May 14, 2020
Devotional Podcasts

Interview Podcast
Ella Viertel

Ella with her mom and day (Dave and Julie)

Daily Update

We are saddened to announce the death of Norma Grisamore, longtime member of Mattoon First United Methodist Church.

Norma had been ill and struggled with many health problems the past several years.  She recently had a stroke and passed away yesterday a little after noon at Sarah Bush hospital.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions we will hold her funeral at Dodge Cemetery next Friday at 1 p.m., with Ron Dickinson and myself presiding.


The moving dates for the pastoral transition have been planned as follows:

June 10:  Smiths move out of the parsonage
June 16:  Krosts move in

Starting on June 10, my remaining vacation will take me through to the end of the month.  Todd Krost will officially become the new pastor of First United Methodist Church on July 1, 2020.  Jordan Thomas will provide pastoral leadership in the 20 day interim period.

Life Goes On

There are so many things we are supposed to do tomorrow that I got worn out just reading through the list. I know that it is wrong to just coast into retirement, but you'll have to forgive me if I take a pass on all this stuff for tomorrow.  Here are the special observances for Friday, May 15:

  • Chocolate Chip Day (okay, I might sneak one or two)
  • Bike to Work Day (okay, a bike ride sounds good, but maybe just around town and not to work)
  • Bring Flowers to Someone (do the flowers I got Jie for Mother's Day count?)
  • World Facilities Management Day (what?)
  • Shades Day (I have an eye injection again tomorrow, so I'll probably wear my shades, even if it is shady out)
  • Nylon Stockings Day (not going to do it)
  • Virtual Assistant's Day (I'm not going to do anything for it unless my Virtual Assistant initiates it)
  • Pizza Party (no parties these days...and can't eat a whole pizza by myself)
  • Endangered Species Day (okay...I'm all for respecting the planet and the life on it that we were given stewardship for)