Volume 11, Issue 15 | Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Throughout this publication, you will see the following color-coded dots accompanying each article. They represent which strategic goal the article addresses.

• Focusing on Learning • Connecting the Community • Securing the Future

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District 58 Citizen Task Force reviews future facility opportunities
The District 58 Citizen Task Force -- a group of 40 representative community members -- met on Monday, March 2 to continue reviewing possible solutions to District 58's capital facility needs. The District's architect presented six potential facility improvement opportunities, along with an itemized list of costs. The task force worked in small groups to assess the different options and either recommended a specific opportunity, or an a la carte option. The Board will review the task force's recommendations and consider next steps during a special Board meeting Thursday.

Visit District 58's Facility Planning webpage to view all March 2 meeting materials, including the agenda, presentation and summary of facility opportunities.
A look back at February professional learning in District 58
District 58 is proud to offer its teachers professional learning every Monday from 2:15-3:45 p.m. On these days, teachers rotate among teacher-led, building-led and district-led learning experiences.

Monday, Feb. 3 was a teacher-led day. Teachers designed their own professional learning experiences. For example, many teachers partnered up with grade-level teaching partners from other schools to share best practices and pedagogical approaches related to specific topics, such as instructional strategies, technology integration, curricular resources, assessment strategies and more.

Monday, Feb. 10 was a district-led day. The District offered targeted learning experiences for teachers, depending on the grade level or subject area they teach. For example, primary teachers participated in Zones of Regulation training while intermediate teachers explored the new Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) teacher prep site, learning methods to provide targeted support to students in their daily learning and assessment that align with IAR.

Monday, Feb. 24 was a building-led day, during which principals organized professional learning experiences designed for their teachers and staff. While each agenda differed slightly, many schools provided staff with "Discipline with Dignity" training. "Discipline with Dignity" is a student behavior management approach that supports interventions and strategies that help students make better choices. Middle school teachers focused on assessment practices, discussing classroom practice as well as specific experiences aligned to the upcoming Illinois Assessment of Readiness.

Friday, Feb. 28 was the countywide Teacher Institute Day. Grade K-8 teachers who teach math received specific training on the newly-adopted math curricular resources, which will be fully implemented in fall 2020. All other teachers participated in off-site professional learning experiences provided through the Regional Office of Education.
May the books be in your favor:
The Reading Games is a success!
The Seventh Annual Reading Games was a big success!! District 58 thanks everyone who made The Reading Games run so smoothly, especially the PTA's Reading Games Planning Committee, the Education Foundation of Downers Grove District 58 and all of the volunteers, parents and students for their hard work!!
Curriculum Workshop features interactive review of five curricular areas
The Feb. 24 Curriculum Workshop featured a hands-on rotation of five curricular mini-workshops: elementary math preview, elementary English-language arts, elementary physical education/fitness; middle school science; and middle school social-emotional learning.

View the Board Briefs to learn more. Note: on March 2 we made minor revisions to the science section to correct the presenter's name and update scientific terminology.

Attached photo shows Science/PE Teacher Brad Burgess and Board Member Steve Olczyk conducting an actual experiment middle school students completed in September.
Board will hold special meeting March 5
The District 58 School Board will hold a special meeting on Thursday, March 5 at 6 p.m. at the Administrative Service Center, 1860 63rd St. The meeting will begin with a closed session. Afterward, the meeting will reopen to the public.

The Board will discuss three topics: recommendations from the Citizen Task Force's March 2 meeting; the future of District 58's administrative centers (the ASC and Longfellow); and a potential partnership with the Village of Downers Grove for an administrative center. View the agenda.
Looking ahead at the March 9 meeting
The School Board will hold a regular business meeting on Monday, March 9 at 7 p.m. at Downers Grove Village Hall. The meeting will feature a flag salute/presentation by Herrick, a spotlight on the District's Social-Emotional Learning curricular audit, and a vote to revise the 2020-21 calendar to continue the 2 p.m. Monday early release for staff professional learning. The Board agenda will be published on BoardDocs on Friday, March 6 in the afternoon.
Kindergarten roundups start this month!
Will your child attend kindergarten in District 58 next school year? Do you know someone -- a friend or a neighbor -- whose child will be in kindergarten? Please attend (or encourage your friend/neighbor) to attend kindergarten roundup! These orientation events take place in March and April. View the kindergarten roundup schedule. View District 58's kindergarten resource guide.
District 58 opens summer school and ESY registration

Parents will receive an email later this week with information on the District's Summer School and Extended School Year programs! Registration will be open through Friday. April 17.
Nominate a staff member for a Distinguished Service Award!

