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Your Memoir, the Way You Want It

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57 Projects in 3 Years, and Counting!

recently worked with our publishing intern, Emma Solis, to tally all of the projects our company has handled since my husband, Sean, and I purchased Modern Memoirs in July 2019. I knew we’d been busy, but when I saw three years of work boiled down into hard numbers, I was honestly surprised at the impressive grand total of fifty-seven projects (many of which are pictured above in the header photo).

I am very pleased and proud to share an overview below, which includes current works-in-progress:

  • 6 Commissioned Memoirs, or interview-based manuscripts

  • 32 Assisted Projects, including memoirs, family histories, tribute books, and celebration books based on clients’ original writings

  • 10 Poetry, Art, and Essay Collections

  • 9 Small Projects (advance obituaries, pre-press services only, reprints, etc.)

There’s no doubt in my mind that the extra time at home that many people have had throughout the pandemic contributed to the number of projects we’ve been fortunate to work on. The emotional impact of recent years’ events has also prompted many people to take stock of their lives and to reflect on what they value most. 

If those thoughts resonate with you, I hope you will reach out to become one of the next 57 clients we engage in the coming years.

Megan St. Marie


Left to right: Kitty Axelson-Berry, Megan St. Marie, Sean St. Marie, and Ali de Groot toast the St. Maries' purchase of Modern Memoirs, July 16, 2019

This month marks the third anniversary of Megan and Sean St. Marie’s purchase of Modern Memoirs from company founder, Kitty Axelson-Berry. Since then, we’ve launched this monthly newsletter, made nine corporate gifts to seven organizations, moved to new offices, expanded the staff to include a genealogist and a book designer, hired fifteen freelancers, welcomed two interns from Smith College, and worked on fifty-seven client projects. 

We have big dreams for continued growth and new ventures, and we are immensely grateful to all who’ve cheered us on along the way.

For a peek back at some local press coverage of the sale of the business in 2019, click the link below:

Read more here


Featured Blog Posts by Our Staff

An Ambiguous, Thoughtful, Quirky Little Guy:

The Story Behind

the Modern Memoirs Logo

by Publishing Intern

Emma Solis

Read Here

July in Vermont

by Director of Publishing

Ali de Groot

Read Here

Reflections from

Modern Memoirs Client

Roland Parent

by Genealogist

Liz Sonnenberg

Read Here

Proud Members of the MALGBT Chamber of Commerce

We were pleased to be featured by the Massachusetts LGBT Chamber of Commerce this month as a part of their #MemberMonday social media campaign. Click on the image above, which the Chamber created for their promotion, to learn more about this organization and how it helps businesses throughout the Commonwealth thrive. 

View All Services

July Question: Inspired by Ali de Groot’s blog post about her “Big Mama,” what are some special names for grandparents or other elders in your family?

Write Your Response Here

Staff responses

Megan St. Marie: My children call my mother “Linney” (short for Linda) because she felt too young for anything like “Grandma” when she first became a grandmother in her early 40s.

Sean St. Marie: Once she became a grandmother, my Irish-American mom was “Nana” to everyone in the family.

Ali de Groot: “Gunga” was my toddlers’ attempt at saying “Virginia” in Spanish, for their beloved aunt. We still call her Gunga.

Liz Sonnenberg: My maternal grandmother’s full name was Florence Estelle (Patch) Ahlers, but she went by her middle name, which means “star.” Her children and grandchildren called her “Mom” and “Grandma,” but other people called her “Stell,” and she really was a light in our lives.

Nicole Miller: When my daughter began to speak, she pronounced my sister Steph’s name as “Stuff.” She will forever be “Auntie Stuff” to us.

Emma Solis: We call one set of grandparents “Grandpa and Grandma” and the other “Abuelo and Abuela,” or “the Abuelos.” If we called both sets “abuelos” like my mom did for her grandparents, we’d follow the convention of adding on the first name or nickname; for instance, my great-grandparents are “Abuelo Pepe” and “Abuela Calela.”

Memory Lane Stroll

We’d love to hear your brief personal reflections on the question of the month (at left). Write your response for a chance to be featured in the next edition of our e-newsletter!


Response to our June question: What is your favorite flower and why?

“Sunflower. I love its sunny outlook in our troubled world!”

—Hilde Adler


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