First Quarterly from the
Ziraat Council
Dearest extended family and relations,
It is with great joy and hope that we launch the first issue of Fana-fi-Gaia, a simple and, we hope, powerful vehicle for the Ziraat Council of the Sufi Ruhaniat International to urge and support all of us in the deepening of our realization of interdependence and interbeing. May we all come to know ourselves as cells in the wider, bigger organism that is Gaia.
Each edition will be hosted by a member of the Ziraat Council. Each newsletter will include a section from the Ziraat Reader, a recommended place to visit on our Ruhaniat Ziraat webpage , resources that look at current understandings and solutions to the planetary crisis (Keeping Up), and a recommended practice.
What if…....Organic Life is God?
What if…....Our Soul is an Emergent Property of Life?
What if…….Planet Earth is a vehicle for the incarnation of Allah?
Big Hug,
Arjun, on behalf of the Ziraat Council
Excerpts from Ziraat Reader
"Reality as it continually manifests is impermanent, relative existence. In other words, we can uncover Divinity, our very Being, through seeing the face of God shining as the beauty of Nature. We illuminate our experience of Self, of God, through understanding the Essence in the rhythms and manifestations of Nature. This is Ziraat.”
– Moineddin Jablonski (1997)
Now I have laid bare,
Taken your medicine
In the white foam
Of your thundering river
Now I have become You
Now I have been blessed
Now replenished I go
Into the unknown
On my way home
On my way home.
Red-tailed Hawk © Pir Shabda Kahn
One of the best and latest deepenings into the trauma roots of climate change, this video moves from an external approach toward the very core of our paradigm and collective traumas. With Bayo Akomolafe, Eriel Tchekwie Deranger, Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq & Dr. Gabor Maté.
This is a state-of-the-art science in understanding the specific planetary systems at stake right now. Check the 2 minutes trailer of the 75-minute film to discover the planetary thresholds we must not exceed, not just for the stability of our planet, but for the future of humanity. It offers up the solutions we can and must put in place now if we are to protect Earth’s life support systems.
MINI CEREMONY: First step, find the perfect moment to write a poem to Gaia, in it tell her what you love most from her and what you are most grateful for, tell her your aspirations and wishes in relationship with her, and don't forget to include what is most painful to you in relationship with her and what you’re most sorry for.
Once you have it, find the perfect moment (could be just after writing or some days after in a field trip) to create an outdoors altar with the presence and representation of the elements, light a candle, burn some incense, make an opening prayer and/or song, read your poem, burn you paper as an act of detachment and letting go, practice in that very moment FANA fi GAIA, dissolve in her, let go of the paradigms and patterns which are still living in us and are part of the cancer of the world, allow yourself to fall into her arms, put your head in the ground and seek her refuge. Bless the moment, thank her and the Great Spirit, leave a gift (bury a crystal, place a bracelet on a tree, be creative) and close with a heart felt AHO METAKUYASIN (so be it with/for all our relations with the fabric of existence).