There is no question that change has to occur in our nation when it comes to racism, and the recent death of another African-American reminds us once again that we must continue to do our part in seeking justice by protesting peacefully, voting, praying for our nation and speaking out in whatever voice God has given us to help bring an end to racism.  Yet that doesn't seem to be enough, for history has shown that even when we vote, pray an d protest, racism continues to be alive and well in our nation. So where, in my opinion, does change really need to start?

In Matthew 25:17-20, Jesus stated that it was "from the heart that came evil thoughts, murder, adultery, all sexual immorality, theft, lying and slander." He encouraged the Pharisees who were concerned about whether they would defile themselves if they ate before washing their hands not to be so much concerned about what they ate, because it would pass through their stomach and out of their body, but to be more concerned with what they put into their hearts and minds, because it was from the heart and mind that defilement occurred.

While we focus today on making the changes from without regarding racism in our world, I believe it's important to heed the words Jesus shared with the Pharisees - that change has to also come from within. A change within our hearts that we are going to love each other as Jesus loved us; a change within our minds to see and view everyone as a child of God, worthy to be treated with equality and respect, and a change within our souls to accept Jesus Christ as lord and savior so we have the inner power to live our lives as representatives for Him.

Want to make a difference in ending racism today? Then start not only from without, but within.

Sharing my perspective,


Jeaninne Stokes is a Christian author, speaker and Bible-teacher, and writes to inspire and equip others as they seek to live a life of faith in every arena of their lives. She also enjoys helping aspiring writers answer the call to write for faith-based publication and offers training, coaching and consulting services to help them write reach their writing and publication goals. To learn more about her ministries and to join her mailing list, visit her at   
Copyright 2020  Jeaninne Johnson Stokes.  All rights reserved.