and your legal rights as a landlord, tenant, or homeowner. Get help submitting an emergency rental assistance application.

Learn about:

- Emergency Rental Assistance (also called ERAP or ERA)

- Other emergency assistance programs

- Eviction

- Foreclosure

* Today, June 22, 5:00-7:00 pm *


Veterans Rights

Presented by NSLS Veterans Rights Project in Partnership with the Massapequa Public Library

Benefits and services from the Veterans Administration are critical for many who served in our armed forces.

Join us to learn about how to overcome common obstacles to accessing Veterans Administration services, including upgrading discharge status.

The presentation will also cover legal issues affecting Long Island Veterans as a result of the pandemic. 

June 24, 2:00 pm


Homeowners Rights During The Pandemic

Presented by NSLS Foreclosure Prevention Project in Partnership with the Copiague Memorial Public Library

Many homeowners are struggling to pay their housing expenses because of the pandemic. Come learn about homeowners' rights and options from Nassau Suffolk Law Services' Foreclosure Unit.

Topics discussed will include options for working with your lender and the foreclosure process, including:

- Forbearance; 

- Repayment plans;

- Loan modifications;

- The foreclosure process;

- Homeowner assistance programs.

July 21, 6:00 pm


Legal Support Center for Advocates Presentation

Preparing for the End of the Moratorium

Presented by NSLS Senior Staff Attorney Marissa Luchs Kindler

Since the beginning of the pandemic, New Yorkers facing financial hardship have largely been shielded from eviction. The New York State Covid-19 Emergency Eviction and Foreclosure Prevention Act moratorium is scheduled to end on August 31, 2021. This presentation will prepare advocates to work with clients facing eviction, including an explanation of new legal protections created during the pandemic and available sources of assistance.

Register Here

Wednesday, August 18, 2021 at 1 pm

Upcoming SCBA Pro Bono Foundation CLEs

There's still time to participate in the final session of the Suffolk County Bar Association Matrimonial Boot Camp. The Boot Camp is designed to provide attorneys new to matrimonial law the skills they need to take on a pro bono case and to enable experienced practitioners to perfect their skills. Each session is a stand-alone CLE and recordings are available for those who missed the first sessions.

Income and Tax, Return/Appraisals, Real Estate Appraisals, QDROs, and Discovery

June 28, 4:30 - 6:30 pm

Download Flyer and Registration Form

Donate Your Time, Talent, or Treasure to Support Neighbors in Need

Compassionate attorneys and other volunteers are needed to assist people with limited resources who are facing legal challenges on their own.

For more information about becoming a Pro Bono Attorney or NSLS Volunteer, please contact:

  • Carolyn McQuade: (631) 232-2400, ext. 3325,
  • Susan Biller: (516) 292-8100, ext. 3136,

To help people facing eviction, please contact:

  • Michele Fischetti: (631) 232-2400, ext. 3362,
  • Roberta Scoll: (516) 292-8100, ext. 3115,
Support our Spring Campaign
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