The Education Foundation invites parents, students and staff to nominate an exceptional District 58 staff member for a Distinguished Service Award, now through March 10 .
Coronavirus information for the District 58 community

Superintendent Dr. Kevin Russell shared the Illinois Department of Public Health's guidance for schools regarding coronavirus in a districtwide email on March 2.

Three District 58 projects advance to Regional Science Fair
District 58 congratulates the three middle school students whose Science Fair projects will advance to the Regional Science Fair. The regional fair will take place Saturday, March 7 at North Central College in Naperville. Congratulations and best of luck to students advancing to the regionals:

* Caralyn Fleming, Herrick eighth grader: "How do the ingredients in a bioplastic affect its ultimate tensile strength?"

* Trent Heinz, Herrick seventh grader: “Are flushable wipes really flushable?”

* Alessio LoBello, O’Neill seventh grader: “What is the best readily available cleaning product for ink stains?”
Fairmount students are reading the book, "Humphrey," for their One School One Book project. As part of One School One Book, the Fairmount Student Council raised $686.39 to support the Australian Wildlife Rescue Organisation and the animals affected by the Australian bushfires. Way to go!
Kingsley students in grades 1-6 received Apple accessibility training by Kingsley staff members who serve on the District's Assistive Technology Committee. Students learned about the different iPad features available that help make learning a little easier for everyone, but especially for students with special needs.
Grove Children's Preschool students in Mrs. Probst's class learned about healthy foods for their bodies. They learned the difference among "go foods, slow foods and whoa! foods" and selected favorites from each category. They also incorporated fruit and veggie art projects, fruit tastings, and food measurements into the project!
El Sierra fifth graders learned about flying, geography and science from Mr. Jones, an El Sierra parents who serves as the school's Southwest Airlines pilot via the Adopt-a-Pilot program!
Superintendent Dr. Kevin Russell kicked off Read Across America Week by visiting Indian Trail third graders and reading with them.
Hillcrest first graders learned about political systems and the voting process. They practiced by voting for the presidential candidates, Duck and Farmer Brown, from the book, "Duck for President!"
Highland first graders incorporated different types of creative technology to create digital media with green screens!
Henry Puffer kindergarteners had fun exercising and learning how to wash their hands properly to they can keep their bodies healthy!
The Pierce Downer PTA hosted a Sweetheart Dance for girls and their father, grandfather or other special guy. The kids (and grown-ups!) had a blast!
Superintendent Dr. Russell surprised Lester third graders in Mrs. Beard's class when he visited to read and chat with the class!
Belle Aire sixth graders did a great job debating how the Trojan War began with their peers!
After these Whittier students learned about words with the "ar" sound, they celebrated with a pirate "ARgh!" project!
Thursday, March 5
6 p.m.: Special Board Meeting at the ASC

Friday, March 6
7 a.m.: Financial Advisory Committee Meeting at the ASC

Sunday, March 8
Daylight savings time starts

Monday, March 9
7 p.m.: Regular Board Meeting at Village Hall

Tuesday, March 10
9 a.m.: Kindergarten Roundup at El Sierra

Wednesday, March 11
DLM state testing window opens (DLM is an assessment for students with cognitive disabilities)

Friday, March 13
2 p.m.: Kindergarten Roundup at Lester

Tuesday, March 17
Election Day
7 a.m.: Board Policy Committee at the ASC

Wednesday, March 18
7-8:30 p.m.: Festival of Music at DGN

Friday, March 20
12:40 p.m.: Kindergarten Roundup at Belle Aire
1:30 p.m.: Kindergarten Roundup at Fairmount
Downers Grove Grade School District 58, 1860 63rd St., Downers Grove, IL 60516
Community Relations Office: 630-719-5805 I |