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 Featured Annual

Purple flowers bloom continuously on this heat tolerant Angelonia. A compact, full plant that is very well branched and needs no pinching. Will grow to 10-12 inches tall and 12-14 inches wide.
 Its brilliant yellow foliage is a show stopper! In spring, clusters of pink blooms begin to emerge. This deciduous shrub reaches 18-24 inches tall and 2 feet wide.
We carry many shade loving hosta varieties at our locations - it's too hard to pick a favorite! If you struggle to find plants that thrive in shady environments, a hosta will do perfectly! 
  • Plant your container, ball & burlap (B&B) trees, shrubs and perennials! Don't forget to use Marcum's Redbud Compost with root stimulator for best results.
  • Mulch around your plants to aid in moisture control as summer quickly approaches.
  • Apply Natural Guard Spinosad or Natural Guard Catepillar Killer Spray with BT for early sightings of bag worms and tent catepillars. Hi-Yield 38 Plus or Hi-Yield Malathion are recommended if heavy infestations have formed.   
  • Soak new transplants and newly planted trees unless rainfall is abundant. See Marcum's Nursery watering guidelines for details.
  • The second application of pre-emergent can be applied in May to early-June depending upon timing of first application. 
  • Nut sedge plants become visible during May. Post-emergent treatments are best applied for the first time this month. Make certain warm-season grasses have completed green-up. Sedgehammer is the recommended product for nut sedge control.
  • Dollar spot disease can first become visible on lawns in mid-May. Apply ferti-lome Liquid Systemic Fungicide or ferti-lome F-Stop. Make sure fertilizer applications have been adequately applied before applying a fungicide.
  • Fertilize warm-season lawns with B. R.'s lawn tonic (28-6-12) or Nitro Green (31-0-0) in May.
  • Fertilize cool-season lawns with Marcum's 18-6-12 fertilizer if you did NOT fertilize in March and April.
  • Seed warm-season grasses (Bermuda and Zoysia) in mid-May through the end of June.
  • In mid-May, treat for pine needle diseases with copper fungicide.
  • Set out your annual bedding plants for summer color.
  • Apply Hi-Yield's Grub Free Zone II to control short tailed crickets.


Average May Rainfall 
6.77 inches
Rain Received Last Month
7.03 inches

Average May Rainfall 
5.96 inches
Rain Received Last Month
6.7 inches

2" Soil Temperature

81 deg F

81 deg F

NOTE: Fescue can be seeded once daytime temperatures are  consistently 
60 - 75 degrees or when soil temperatures reach 50 - 65 degrees.

Information Courtesy of
Rainbow Vegetables
Learn about how plants absorb water and the process of osmosis 

You'll need:
leafs of lettuce or celery
jars or cups
food coloring

1. Take the fresh lettuce or celery and cut about 1/4 inch off of the bottom.
2. Put about 8 ounces of water into each jar and color with 3-4 drops of food dye.
3. Place your lettuce or celery into the water and watch how they change. Slight changes should be seen after a few hours. more dramatic changes will be seen overnight and into 48 hours. 
Visit our friends, From Seed to Spoon!
Their app makes planning your garden a breeze, even for beginners!
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Goldsby Location | 405-288-2368 | 169 N Main Ave
OKC Location | 405-691-9100  | 2121 SW 119th
Norman Location | 405-447-3100 | 17550 S Sooner Rd
Ardmore Location | 580-223-1846 | 25 S Rockford Rd

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